[center][h2][color=turquoise]A World Rent Asunder[/color][/h2][/center] [center]Art shamelessly taken from http://ned-rogers.deviantart.com/[/center] [img]http://pre06.deviantart.net/9a6e/th/pre/i/2015/196/7/1/seriously_frank__by_ned_rogers-d91d5vw.jpg[/img] 2211 was the year that the second moon of the gas giant, [i]Cavelier[/i], was colonised in a joint Franco-American venture. Their colony ship had travelled for many years to arrive in the system. The young people who started the journey from Sol were elderly by they time they'd reached orbit of Cavelier. Though when they made landfall, their descendants named it [i]Louisiana[/i]. The years were harsh, prior to them building the connector station between they solar system and Sol. Native mollusc beings harassed their efforts and the storm prone environment battered they settlements. [img]http://pre10.deviantart.net/2b74/th/pre/i/2016/040/7/d/cosmos___dawn_launch_by_ned_rogers-d9r6tsb.jpg[/img] Soon though, Louisiana became an old friend of prosperity once the connector station was finished. With economic backing from the powers in the Sol-system, the colonists pushed the natives into reservations off the main continent and weather stations were built to alter the weather in their favour. For a good century, the colony boomed and the population soared in the various metropolises that peeled across the colony. For a colony on the edge of known space, they were competing with the powerhouse core worlds for many decades. There was however, forces conspiring against the colony, both from within and without. [img]http://pre06.deviantart.net/2c4e/th/pre/i/2016/199/4/b/cosmos___tower_by_ned_rogers-daahg43.jpg[/img] Human space beyond the connector station was unravelling at the seams. Conflicts on Earth and IN the Sol system were starting to involve other systems. Colonies on the edge of known space were starting to collapse on themselves and economies were taking nose dives. The once steady convoys and routes that flowed through the connector station were drying up. On Louisiana, the colonial republic was regarded more as a joke with every bill passed and with every election counted. Voter dissatisfaction and apathy was driving people away from democracy. While also driving loyal believers of democracy to radicalise in defence of their republic. Political, economic and celebrity dynasties were becoming more and more like aristocrats, who pushed and prodded the government in their favour. While pressure groups became political parties vying for the growing radical vote. Then Louisiana became divided on views on a sign issue. Accident? Attack? or Sabotage? [img]http://pre12.deviantart.net/7fe4/th/pre/i/2016/181/b/7/cosmos___muckscrubbers_by_ned_rogers-da8axvi.jpg[/img] The connector station was destroyed. In a midst of a flurry of communications packages and unexpected incoming shipping. The media of Louisiana was promoting various angles on the incident. Most called it an accident, a near derelict station with a skeleton crew being replaced with mechanoids, it was bound to happen. After analysing the communications however, some argued that a detonation took place. Prior to an invasion by nearby systems to seize Louisiana's wealth and people. Then there are the stories of sabotage, committed by powers on Louisiana to enable a coup d'état or open the colony to civil war. Regardless, the Louisiana was cut off from the rest of human space. With no way of reaching out to the rest of the colonies and too embroiled with their own problems to send help that would take decades to reach them. Investigations were launched by the colonial republic, though ultimately they hadn't be able to find any tangible evidence before other matters presented themselves. [img]http://pre11.deviantart.net/4dc7/th/pre/i/2015/179/2/9/gate_17_by_ned_rogers-d8z6h1c.jpg[/img] Panic quickly manifested into anarchy, riots that lasted for days and weeks, police forces across the colony either collapsing or dissolving under the pressure. Problems such as famine and diseases long forgotten, now sprung up and ejected people out of the cities and towns of Louisiana. In the mountain passes and highlands of the continental interior, groups once passively critical became actively hostile. Either out of necessity or opportunity, they all strived against the republic. As the weeks went on and the government started to buckle under the continued pressure and increasing lack of resources. The dynasties with their wealth and power began openly challenging the republic, fortifying what they owned and seizing what they needed. Soon conflict erupted for resources and fleeing civilians and the republic were caught in the middle. [img]http://img02.deviantart.net/5181/i/2016/123/4/e/cosmos___wallriders_by_ned_rogers-da150a7.jpg[/img] It was only a few months before the republic collapsed, torn apart and then all but forgotten. Then as two decades went on, settlements sprung up from amongst the wilderness that consumed the highways and