[hider=Empire of Rhune][center][color=Khaki][h1][b]The Empire of Rhune[/b][/h1][/color] [img]http://cache.desktopnexus.com/thumbseg/831/831808-bigthumbnail.jpg[/img] [hr][hr][/center] [color=Khaki][b][h2]Overview[/h2][/b][/color] The Empire of Rhune is a nation of Humans who have, through the necessity to survive, turned themselves into an army with a nation. The young are raised from birth to fight in the Great Orruk War. The war to preserve the human species. Beset on all borders, and even from within, by enemies, the people of Rhune are a tough and hardy race that have made it their goal to die with honour, in the service of their nation and of the Emperor. No enemy is to great. Ever eager to strengthen their forces they stand shoulder to shoulder with their allies and send armies far afield when needed. These are a desperate people who believe that only through bloody sacrifice, will they be able to save their homeland and the world beyond their borders. [color=Khaki][b][h2]Geography[/h2][/b][/color] [hider=Map Claim][img]https://s31.postimg.org/x3xzv6vej/blank_latminis_by_magnysovich.png[/img] [/hider] [center][img]https://s9.postimg.org/khanjli3j/siege_fantasy_art_wallpapers_36303_2560x1600.jpg[/img][/center] The Imperial City, Ruarden (Shown Above), during the Great Orruk Siege. This is the seat of the Empress and her power in the world. Sprawling above the Lake of Stars, this massive city is perhaps one of the largest and greatest in the world. Its population is beyond count and it produces many of the Empires greatest soldiers. [center][img]https://s10.postimg.org/snxymawd5/152779.jpg[/img][/center] From the ocean to the Worlds End Mountains, the Empire spans across a vast landscape of mountains, rushing rivers, deep canyons, and glacier fed lakes. Mountain peaks thrust high into the air while the valleys below them are thick with rich soil and lush vegetation that provides ample growing season and life to the Empire. Rivers run swiftly to lakes filled with great fish and the ocean teems with life. The Mountains themselves are thick with resources needed for the Imperial war machine and the trees are alive with silk worms that allow even the poorest of the Empire to cloth themselves in comfort. The climate is temperate in the valleys for much of the year, though winters are brief they can be harsh. Heavy rains and snows are frequent in the north of the country. The south on the other hand is dry and almost arid. Horses are a common sight in the Empire, along with several other beasts, some of which have been pressed into the service of the Empire. [color=Khaki][b][h2]History[/h2][/b][/color] There was a time in which the Empire of Yore spanned more of the world, reaching from its present day location and into the West of the world. It founded colonies, established trade networks, and expanded like no other race had before. In time it became so large that the Emperor decreed the West would be ruled by a second man of equal rank. For a time this proved ideal and the Empire prospered. The East maintained its place as the wealthier trade hub of the Empire while the West produced many brilliant technological minds. Then, a thousand years ago, things began to collapse in the West. The Emperor of the time, Styrius, was mad, or so some say. He wantonly executed thousands, took whatever women he wanted into his bed, levied cruel taxes, and so became the most hated man in the Empire. When he was assassinated it was not by an angry father but by his wife, the Empress Avinmore. Already separated from the East by many cultural differences and jealousy of the wealth that never seemed to make it West, the people of the Western Empire followed Avinmore into independence and so the Empire of Rhune was born. Civil War is a terrible thing and the battles between the two sides were vicious and the war would last for a hundred years. The Rhune, though not as wealthy, populated, or Magical, found their strength in technology and the blessings of a little known Goddess from the Worlds End Mountains, Rhaetia. The war would end with both sides bloodied but with the former Empire firmly split into two separate nations, Rhune and Yore. 900 years has passed since the peace was signed and the two Empires are closer together than ever as they seek to battle looming threats of a non-human nature. Since the assassination of the Emperor, the Avinmore Family Line has ruled for a thousand years, warring, fighting, manipulating, assassinating, always battling, to raise their people to be the greatest Empire the world has ever seen. They have fought with every species to walk the planet and consider none their equal. They have learned from their enemies as humans, highly adaptable race that they are, are want to do. They have waged war with the Elves, the Orruks, the Dwarves, even their fellow Humans, and have absorbed their knowledge. They have imitated their enemies and built a massive well armed and armoured Imperial Army. Technology is their ultimate weapon and it allows them to carve out a niche in the world that would otherwise be over run with Orruks and Beastmen. There was a time when the Race of Rhune was very nearly wiped from the face of the Earth in the Great Orruk War. The Orruks, long a powerful and industrious race, waged war upon the Empire and two hundred years ago they fought their way to the gates of of the Imperial Capital. Only through great loss of life, including the reigning Empress, and