To bring their time at the White Star to an end crushed Vera's heart. She had so badly wanted to say and dance another song or two with Shay, yet, he was right. They were here to keep up appearances for as long as necessary, and they had done just that. If the Von Goethe's were watching the pair, their intimate dance would certainly quell the Fraulein's nosy nature as to whether or not they were engaged. For Vera, she had no desire to leave, but as Shay mentioned in a rather sorrowful tone, Sam did await for their return back at the Tawdry. Surrounded by such grandeur of the extravagant club would be a lasting memory in her mind for many years to come, and especially the dance she shared with Shay. After the valet was fetched, and the car brought around, she relished in the warmth of her wool coat, and found herself sitting slightly closer to Shay on the ride to the pub. Albeit, the ride itself held little conversation, nothing more than a comment on the weather. As the Peugeot slowed to a halt outside the pub, Shay switched off the engine, and neither of them seemingly made any move to exit the vehicle. The silence that hung between them, like a veil of sorrow as to the evening's end was interrupted when he broke the awkward tension. His words were heartfelt, she could hear every feeling of empathy in his words, and yet, she remained still, gazing at him steadily, studying his behavior, how his head hung, his blue eyes cast downward. Did he anticipate rejection? More importantly, all matters aside, how did she feel? "Shay...," She shifted nervously on the bench, and positioned herself at an angle so that she could look at him directly, "this is hard for me to say, so you must try and understand." "In all my life, I have never loved any man. I simply never had the time to, nor felt any connection with any one person," she searched desperately for the right words to say, for there were many things she wanted to say. "I see what love looks like on the folks at the Tawdry, I see how they hold one another close, how they stare longedly into each other's eyes, and I often thought them foolish for their actions." "Perhaps I've held a high standard for a peculiar man, unbeknownst to myself, of what constitutes as a proper partner, but...," here her words softened, and she raised her hand to gently caress Shay's cheek, only to let it fall away again after a moment, "I will say this. I've watched you, being the barmaid and whatnot, for a long while, as I watch everyone. There is something in your nature, your very essence of a human being, that has made me... trust in you. Even just last night, I did not think for one moment that any harm would befall me in your care. And that just goes to show, your values as a human being. You make me feel safe, for once in my life. I needn't have the notion to look over my shoulder every few seconds, for you have shown me, since I learned it was you on that rooftop, nigh upon a week ago now that you saved my life from imminent danger, that you are a man I can trust." As she spoke, there was a curious gleam in her eyes, one of a genteel nature, and certain softness. "Tonight was wonderful. Please know, that I too, share these same emotions. I am glad that I can bring you some peace to a world like this." [i]WHAM![/i] Starting with a cry, Vera turned to look out the window, and noted a rather large snowball had been lobbed at the car. Up came strolling Silas and Matthew grinning from ear-to-ear. The juveniles had many more snowballs ready in their hands when Silas knocked the passenger window. "Oi, lovebirds, Sam's been waiting for you both." With a devilish grin and a mocking wink, Silas and Matthew bolted after three other children close to their age, also armed with snowballs despite the approaching darkness. With a relieved sigh, Vera grinned, all color washed from her face save for the stark red of her lips, she had received a good fright from the two street rats. "Well... Whenever you're ready then?" She offered, nodding her head to the welcoming glow of the pubs entrance, though she remained where she was in case he had anything to add further.