[quote=@Hawksnest565] The Boss pushes his fingers to her tears, wiping them up as quickly as they came. "Such waterworks! What's all this little one?" He bends down and looks into her eyes. "Are they sad tears? Or are they mad tears?" He holds out his hand for her to spit the candy into. "You see Ptelea, an old man like me knows plenty about life and what works. Being sad gets nothing done! But if you're mad, you've got a fire burning to keep you going." He cocks his head. "Well, which would you say you are? Sad or mad?" The guard shakes his head, "The Boss is just getting started." She'll make it." He didn't mention what shape Ptelea would be in when they found her. The guard leaves the room and heads down a long hallway. [/quote] Ptelea hesitantly spits the candy into his hand. She sniffs and swallows, grimacing at the taste of blood in her mouth, the taste of lemon lingering as well. She hesitates, trying to figure out which answer wouldn't cause him to hurt her anymore. "Mad?" She whimpers, then looks away, unable to look him in the eye any longer. She sniffles. "I want Rosey.." She whispers softly. Ambrose shivers at that thought. He nods and follows the guard trembling slightly.