In a flash Tess sprinted past Richard, grabbing up his attacker's dropped automatic and snapping it up to spray a stream of bullets into the teeth of three other fast approaching men. She couldn't stop and think about, couldn't stop to see blood seep from bullet wounds or hear stuttering last breaths. If she did she would panic and freeze, and they couldn't afford that. They had to keep moving. "Get up! You ok?" She called to Richard, trying to usher on more shocked looking civilians out of the way while keeping the gun up and looking over her shoulder at the downed pilot. Her eyes were wild, face pale and there was still mud and blood smeared on her arms and legs from before. But she was upright and helping. It was the best she could manage for now. Marcus was never still. The HUD was a god send really, the friend or foe tags making it almost to easy to track down the fast moving attackers and pick them off. At one point the sniper ran into a party of three, startling them into panic fire which set off flashes of muzzle fire between the trees visible to the civilians and his friends. They didn't last long though and Marcus soon added their clips to the ammo belt he had pilfered from another soldier. By now there looked to be only a few left, Marcus counted six but there were probably a few outside the range of the motion detector. It was a pretty small sensor field after all. Still better then having nothing to go on. He was also almost fully kidded out now, snatching up pistols where he could and having stored away his tac knife. Single shots to cripple or kill were faster then cutting through these guys with a knife. And it was all about getting them down fast so that the others could get away clear.