[hr][hr] [center][h1][color=cyan]Anastasia Beaumont[/color][/h1] [img]http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lvzqk2ZjrQ1r3h4ef.gif[/img] Location: Vanessa's Restaurant Interacting With: [@BeautifulSnow] Vanessa [@rivaan] Natasha[/center] [hr][hr] Anastasia smiled softly at Natasha as she introduced herself. [color=cyan]"Nice to meet you Tasha, i'm Anastasia its nice to meet you as well. But you can just call me Anna if you prefer that."[/color] Anastasia said as she ran a hand through her hair and thought about it for a moment when Tasha brought up the question about the wolf attack. Though Anna wasn't there when the wolf attack happened but she wasn't sure what to say she didn't truly trust this woman, after appearing in the town out of the blue after the wolf attack was a red flag for her. [color=cyan]"I honestly have no clue, I was at home unpacking my things since I just recently moved here myself."[/color] Anastasia answered and then looked towards Vanessa for a moment only she knew that Vanessa was a werewolf and Vanessa knew that she was a vampire. [color=cyan]"But I do remember a few hunters going out into the woods to try and investigate things and try and get the wolf reward. But since the attack I haven't heard any news from farmers who have livestock killed."[/color]