Finally done with my CS!! [hider=Micah Duval] [color=6ecff6][center][h1]Micah Duval[/h1][/center][/color] [color=6ecff6]Appearance:[/color] [hider=Image][center][img][/img][/center][/hider] Micah stands at 5’6” with long legs and a slender frame. She has dark brown/black wavy hair that reaches just below her shoulders and fair skin. Light freckles speckle across the bridge of her nose and her rosy cheeks. Her hazel eyes are a beautiful myriad of green, blue, and brown. [color=6ecff6]Age:[/color] 24 [color=6ecff6]Personality:[/color] Micah is a very kind person who doesn’t hesitate to help those in need. However, she tends to be taken advantage of due to her trusting nature. She finds it hard to make good judgements when it comes to people. She is an intelligent young woman, but she is more book smart than she is street smart. It’s hard for her to approach people because of her shyness and timidness. Micah is rather soft-spoken and finds it hard to express herself openly and freely. The only time she finds she can truly express herself is through her writing. [color=6ecff6]Likes:[/color] [list] [*] Reading [*] Writing [*] Baking [*] Tea [*] Fuzzy socks [*] Relaxing music [/list] [color=6ecff6]Dislikes:[/color] [list] [*] Confrontation [*] Arguing [*] Violence [*] Partying [*] Loud music [*] Scary movies [/list] [color=6ecff6]Bio: [/color] [center][i]“Only my books anoint me, and a few friends, those who reach into my veins.”[/i][/center] Micah grew up as the only child in a lower middle-class family. Her life was sweet and simple until her parents’ relationship started falling apart. Her parents were like a modern day Romeo and Juliet: completely smitten, but too young when they got married. It started off as little arguments here and there, but soon escalated until they were practically fighting on a daily basis. They finally decided to get a divorce when Micah was fourteen. She still partially blames herself for their divorce, even though those around her have tried to convince otherwise. Her parents shared custody over her, and it was decided that she would live with her mom but stay at her dad’s on the weekends. Books became her only solace in life as they were her only escape when her parents were constantly fighting and in the midst of their divorce. Micah also found it hard to make friends due to her timid nature. After graduating high school, she decided to pursue a career as a librarian because of her love for books. However, she isn’t sure if it is what she wants to be doing for the rest of her life. She has always loved writing, but doesn’t think she’s talented enough to become a full-fledged writer. Now that Micah’s reached her mid-twenties and has a stable career, she’s thinks it’s probably time for her to settle down. Witnessing her own parents’ marriage fall apart, she has become a little hesitant towards the idea of marriage. She isn’t opposed to the idea of love, but is unsure how to go about finding her perfect match. That’s why she’s decided to leave the decision up to the experts in hopes that her marriage won’t fall apart like her parents’ did. [/hider]