[I] This is going to be a pain...I[I] SWEAR [/I] It will be...[/I] Ashtoreth thought while walking up to the destination he was assigned: Caleberry high, he was sent to earth to find a power source and deal with it. But god forbid that being easy. The source could have been disguised as a mortal as well as Ash himself, perhaps even better. Ashtoreth's vessel didn't seem to have a good feeling itself, possibly about going to school, but Ash couldn't have cared less as this meant nothing to him. As he walked down path he saw a few people going through the day as well, a few of them possibly being Angels themselves, or even...[I]Demons...[/I] [color=9e0b0f]Lets just get this over with so I can go home...[/color],he remarked out loud, without concern for people hearing him as he went to go through the day and find the power source.