[@PompousPrince] Just let me know if we start doing the "Crest" thing. [hr] [hider=Kaguya Norimatsu][center][h2]DIGIDESTINED[/h2][/center] [hider=Image One][img]http://img00.deviantart.net/803a/i/2015/069/7/d/ookurikara_by_enara_chan-d8l5mm7.png[/img][/hider] [hider=Image Two][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/97/bf/b7/97bfb70d0a2526d2ba43fb1d404408f4.jpg[/img][/hider] [hider=Image Three][img]http://67.media.tumblr.com/26a4326797d5e4127e56a5b43b7121ea/tumblr_nmnxraNOEn1unbjg9o1_1280.jpg[/img][/hider] [b]Name[/b] Kaguya Norimatsu [b]Age[/b] 18 [b]Gender[/b] Male [b]Physical Description[/b] [list][*]Height - 6'2' [*]Weight - 162 lbs [*]Hair Color - Dark Brown [*]Eye Color - Hazel[/list] [b]Personality[/b] Kaguya doesn't like talking about himself with strangers, and warming up to him is just as much a difficult feat. He doesn't trust people. Having been the bully most of his high school life, he's not only been forced to defend his title against other bullies at school, but he also could never escape the social stigma. There were days where he actually tried to be nice, but instead the other students saw his kindness as a ruse or trick. Not even his girlfriends will stay with him due to the drama brought by trying to retain his title as being the Top Dog in school. Kaguya is highly independent and tends to go into situations alone. He is self-confident to the point that others would deem him arrogant or cocky--maybe so, but so far he has been able to back it up. He's one of the best swordsmen in his kendo class, if not the best as he would claim. He often carries a shinai or bokken when harassing students or beating the snot out of other bullies contesting his throne. [b]Additional Information[/b] I expect Kaguya to be a reformed Digidestined. Because of his personality being the way it is, his Digimon is going to reflect it by coming out as the dark attribute. Thus, there will be two different forms if Kaguya improves as an individual over time. The vaccine form isn't posted at this time but will be if the Digimon is ever reformed. Also, Kaguya carries his katana with him in the Digital World. It may not do him much good but hey, it makes him feel safe. [h2]DIGIMON[/h2] [b]Atrribute:[/b] Virus [b]Type:[/b] Darkness Digivolutions [url=http://xeketdarkhand.deviantart.com/art/Digimon-Fresh-Stage-Sinamon-558028712]Baby[/url] (Creation by XeketDarkhand) Name: Sinamon Physical Description: A black slime Digimon that is freshly born. It has devil-like horns, large yellow fearful eyes, and fangs. Move Set [list][*][b]Bubble Blow[/b] - Produces bubble-like objects from its mouth to intimidate the opponent.[/list] [url=http://img11.deviantart.net/25d2/i/2012/047/b/8/cute_monster_design_by_soru_ita-d4pzghj.png]In-Training[/url] Name: Cranomon Physical Description: A flying skull with swirling eyes and black wings. Move Set [list][*][b]Black Bubble[/b] - Black inky-bubbles that will stick to the foe's face if allowed to pop.[/list] [url=http://img11.deviantart.net/25d2/i/2012/047/b/8/cute_monster_design_by_soru_ita-d4pzghj.png]Rookie[/url] Name: Skelemon Physical Description: A black canine-like Digimon with bat wing ears, skull face shield, a collar with a cross, and a bony tail. Move Set [list][*][b]Bone Gun[/b] - Skelemon will turn around and his bony tail will stiffen. He will then fire his bone segments like bullets at his enemies. [*][b]Shadow Jump[/b] - Skelemon can jump through the shadows of foes to appear behind them and catch them by surprise. [*][b]Funny Bone[/b] - Skelemon has an infectious laugh that makes other Digimon want to drop their guard and laugh with him. [*][b]Dark Bite[/b] - Skelemon leaps onto the enemy and gives them a painful bite. [*][b]Dark Claw[/b] - Skelemon claws his enemies.