[center][color=crimson][h1]The Hunter Exam[/h1][/color] [img]http://i.imgur.com/l8BuceQ.png?1[/img][/center] [i]A Hunter's job is not only that of looking for treasures and hunting animals. True Hunters dedicate themselves to the protection of knowledge, people and nature. They must preserve culturally precious items or species of animals and plants they are able to discover. Furthermore, they must also arrest criminals and in rare cases even fellow Hunters who have committed heinous crimes.[/i] Many seek to obtain the title of a Hunter, for with it, comes both prestige and power. Being a hunter provides free access to most of the public services and the permission to go almost anywhere in the world without a visa. It also grants the ability to kill without facing any legal consequences. However, it is by no means easy to become a Hunter. The Hunter Exam is a yearly event that an applicant must pass in order to become a Hunter; an elite member of humanity. These exams consist of several tests and stages. Only by passing these grueling trials, may a person come to call themselves as a Hunter. [hider=Hunter Benefits][list] [*]95% of all public facilities can be used at no cost. Furthermore, all such services are provided at first class. [*]Unrivaled freedom to travel around the world.[2] Access is granted to about 90% of countries which normally restrict the entry of outsiders, and access to 75% of areas that the general public is prohibited from entering. [*]Almost no legal responsibility for murder. [*]The ability to sell the Hunter License as a valuable collector's item. Though only the original owner of a Hunter License can take advantage of the normal benefits, it can be still sold for enough money to support the seller for at least 7 generations in luxury.[3] [*]The ability to use the license as collateral for a zero-interest loan of 100 million Jenny (approximately 90 million yen) at any bank. [*]Access to the secret Hunters-Only Website, where secret intelligence about various subjects, uploaded by other Hunters, can be purchased. [/list][/hider] [hr][color=crimson][h3]The Premise[/h3][/color] You are an anime character from the multiverse. You could be anyone; from Nara Shikamaru, Jonathan Joestar or even Gin Satoki. So, why are you here in the world of HunterXHunter? Nobody knows. Somehow, you've been ripped through the fabric of space and time and found yourself somewhere on the Yorbian continent. That was one month ago. After assessing your own situation and conducting research of sorts, you have come to the conclusion that the key to obtaining information as to why you were brought here and more importantly; how you can return to your own home is in becoming a Hunter. This is an AU, meaning you won't encounter Gon or any of the main cast. You may play as them, but only as their base which means before they met each other or learned Nen. [hr] [color=crimson][h3]Character Limitations[/h3][/color][list] [*]Speed is limited to ninja levels (Rock Lee vs Gaara) [*]Physical strength is limited to being able to lift five tons. [*]Durability cannot be greater than a tank. [*]Ranged attacks cannot be greater than tank busting. [*]Cloning and summong are limited to 10 and summons must be peak human at best. [*]Character cannot be immortal/near immortal. [/list] Your character may possess 'abilities' which will be classified as Nen in this world. I'm fine with most abilities, however, hax abilities will be banned. What constitutes a hax ability? An ability that gives you an absurdly unfair advantage. For example, saying you're Lelouche and you can give anybody an irrefutable command. Where's the fun in that? sooooooooooooooooooo, anybody interested?