This is [i]mostly[/i] complete, in that I still need to design the ultimate and mega forms of the Digimon but since those most likely won't show up for a while I figured I can leave it off for a bit. Also, I'm admittedly not great with names but hey. ^^; [hider=Mayu] [b]Digidestined[/b] [list][*]Name: Mayu Ryusei [*]Age: 16 [*]Gender: Female [*]Physical Description: [url=]Something like this.[/url] She's somewhat short, only being about 5'1". [*]Personality: Mayu is rather insecure about herself, and is rather timid and shy when dealing with others. Her confidence is easily shattered, and she can be a bit of a crybaby at times. However, her strongest trait is that once she finally finds her footing and gives something her all, she will not back down. If she cares about something, she will stop at nothing to protect it. Otherwise, though, she's just generally rather shy, insecure and kind of a nerd; she's always been a big fan of comic books, anime and tokusatsu shows like Super Sentai/Power Rangers and Kamen Rider, and will actually be rather excited about being transported to a fantastic world filled with monsters. [*]Additional Information: Mayu is pretty... Normal, really. Kind of average, honestly, and doesn't really stand out much. The most notable of her eccentricities is that she always carries about a pink umbrella, no matter what the weather is like; it's something of a security blanket for her and she will be rather distraught if she ever misplaces it.[/list] [b]Digimon[/b] [list][*]Attribute: Vaccine [*]Type: Light [*]Digivolutions[list][*]Baby[list][*]Name: Botamon [*]Physical Description: Just like [url=]this.[/url] [*]Move Set: Bubble Blow[/list][/list] [list][*]In-Training[list][*]Name: BlackNyaromon [*]Physical Description: Honestly, it just looks like a [url=]Nyaromon[/url], only the yellow parts are black and the purple parts are white. [*]Move Set: Tail Whip[/list][/list] [list][*]Rookie[list][*]Name: Majomon [*]Physical Description: [url=]Something like this.[/url] [*]Move Set: [list][*][i]Magic Hand[/i]: Majomon creates a spectral hand that can either strike an opponent or manipulate objects from a short distance. [*][i]Majo Rocket[/i]: Majomon flies headfirst towards an opponent, hoping to spear them on the tip of her hat. It's... Generally not very effective.[/list][/list][/list] [list][*]Champion[list][*]Name: Magicalmon [*]Physical Description: [url=]Something like this.[/url] [*]Move Set: [list][*][i]Eternal Blaze[/i]: Twirling her Heart Rod, Magicalmon summons a blast of searing magical light to strike down her enemies. [*][i]Heart Rod[/i]: Magicalmon simply gives an enemy a good, hard whack with her Heart Rod; simple yet effective. [*][i]Love Tap[/i]: Similar to Kazemon's attack of the same name; Magicalmon strikes an opponent with her hips, causing mild feelings of infatuation.[/list][/list][/list] [list][*]Ultimate[list][*]Name: PrincessMagicalmon [*]Physical Description: ??? [*]Move Set: ???[/list][/list] [list][*]Mega[list][*]Name: ShiningMagicalmon [*]Physical Description: ??? [*]Move Set: ???[/list][/list][/list] [b]Digivice[/b] [list][*]Physical Description: ...I'm going to be lazy and just say it looks like one of the ones from Adventure, only slightly bigger to accomodate a larger and more modern touchscreen. [*]Special Characteristics: Nothing too fancy, it simply has a built-in compass and Digimon analyzer. [s]Also, it can play Pokemon Go.[/s][/list] [/hider]