[color=00a651][h3]Meirin Kurenai[/h3][/color] Meirin nodded and followed Ssarak out of her room. She did have some ideas for how to dress Ssarak, though admittedly dressing up a dragon man wasn't an easy task. Meirin's own fashion knowledge was... Novice at best, and nothing she's heard or ready took Eysires into account. Though the idea of an Eysire being dressed in something aside from furs or armor would be good enough. It's like a dancing bear: It doesn't matter if the bear dances well, just that it dances. Meirin didn't have anything here, but hopefully she'd find something for Ssarak soon. Closing the door behind her Meirin kissed Ssarak on the cheek once more. [color=00a651]"If you come with me, then nothing will go wrong. But before you get yourself wrapped up in more work, why don't we get some breakfast? I'm sure Professor Lucilia will have plenty of time for us once you're properly fed."[/color] Although they'll be spending a lot of time together if they're on the same mission, Meirin knew that once they're on the job they might not get a chance to be so close to one another. They might end up separated to handle their own duties, or forced to be apart due to extenuating circumstances. Point was, Meirin wanted to spend a bit more time with Ssarak. [color=00a651]"Besides, even I haven't signed up yet. I only know about the mission. Perhaps we could try to find other like-minded students to come with us, to save Lucilia time of explaining the mission."[/color]