It was a crisp morning today. Whitecross was dressed up with pumpkins, and a slew of Halloween decorations. The town square was in the process of being set up for the annual Fall Festival, for this weekend. It seemed like most of the sheriffs office had volunteered to help the town council hang the banners, and twinkling lights. Whitecross tended to go all out when it came to holidays. People bustled about setting up booths, and covering hay bales in burlap for seating. Tupper farms, donated dozens of pumpkins for the carving contest, and the Mayor was personally putting up a cash prized for the costume contest. Everyone was looking forward to the hay rides, hot apple cider, three legged race, and the high school's float parade. The local PTA were supplying most of the homemade goodies, and desserts for the cake walk. Back up at Gringore, the new student orientation had just ended. As the students filed out of the auditorium, you could hear their excited chatter, and grumbles. Orientation was one of the few times during the school year, one could catch a glimpse of the famous Headmaster Alfred Gringore himself. Principal Honeycutt and other faculty had informed the newbies about the academies rule, policies, and code of honor. The presidents of each school club then had a few minutes to speak. The Gringore courtyard was in full bloom as it always was, and it seemed eternal spring was the favorite of the Gardening club who tended to the place. While the surrounding forests looked like fire, with the fall colors, Plants at Gringore didn't see to know it was the beginning of October. Classes started tomorrow, but as for today people were moving into the dorms, and getting settled. Nymphs danced about in the courtyard, and a group of gorgon sisters sat around the fountain gossiping, and making fun of peoples clothing choices. The cafeteria was open, and serving everything you could imagine. Two pixie girls flew overhead giggling as they sprinkled silver confetti over unsuspecting couples. The Fitzroy wolf pack was throwing a party tonight at their abandoned mansion in the woods. It seemed like the whole school was invited, as they had basically just thrown a thousand flyers off the roof. ------------------------------------------ Alice had been at Gringore for twelve years now, as a student, and now this year she had taken up a job as a Librarian in Gringore massive Library. She had woken up around 7:00 am, and gotten ready for the day as the local news droned on the tv in the background. She didn't live in the dorms anymore, she had her own place now in town. It had been her home for the last three years, as she made herself a place among the Human population of Whitecross. Her house was located on a quite street, full of retired people, and couples over 60. The three bedroom, two bath, old yellow colonial was her haven from the chaos of Teemore. The news anchor man on the tv looked worn out, as he babbled on about the fall festival coming up, the closing of the factory in the town over, where to get flu shots, and that the local police caught the suspects who cherry-bombed all the mailboxes on Magnolia Street. The weather girl was looking way to chipper for seven in the morning, as she explained today would be mild temperatures, 30% chance of rain, and that autumn was in full swing. She turned the shower on. Undressing as she waited for the water to become hot. Looking in the mirror, a tall plain Jane was what Alice saw starring back at her. She had always liked her dark hazel eyes, and the shape for her lips, but she thought her chin was to big, and that her nose was not quite right. The mirror began to fog from the steam of the shower. The hot water cascaded down her back, and soaked into her dark brown hair. She wondered what the day would bring. She stayed in shower until the water turned cold, and she stepped out smelling like her favorite fresh lavender, and honey soap. Wrapped in a soft ivory towel she walked into her closet, and sat down on the cushy ottoman. Alice had clothes and shoes from every decade she had been alive. She favored her clothes from the 40s, and missed the time when fancy hats were the norm. She glanced up on the shelves above, at the multitude of dust covered hat boxes. She slipped her pink satin dress of the hanger, and opened the dresser drawer to pull out a pretty cream sweater. After getting dressed, she put on her flats, and finished styling her hair. She peeked at herself in the mirror, fully [url=]dressed[/url] and ready for the day. Locking her door she began her walk to Gringore, enjoying the crunch of fallen leaves under foot, and the smell of fresh cinnamon rolls wafting in from the bakery down the street.