[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/uyHdYti.jpg[/img] [b][u]Personal Information[/u][/b] [b]Name[/b]: Butch “Shooter” McKone [b]Alias[/b]: Rift Hunter [b]Sex[/b]: Male [b]Age[/b]: 25 [b]Date of Birth[/b]: N/A [b]Race[/b]: Human [hider=Biography] Butch and his family belonged to a traveling band of gypsies that would host what could be called a fair or festival. Some towns loved having the group around as it lifted folks spirits and provided a fun time for all ages, but other towns saw them as heathens and wanted nothing to do with them, some violently. When set up for a festival the McKone’s run both an attraction and shop, Butch and his father hosted a sharp shooter show and contest while his mother and two sisters made necklaces and bracelets. As a family they made enough during events to get buy, and with some towns were able to afford a little more extravagant things. Things were good, and they were happy… Until one of their long treks across a waist land changed everything. The way things had turned towns were formed in more of clusters around certain resources making a hand full of towns populate a general region while others were a great distance away, The Gypsy group had a regular circuit they work around the groups that included two long treks across large desert waists to reach new locals. These treks usually took a few days of hard pressing across empty, and sometimes unforgiving, terrain. For many years the group had traveled a stretch of waist land that took them close to the division between the Living Land and the Helscape which is why some of the towns refused to have them, they believed passing so close made them unclean. It was sort of and earie sight some nights watching the distant sky be lit by the molten Helscape just beyond the horizon. Butch’s father told him there was nothing to fear because a group of mages watched over this part and that is why they took it, it was the safest rout between the town clusters. It wasn’t until much later that Butch learned that was only a half truth, and it was the last time he would take that path as a family. TBA 10 years later Butch doesn’t talk much about his past much, but there are rumors his clients have that say his family is trapped in the Helscape, others that say he is just a crazy man looking for death, but none of them know where his family is or what rumors are real or not. What is known is his gypsy group is mostly gone now other than a few acquaintances of his that are more like ghosts that give him intel on various thing related to jobs and god know what else. He is now a hunter for hire weather is be man or beast he can kill it for a price.[/hider] [b][u]Combat Information[/u][/b] [b]Mage Status[/b]: Yes [b]Equipment[/b]: As depicted in the Character Picture Butch uses a five shot .56 caliber rifle and two break-hinge .44 caliber revolvers, he also has a large and intricately engraved knife that measures a seven inch blade. [hider=Spells] The long years of being a gypsy was more than just making money and travel for Butch, the reason his father ran a sharp shooting attraction was that he was a mage with skills to match. Though he didn’t have many spells to teach Butch was happy to learn them. [b]Tracer[/b]: Tracer is a spell that allows Butch to quickly analyze the condition in order to make a dead accurate long range shot accounting for bullet drop, wind, temperature and other variables. This Spell takes very little mana to use, but Butch needs to have fired the gun at least once before. [b]Eagle Spot[/b]: This spell is one of the most helpful in Butches line-up, but also take the most mana. Butch is able to summon one or more eagles that he can see through as they fly through the sky. [b]Trifecta[/b]: The strongest of Butch’s spells, and perhaps the most deadly. Trifecta allows him to fire three shots, one immediately after the other, so that all three hit the same point on a target getting the most penetration and damage in one instance.[/hider][/center]