cities. The weather stations that once kept the storms at bay have fallen one by one, as now great storms batter the continent and remove evidence of human dominance with every storm season. The Dynasties set themselves up as the aristocracy they imitated, dividing their land into Baronies and enforcing order and prosperity through feudal obligation and authority. The Baronies built themselves grand keeps and compounds to protect their assets and their people. While also keeping the wilderness and it's dangers out. Then you have the Survivor Clans, made up from the desperate and the cunning that escaped the cities. They survive the harsh Louisiana years by adapting to the world around them, building strong holdouts in land suitable for their needs and to capitalise on their skills. Regardless of their forms or locations, the factions that have formed are dependent only on themselves and have goals and ambitions that could span the whole of the colony. [center][hider=Map of the Louisiana Colony] [img]https://s10.postimg.org/4682c9mnr/Colony.png[/img] Link to see it more clearly https://s10.postimg.org/4682c9mnr/Colony.png[/hider][/center] [center][hider=Louisiana Info] [img]http://pre00.deviantart.net/3f41/th/pre/i/2011/066/2/f/silent_giant_by_esk6a-d3b4zmw.jpg[/img] The largest moon of the [i]Cavelier[/i], Louisiana is about half the size of Earth, though was the only remotely habitable planetoid in it's system. The other moon of the gas giant, Missouri is a moon choked with toxic gases and a thick atmosphere that made the comparatively calmer Louisiana a better place for a colony. Mostly oceanic in form, Louisiana does have numerous islands dotting in surface, from the Razor coast of the boreal northern pole to the archipelagos of the equator. [img]http://img06.deviantart.net/2c89/i/2016/160/4/e/cosmos___mk1_graveyard_by_ned_rogers-da5o87t.jpg[/img] The current Louisiana is much different from the one of twenty years past. Most of the urban centers have been overcome by flora and riddled with fauna. Most infrastructure of the republican era have been left to decay over the years, great and extensive highways of old have been reduced to dilapidated shadows of themselves. Along the coast of the continent is usually a warm, Mediterranean climate with hot summers and cool winters. Towards the interior however the climate becomes more temperate and event alpine at the top of mountain ranges and highlands. Each belt of climate is home to its own ecosystems. Abundant Earthen sea life across Louisiana's bays and coasts blend in with the native species of it's shores. While more hardy and temperate earthen animals live freely outside of the reserves and parks. Household pets have become feral and savage denizens of the ruins and wilderness. New Yellowstone is unique as it has been a reserve for the hostile native species of Louisiana. A mollusc species with humanoid features, little is known about them except that they are very hostile and have been probing the continent since the collapse of the republic. No doubt trying to find a foothold back onto the continent they had been evicted from long ago.[/hider][/center] [center][hider=Faction Sheet] Faction Name: (Rather self explanatory, though be aware that this was a Franco-American colony) Faction Flag/symbol: (Image or description is fine) Faction Type: (Either a Barony or a Survivor Clan, there's not really any difference except what the style of governance is) History: (From before the Connector station collapse right through to the present time twenty years after please) Goal: (What does your faction want to achieve, total domination? Restore the republic in their own image? Get by surviving? Colonise the wilderness? Convert the masses? What?) Territory: (Copy this link https://s10.postimg.org/4682c9mnr/Colony.png and draw on your territory, not too big though) VIPs: (Names and general descriptions of VIP's in your faction) Population: (In the lower thousands preferably) Society: (What is society like in your faction? What do they do for fun? What is the day to day like? What problems do your communities have?) Main Settlement: (A name and general description of it and the surrounding area) Food Production: (How do your people get there food? farming? ranching? Fishing?) Electricity: (How do your people get it? Do all of your people get it?) Essential Production: (What essentials do your people produce? Medicine? Blankets? Tools? etc) Specialist Production: (What do your people make that other factions might not necessarily make? Robots? Petroleum? etc) Defences: (How does your settlement defend itself? Does it have many fortifications?) Military numbers: (How many fighters you got?) Military assets: (Vehicles? artillery? how many? Be aware that Republic era Louisiana didn't have a large military presence and so SUPER BATTLE TANKS THAT TURN INTO GIANT SAMURAI ROBOTS aren't really a thing in this RP. Also most advance hardware would be rare and hard to come by. Get creative!)[/hider][/center]