[hr][hr][center][h1][color=#00ff00]Jack Hudson[/color][/h1][img]http://67.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m5tz8tDRP11qdj3cfo1_500.gif[/img][/center][hr][center]Location: The Mess Hall --> Building F[/center][hr][hr]While Tatiana was picking away at her food, Jack was doing what almost every human male had a natural talent in: stuffing his face. Thankfully, he had the decency to chew with his mouth closed, stuffing the provided food into his mouth as quickly as he could. He hardly left time for himself to breathe, his stomach angrily ordering him to eat as much as he could, and Jack being all too willing to oblige. His cheeks puffed up almost like a squirrel, he grinned goofily at Tatiana. [color=00ff00]"Ihon stomach,"[/color] Jack explained, after swallowing thickly. He poked at his own stomach to accentuate the point. Glancing down at his tray to continue shoveling food into his mouth, Jack sighed a bit, realizing he'd eaten all of it. Perhaps next time, he'd try to savor it a little more... Holding Tatiana's hand, he walked with Miss Sally and her out of the mess hall, continuing to look around in amazement. He was like a puppy dog almost, excited to see all of the new things, to see people that weren't trying to kill him or bite him. Once Miss Sally took out the keys and unlocked the building, his eyes widened. [color=00ff00]"You mean....we live in a....house?"[/color] Jack asked, his eyes wide. [color=00ff00]"Wicked, wicked cool."[/color] Glancing around the former office, a slight tear of happiness trailed down Jack's face. He was genuinely chuffed. Pulling Tatiana into a hug, he changed his mind partially, picking her up and spinning her around in his arms. [color=00ff00]"Yeah...Yeah, we ahe."[/color] [hr][hr][center][h1][color=#cc6699]Édouard Riviere[/color][/h1][img]http://65.media.tumblr.com/e9a3204d917a908def8ddca5b5290bf1/tumblr_mj6mf9dOK11rqrzswo1_500.gif[/img][/center][hr][center]Location: Flower Importers of Georgia Arnco Mills, Georgia[/center][hr][hr]Édouard grinned as the rapier went cleanly through the walker, preventing it from taking a bite of his gorgeous face. Turning around as if searching for the studio audience to applaud, Édouard took a bit of a bow, yanking on his rapier from behind, all designed to add to the dramatic effect. Instead, however, it remained firmly lodged in the skull. [color=cc6699]"Donne-moi ma rapière!"[/color] Édouard commanded, crossing his hands at the beast. Nothing happened, as alas, the walker was dead. Narrowing his eyes at it, Édouard spat at its feet, and began to tug on his sword. The sword slid out, and a smug grin appeared on his face. [color=cc6699]"Hourra!"[/color] Édouard cheered, only to hear the rope snap. His eyes widened as the walker fell forward, knocking him onto the porch with it. The stench of death enveloped him, and he flailed like a fish, desperate to get it off of him. Rolling over to his side, he yelped like a little girl, kicking and shouting at the corpse to stay back. It, of course, remained limp on the porch. Covered in sweat and some gifts from the walker, Édouard gave himself a good sniff. [color=cc6699]"Ça pue!"[/color] Édouard whined. [color=cc6699]"Je me sens comme une vache qui est morte...FÉLIIIIIIIIIX! JE VEUX PRENDRE UN BAIN! FÉLIIIIIIIIIIX!"[/color] Pounding his fists on the porch, Édouard wept over his stench, and the lack of his help. Perhaps he shouldn't have left Félix to die after all. [color=cc6699]"Personne ne m'aime...."[/color] Édouard croaked, done with his screaming fit. [hider=Translations]Donne-moi ma rapière! = Give me my rapier! Hourra! = Huzzah! Ça pue! = That stinks! Je me sens comme une vache qui est morte...FÉLIIIIIIIIIX! JE VEUX PRENDRE UN BAIN! FÉLIIIIIIIIIIX! = I smell like a dead cow... FELIIIIIIIIX! I WANT TO TAKE A BATH! FEEEEEEEELIX! Personne ne m'aime.... = Nobody loves me...[/hider]