[h2][color=MediumVioletRed]Letho the Sableye[/color][/h2][b][Folio's Trunk - Treacherous Roots B3][/b] [@Shiny Keldeo][@Lucius Cypher] The dungeon Roserade got to a shaky stand, still cursing under it's breath as it attempted to sprint towards the taunting Sableye in rage. Unfortunately for it, Letho had assistance. The call from the ghost caused the plants eyes to go wide. A sharp, intense pain flaring up on it's back as it took a direct hit from Breeze's Air Slash, but didn't have time to worry about the super effects of the attack due to the sparking mass of blue and black fur charging towards it. A panicked yelp escaped the rosy mon as it took the electrically charged tackle head on. The yelp itself sounding feminine, but the gasping and cursing afterwords sounding oddly male. Again it had no time to recover, as it was quickly tripped flat onto it's stomach as a rouge Aron rolled under it's legs. Said Aron landing from it's drop just a few inches next to the Grass-Poison type head. Enough to make it shudder and yelp. Covering it's head with it's bouquet hands. Though they weren't pinned down like Gren had hopped, the Roserade was down for the count. Letho popped out of the floor next to the downed leafy Pokémon, smirking and rolling their body over with a foot to press it onto their chest and glare down at them. [color=MediumVioletRed]"Alright Roserade, you got some questions to answer. Answer em like a good little rose bush, and we let ya go. No catch. But if you misbehave...."[/color] A devious twinkle appeared in the imp's right eye. [color=MediumVioletRed]"I'll give you something to [i]really[/i] be scared of. That crazy cult leader of yours will look like a cuddly little Poochyena compared to me. We clear?"[/color] A huff escaped the now identifiable as male Roserade trapped beneath the ghost's foot. [color=LimeGreen]"Crystal. And I don't fear The Manifest. If you savages weren't so thick headed, you too could see that she is a kind and gifted leader."[/color] A look of pure boredom blanketed Letho's face as he mimicked a speaking motion with his claws. [color=MediumVioletRed]"Yeah yeah, go ahead and keep spouting your brain washed bs. What sort of 'kind and gifted' leader sends her goons after any innocent Pokémon that wanders down here for supplies and doesn't feel like bending over and licking her paws?"[/color] [color=LimeGreen]"Talons. And I don't think any of us do that."[/color] [color=MediumVioletRed]"Whatever!"[/color] Letho protested as he threw his arms up in the air. [color=MediumVioletRed]"Let's get to the point. We're looking for a certain Pokémon down here. Not one of your cult buddies either. We're looking for....Shit."[/color] The Roserade underneath him blinked up at the ghost, before rolling his eyes. [color=LimeGreen]"Please don't tell me that you came all the way down here, assaulted me, and you aren't even sure of [i]who[/i] it is you're even looking for. You Guild members are so idiotic."[/color]