[img]http://img04.deviantart.net/2956/i/2013/307/8/0/qr_space_cruiser_by_talros-d6sxpdb.jpg[/img] [b]2nd LT Flavius “Kuche” Obrigado Cargo Bay of the Cruiser “ Cold Vacuum” Task Force 1, in high orbit of Palatine [/b] Cruisers were not designed to hold large numbers of infantry, especially not part of an entire company. Four out of the five Vessel convoy were packed to the brim with infantry and their gear. Soldiers laid about wherever they could find space, most deciding to bed down in the large cargo bay amongst the vehicles and equipment. Crates of ammunition and shells were almost to the ceiling and about three rows deep, held down by yellow leather straps. The armored personnel carriers and Grail recon craft were also hastily strapped down by the same straps and situated next to the ammunition, shaking and shifting at the slightest movement. This did not stop the soldiers from living on and inside the vehicles during the long trip. It looked like a squatters paradise, with makeshift tents and lean-tos everywhere. The noise from the cargo bay could almost be heard around the ship as the soldiers tried to entertain themselves. The scene brought a smile to Kuche’s face as he walked in, he always enjoyed watching his soldiers acting like soldiers. Stuffed into the breast pocket of his utility uniform was a rolled scroll, detailing their deployment orders. Soldiers nodded and gave lazy salutes as Kuche walked by, the smell of alcohol growing stronger as he waded deeper into the crowd. He found his 1st Sergeant and the rest of his 1st sergeant and the rest of the platoon’s NCOs huddled around a large metal drum. It didn’t take long for Kuche to realize where the alcohol smell was coming from. “ Sergeant…what the fuck is this?” he said, standing behind the group. “ One of the gunners from 2nd platoon had a bunch of fruit left over from his harvest, so we made alcohol” the sergeant said, dipping a small cup in the barrel of liquid. The sergeant turned around to hand the cup up to Kuche, who didn’t hesitate to take it and take a swig. “ Oh……thats good…” Kuche said before passing the cup to the left. “ We have received the warning order?” he said with a cough. “ Assemble the platoon, we brief in an hour” he finished before taking a step back “ and Cesar……” Kuche said looking back towards the 1st Sergeant “ Please come sober..” [b] Mess Hall of the Cold Vacuum [/b] 50 soldiers in various states of dress quickly assembled in the mess hall, sitting or standing wherever they had space. It was rather informal, with Kuche being the only Hol in proper military dress. “ 1st platoon listen up!” he yelled, stepping up on one of the tables. “ We step off in four hours, recon teams are currently deploying to secure our landing zone. The estimated location would be just inside the city in what looks like a ruined square. Upon landing, we will fortify the square and launch operations from out newly established forward operating base”. As he finished, Kuche nodded towards sergeant Cesar who stepped up onto the table as the lieutenant stepped down. “ Order of battle is as follows; first and second platoon will lead the assault following the green light from the recce team. Third and Fourth platoon will follow with the gear and ammunition. As far as first platoon is concerned, we will take the north end of the square and second platoon will take the south end. Squad one, target acquisition and command; you will carry the laser designator and long range communications. Second squad, riflemen and marksmen” he said nodding towards a young corporal. Third squad grenadiers, I want a frag for each man and five smoke grenades throughout the squad. Get two of your guys to attach grenade launchers to their rifles”. Another group of soldiers nodded in the corner, responding with quiet acknowledgments. “ Fourth squad……weapons. Mortars, machine guns and rockets, base of fire team. Im sure I don’t have to tell you guys what to do” he finished with a chuckle. Kuche stepped back up on the table, cutting off sergeant Cesar with a quick hand. “ Gentlemen, we lock out in four, touchdown in five. I want everyone condition one when we leave the cruiser but remember, we are here to promote diplomacy. That being said, I don’t want to loose soldiers because we are not aggressive. Any being you see with hostile intent, drop em, I don’t care if you hit them with a fucking rocket”. With a nod the lieutenant stepped down from the table and walked out, leaving the room silent for a moment. “ Alright, full gear full tilt….lets make it happen!” Cesar yelled as soldiers flooded out of the room. [img]http://skipperpress.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/HALO-Night-Insertion-Special-Forces-1024x480.jpg[/img] [b] Low Orbit, above Palatine Cpl. Gio Easton [/b] “ Yo East?…….East?” a soldier said as he tapped the corporal’s shoulder, waking him up. “ Drop zone….” the soldier finished as he retreated to the rear of the drop-ship. Gio inhaled sharply as he woke up to the cold air of the dropship, furiously rubbing his eyes for a moment before standing and joining his team. Gio always enjoyed being away from the larger force, large scale deployments just made him nervous, it was always the secret stuff that got him going. Small teams and lots of open ground is what he preferred, never mind the danger. Reconnaissance teams always got the cool jobs, even if it meant doing some pretty crazy things. The four man team clipped onto a large cylindrical duffle bag, pulling the slack tight so it was suspended in the air between the four of them. The sound of air rapidly escaping the bay could be heard as the rear of the ship popped open, extending the ramp downward. With practiced precision, the four soldiers slowly inched their way towards the edge of the ramp before jumping off in unison. The silence of free-falling through the lower atmosphere was always eerie, cirrus clouds passed by silently as the team fell. Gio, watched his altimeter as they rapidly descended, counting the seconds before the atmosphere thickened. They pulled their chutes early, coming to an abrupt stop before peacefully floating through the air, gliding towards their objective. The team floated over the majority of the city, making mental notes of points of interest and taking pictures from their low res helmet cameras. After 45 minutes the team came to a soft landing right where they were supposed to, in the dead center of the square. Within seconds, the duffle bag was empty and the team spread out to secure the square.