[/list] [url=http://pre08.deviantart.net/530e/th/pre/f/2015/282/f/8/digimon_champion_stage___nafarimon_by_xeketdarkhand-d9arec7.jpg]Champion[/url] (Creation by XeketDarkhand) Name: Nefarimon Physical Description: Skull face with yellow, frightening eyes. Nefarimon wears a black and red cloak and black chains snake down his slender arms. Move Set [list][*][b]Shadowlink[/b] - Dark chains are produced from Nefarimon's body that will attach to one or more targets, be they human or digimon. While attached Nefarimon can control their every action even from a great distance. The chains can enter the ground as a shadow to hide. He can use up to 6 chains at once to control targets. These six chains can also be used offensively to strike like snakes from a great distance when not attached to another creature or to entangle an enemy. This distance must be in visual range however if he does not have a controlled opponent to view the target. [*][b]Dark Touch[/b] - Nefarimon can channel powerful viruses through his hands and a touch will start a chain reaction that will make the target appear to turn into stone before being deleted a moment later. He can also use this ability on other digimon's attacks to nullify them by breaking down their code. It's not uncommon for Nefarimon to use his Shadow Link to hold his enemies still so he can use his Black Touch to finish them off. Extra Info: This digimon can be very cruel in battle. [*][b]Shadow Walk[/b] - Nefarimon can navigate shadows and ambush enemies with his Shadow Link.[/list] [url=http://xeketdarkhand.deviantart.com/art/Digimon-Ultimate-Stage-Fiendmon-565245510]Ultimate[/url] (Creation by XeketDarkhand) Name: Fiendmon Physical Description: Fiendmon resembles a scarecrow. He has slender arms and legs, stark-white hair, shackles about his wrists, and a wicked-looking sickle. Move Set [list][*][b]Dark Dimension[/b] - Fiendmon can transform shadows into a black quicksand that will pull enemies into a dimension of darkness. Surrounding by nothing, the enemies are at the mercy of Fiendmon the god of the dimension. Enemies are freed from the dimension as soon as they suffer damage from Fiendmon. Whether they live or perish is another story. While in the dimension, the darkness and loneliness will drive a Digimon into madness. [*][b]Sickle Whip[/b] - When Fiendmon swings his sickle, a crescent of black energy flies from it and it will bounce between every opponent it hits, duplicating into threes. [*][b]Dark Harvest[/b] - When a Digimon is near-death and about to perish, Fiendmon will use this attack to finish the Digimon off and collect its data to restore his own health and vitality.[/list] [url=http://xeketdarkhand.deviantart.com/art/Digimon-Mega-Stage-Arch-Fiendmon-566199554]Mega[/url] (Creation by XeketDarkhand) Name: Arch-Fiendmon Physical Description: Arch-Fiendmon is reptilian in appearance with a skull face, four arms, and lengthy black tail. His mane and the tuft at the end of his tail are crimson. Move Set [list][*][b]Black Nova[/b] - This Mega Digimon opens it maw and draws in surrounding dark matter. It then releases it as a powerful blast strong enough to easily level an entire city. [*][b]Dark Infection[/b] - A glare from this Digimon's eyes can infect other Digimon with a virus causing them to become a virus type themselves. They will become insane and uncontrollable, turning on friend and foe alike, turning on all except for Arch-Fiendmon. This can cause other digimon to digivolve into dark versions of themselves. [*][b]Shadow Chain[/b] - The chains dangling from Arch-Fiendmon's shackles will lengthy and snag foes, binding them. [*][b]Nether Slash[/b] - An attack from this digimon's claws are so powerful that when used in the digital world it can delete portions of the world leaving spaces of nothingness where landscape used to be.[/list] [center] [h2]DIGIVICE[/h2] [b]Physical Description:[/b] Kaguya's digivice appears as a black watch on his wrist. During digivolution, the watch face will spring upwards and the watch will twirl rapidly like a coin, producing three data rings of power about it. [b]Special Characteristics:[/b] Kaguya can use his Digivice as an encyclopedia to scan Digimon (only canon-types). After scanning canon-types, then he can learn all he can about their species of Digimon. He can track Digimon within 100m and the digivices of other DigiDestined to locate friends who may be lost or in danger. He can also monitor the overall health of his Digimon.[/center][/hider]