Chromite prepared to step down and set the new gem on the ground, only to see him casually hop out of her arms. [color=darkgray]"Please follow me, young one. I'll take you to someone who can keep you safe."[/color] Chromite offered her hand to Strengite and attempted to lead him to Bloodstone. Regardless of whether or not he followed, Chromite went back to where they had touched down. [color=darkgray]"Hello there."[/color] Chromite greeted Sphene. [color=darkgray]"It looks like you made the right choice, excellent. You may call me Chromite, and it's likely that we'll be working together soon."[/color] She then approached Bloodstone [color=darkgray]"Shall I try to retrieve some of the others, Commander? This may be the best opportunity we get for some time."[/color] [@rocketrobie2][@SevenStormStyle][@Kronshi]