Cameron couldn’t tell whether she had fallen asleep or was just in a daze when the helicopter landed abruptly on the ground, but she was definitely lucid as they were shoved out on to the ground below and guided with the butt of their rifles. “Is that [i]really[/i] nec – “ It pushed harder into her back, causing her to groan quietly. Normally, she’d have a much more feisty response to such treatment, but both pure exhaustion and anxiety had consumed her usual mental sharpness, causing her to become silent and plod along cooperatively. Her eyes darted around as they entered the tree line, taking mental notes of the same things Justin seemed to notice as well: the animals, the stream, then the gate that led them to whatever encampment they’d be held in. As they passed through, Cameron took a deep breath as if it would help prepare for what was to come. Knuckles white and heart pounding loudly, the sound of the inhabitants almost went unnoticed as they continued through the settlement, until movement in her peripheral vision caused her to snap her head to the left. People. Healthy people. It was rare to see someone with extra meat on their bones, but she could at least spot five on their walk. [i]”How is this possible?”[/i] A tall man fifty feet away caught her eye: he was speaking with a much smaller woman in front of a cabin-like structure, not noticing the two prisoners as they were paraded through. “That can’t be…” Cameron mumbled as her she desperately tried to focus on his face to get a clearer view. No matter how much her mind quickly tried to convince her she was just seeing things, she couldn’t help to think the man looked familiar. [i]Very[/i] familiar. William. One of the village elders, and one of the men who was involved in the attack on Cameron. One who, if Chesapeake was in bed with an unsavory group, would be first in line. “Shit,” she muttered as she snapped her head back in front of her and looked downward. [i]You’re just tired, Cameron. It’s not him.[/i] Soon, they were each shoved into separate cells, only separated by steel bars about a hand width apart. Unfortunately, there was no cot for her to lay down on, so Cameron slid down the wall until she met the floor beneath her. Through half open eyes, she saw Justin remove his shirt as he sat across from her in his cell, and heat rose to her cheeks, causing her to look away as he spoke. [i]What are you, thirteen?[/i] Cameron finally looked back to him after he asked about her well-being, and she toyed with the idea of telling him that she possibly saw William, but after a moment, she decided that getting worked up over something that might not even be true would be futile. “I’m okay,” her hoarse voice pushed out, and she forced a smile. “I’m so tired, I think I’m seeing things. Plus, I’m [i]really[/i] sweaty.” After chuckling, she scooted towards the corner of the cell and let her body rest up against the cold wall, sighing in relief at some weight being taken off of her body. “Well, before I fall asleep, I thought I’d say that this has been an interesting run. Somehow kind of… fun. I mean, if you count having multiple near-death experiences as fun.” A genuine smile flashed before her eyes shut slowly. “Hopefully another miracle is in store for us.”