[img]http://orig08.deviantart.net/d396/f/2016/222/6/c/ss_part_25_by_aaronmk-daddkau.jpg[/img] The tributes narrow themselves down. Realizing he's now so alone, Chevy Chase cries himself to sleep over this fact. Meanwhile: Quibbles spears Hitler in the gut, adding another name to his already long list of kills. [img]http://orig12.deviantart.net/072c/f/2016/222/f/b/ss_part_26_by_aaronmk-daddkb3.jpg[/img] Day breaks and Aquaman flexes out of the arena, never to be seen. Chevy Chase tries to cope with his loneliness by writing long RP posts while quibbles asks for death from Clocktower. Clocktower refuses. [img]http://orig10.deviantart.net/e75b/f/2016/222/7/2/ss_part_27_by_aaronmk-daddkbo.jpg[/img] We have one day to go, but I can post that later.