Alakai rolled his eyes at the conversation. He had expected the mentality of being able to do damage to be prevalent, but to outright tell Kali she should be focusing on damage a little more... "You're wrong, she shouldn't put anything into damage if anything. Healers are rare because people want to be able to defend themselves. But that's short-sighted. In this world, in the long run, healers will become more desirable. Even more so because of how rare they are. People will start to want to do dungeons and more dangerous outdoor areas, which need proper healers. All the healers that went into damage more will only be picked as extras at that point, while full healers will be highly sought after." He gave Kali a slight smile as he looked at her. "Besides, I don't plan to leave her alone no matter what happens. We make a good team, and since I'm sticking with her she won't need to do damage." "You two are quite close, huh..." June mused, feeling slightly put down by that idea. "But we need both a healer and a tank for the dungeon anyway. Joan here went for damage, so yea... Wait, are you a tank, Alakai?" The man nodded. "I would have gone for a hybrid build, but since I have a reliable healer backing me up I decided to go full tank instead. I already have my build thought out as well." There was another reason he went full tank. As, just like in mmorpgs, tanks would most likely be more rare as well. Though not as rare as healers. And most likely just like in mmorpgs, a healer and tank duo would get picked for tougher areas and dungeons a lot more quickly. "By the way, about the dungeon...did you guys have a plan for it?" The three all went silent for a moment before Josie finally spoke up. "Well...we aren't sure about what to expect. Just that it's an underwater dungeon. We figured we'd just take it really slowly..." Alakai smirked at that. "Then, a more important question. Can you guys follow orders?" He looked at Joan specifically. "Why do you ask? Are you saying you should be the leader?" Alakai nodded. "I've done extensive research into all areas up to level 50. Besides, I have a lot of experience as raid leader in other games. I was...always 'that nerdy guy with the plan' when it came to dungeons. Alakai felt a bit ashamed of it. In the normal world he was often called a no-lifer and a nerd. Which was sadly mostly true. But he knew full well that in this fantasy world being a hardcore gamer gave him an edge. (Since they're your characters I'll leave it up to you how they respond to his question. :) )