When Vera stepped in closer to Shay, the reaction to hold her closer yet was only natural, and it felt almost protective. Even through his suit, he felt the warmth of her body against his, and their entwined fingers were an intimidate gesture that went far beyond simply playing the role. Fate had brought them together, first as her distant protector, then as her protector, and now her… what, exactly? This definitely was something, although the words escaped him. Vera’s perfume rose from her like a flower, and closing his eyes, Shay could almost imagine he were in the fields around Cork as a young lad again, a more innocent time. He felt at ease in a way he had not felt in quite some time, and he did not want the moment to pass. The band, however, concluded their piece and a silence came over the dance floor. Both Shay and Vera did not break their embrace immediately, finding solace amongst each other, a desperate attempt to let the moment linger but a bit longer as if resisting the setting sun. Eventually, they pulled away from each other, but their fingers were still entwined, as Vera smiled back at Shay, he felt his heart lift. There was something here, with her, that filled him with hope. He didn’t want to return to the Tawdy, to let reality come back. He wanted to be here, with her, for as long as they dared. Masters of their own fate, not answering to anyone else, even if it was family. Still, there was an obligation to be fulfilled, and their expensive clothes and admission to this place was because the gang had made the arrangements. As pleasurable as it was, there was still a duty to fulfill. With a regretful sigh, Shay said after a spell, “I suppose we made our appearance convincing.” He said with a sad smile. “Shall we head back to see what Sam has for us?” Departing the White Star and returning to the drab winter London streets, Shay opened the passenger door of the car as the valet brought it around and helped Vera climb into the cab before moving around to the driver’s side. Handing off a two pound note to the valet, Shay climbed into the driver’s seat and took off, following the streets to the familiar neighbourhoods where the gang resided. Before long, they pulled up to the Tawdy and Shay turned the car off, not in a hurry to head inside. “I didn’t want to leave… I don’t know what that was back there, but I felt something. I feel like I’m overstepping my station here, Vera, but there is something wonderful about spending this time with you I never want to let go of. This is a cruel, hard city, but you make me forget all of that.” He said softly, looking down, slightly abashed.