[b]The Factory Womb of God, a Migrant fleet colonized nebula, in orbit around the core of a white dwarf star[/b] The Migrant fleet had been in this space for almost 100 years, one of the first stars surveyed after entering this part of the galaxy through a wormhole. Industrialization of the system was going smoothly, The ancient star that exploded so long ago had a planetary system, any life they once had stripped away by an ancient nova, resources up for the taking. Migrant fleet drones were dismantling the ancient planets repurposing the materials for The fleets own interests. Millions of satellites orbited the bright corpse star fulfilling a variety of purposes, each one absorbing massive amounts of solar energy, every day hundreds of satellites were placed in orbit around the tiny earth sized dwarf, expirimental gravitic drives kept the closer satellites from falling into the massive gravity well. Scientists from various races were gathered on a planetoid that at this point looked more like a giant space factory., various industrial machines Mining the precious materials from the planet as freight drones shipped them to where they were needed. 3 next generation starships ready for activation. Each ship represented the next step in evolution, an adaptation to escape the predator that was the Enemy. those that did not adapt to the situation went extinct, a lesson from the ancient homeworlds. The first ship was a frigate with worker drones crawling across its armored carapace linking new weapons to its nervous system. The Crew of the [i]Prominence[/i] thought back to the start of the program, when they decided to take this new radical path, it thought back one year ago. The Councilor of the ship adressed the crew "300 years ago, the prominence launched from Kapikra shipyards With a mission, to protect the Technocracy our civilization, our friends, our Family. I have served as the crew councilor for Over a century and I must say...I could not ask for a better crew, We have all decided after the loss of so many worlds that we must take the next step, We are explorers as much as we are soldiers. The next frontier has arrived and we must cross it for the Migrant fleet for our civilization, for our friends, for our family, for our children." The crew underwent surgery to integrate themselves with the ships system becoming a collective entity, each crewmember a part of the larger whole. In the dock the friends of the crew watched the construction of the crew's new body, For some this was sollemn, for some this was exitement but for all it was bittersweet. The friends they knew would be forever changed by the integration into a new form of life. "I love you" one of them muttered. The Starship's sensors picked up the sound and it thought about it for a second before turning one of its visual sensors towards to source and the crew sent back an email "We fight for you, We remember you, We will not forget why we are here, We remember our nights on the Grazing Hearth...even as a collective we remember that. I am still in here, We all are, It hurts to be away for so long. We keep the mementos of the times we had together." The Prominence was still Kia. Each of the ships in the docks was different, The next one was another Kia, this time a single artificial Kia mind in a battleship body, it was young and still confused adressing the psychiatric teams working with its neural network as family, which the Psychiatric teams returned. The next one was based on a H't'tk, a mining ship, it was not ready to launch as it seemed to focus more on running itself rather than doing any kind of mission, the outside world was uninteresting to it, it spent most of its time optimizing its systems and trading resources with itself. The leviathan Chakitox orbited the factory "Welcome Children, To the Migrant fleet" it transmitted.