[@Muttonhawk], Hygs and I are working on a collab where they make stuff. The finale of Stand is also in the works, although you know that. Re School: I'm a few weeks into Uni. Down under, most universities have two semesters (in my case each 12 weeks long plus a month of exams). Summer break is from mid-November to late February. Winter break is from end of June to late July. We have a mid-semester break each semester ('mid' being nominal) which lasts one week- one during Easter, one some time in September. [quote=@WrongEndoftheRainbow] I'd write more, but I'm waiting for gimmick to finish his application so that I can collab with him, instead of painfully detailing Laz drawing blueprints and repetitively testing on the gem. [/quote] I've made a few posts like that. Go ahead, do it if you want.