the late arrival of giant allies, were the Orruks driven back. [color=Khaki][b][h2]Government[/h2][/b][/color] [center][img]https://s9.postimg.org/cp7sg1tnj/fantasy_queen_wallpaper_armor_warrior_sword_quee.jpg[/img]][/center] The Rhune are ruled by a Warrior Empress, the 32nd of her name. She rules by divine mandate handed down by the living god, Rhaetia. She is a fearsome warrior and battle leader, renowned for her fighting skill. It is said no weapon can pierce her armour and she is protected from the magic of her enemies by the Hand of Rhaetia herself. [color=Khaki][b][h2]Race Description[/h2][/b][/color] The Rhune are a race of humans. [color=Khaki][b][h2]Culture[/h2][/b][/color] [center][img]https://s9.postimg.org/axac6ojn3/3840x2160_cathedral_white_cathedral_fantasy_3011.jpg[/img][/center] The Empire of Rhune is a nation of hard working and hard fighting humans. They worship Rhaetia, with a ruthless devotion and draw much of their power in her name. Ever since their war with the Orruks they have learned to build impressive fortresses and cities that would awe any who visit them. When it comes to day to day work and skills, the Rhune tend to be good at most, but master one completely. All can fight if called upon but the soldiers of the realm are numerous and skilled at their trade. Like many other human nations, the Rhune are numerous and breed quickly. Already the losses they suffered at the hands of the Orruks some two hundred years ago have been made up and a new army prepares to march to war. [color=Khaki][b][h2]Economy/Industry[/h2][/b][/color] The Rhune have found all they need within their borders to survive. Having said that, there are certainly higher grade items to be found in other regions of the world. Human smiths, using materials mined by the Dwarves, smith some of the finest weapons and armour in the known world. Trade with their Dwarven allies is brisk in any manner of items. [color=Khaki][b][h2]Magic[/h2][/b][/color] [center][img]http://lh3.ggpht.com/-CqEkRIXRTmY/Ti_7ilD9DyI/AAAAAAAAEcI/-jSndJklu2s/Hinks-WarriorPriest_thumb10.jpg?imgmax=800[/img][/center] Magic in Rhune comes from two major sources. The first, like any other race, is drawn from the world around the Magic user and comes in the form of mages. As humans are not restricted in their creed to any particular vein of Magic, Mages of any type can be found. More focused however, and possibly more dangerous, is the Will of Rhaetia. Her will is done by chosen men, the Warrior Priests of Rhune. These men, trained from a young age, are the living weapons of the Goddess on earth and can call down her power to aid them and their allies in battle. [hider=The Lore of Light] The Lore of Light is an interesting mix of augment spells, with a couple of magic missiles and a hex for good measure. Exorcism, the Lore Attribute, makes the magic missiles more dangerous against Undead and Daemons, which is obviously highly situational – great if you happen to be facing these enemies, but otherwise useless. However, the magic missiles are probably not the reason you would choose the Lore anyway. [b]Name:[/b] Shem’s Burning Gaze [b]Lore:[/b] Lore of Light [b]Type:[/b] Offensive [b]Short Description:[/b] It’s a basic, Flaming magic missile. Of course, if your target happens to be a Daemon or Undead unit, the damage you put out will be considerable. [b]Name:[/b] Pha’s Protection [b]Lore:[/b] Lore of Light [b]Type:[/b] Defensive Buff [b]Short Description:[/b] A basic augment spell, making it more difficult for an enemy to hit the unit it has been cast upon. [b]Name:[/b] The Speed of Light [b]Lore:[/b] Lore of Light [b]Type:[/b] Offensive Buff [b]Short Description:[/b] A higher level spell that grants greater speed to the unit it is cast upon, allowing them to strike faster than their enemy. [b]Name:[/b] Light of Battle [b]Lore:[/b] Lore of Light [b]Type:[/b] Offensive Buff [b]Short Description:[/b] A higher level spell that renders a unit unbreakable. This means they will not retreat, which can both win a battle, or lead to the units destruction. [b]Name:[/b] Net of Amyntok [b]Lore:[/b] Lore of Light [b]Type:[/b] Offensive Spell [b]Short Description:[/b] This spell renders an enemy unit unable to charge your own troops. [b]Name:[/b] Banishment [b]Lore:[/b] Lore of Light [b]Type:[/b] Offensive Spell [b]Short Description:[/b] An upgraded magic missile that can banish demons or undead from the battlefield. [b]Name:[/b] Birona’s Timewarp [b]Lore:[/b] Lore of Light [b]Type:[/b] Offensive Spell [b]Short Description:[/b] A top level spell that requires plenty of Mana but can not only make a unit faster, but stronger as well, thereby rendering a potential battle decidedly in the users favour.[/hider] [color=Khaki][b][h2]Military[/h2][/b][/color] [center][img]https://s9.postimg.org/5pldmtkfz/evil_army_992x595.jpg[/img][/center] The Rhune Military is highly trained, well armed, and in huge numbers. They operate siege equipment similar to the Orruks and rely on natural allies within their borders to provide heavy hitting support. It is not uncommon to find Ogres, Giants, and other great beasts in their ranks. Human armies are highly versatile and while the majority of the soldiers are of the common fighting stock (Tier 2) the Empire relies heavily on technology to even the playing field, so to speak. They are highly organized and in large numbers, which gives them a heavy advantage over their enemies. However, they are Human. They are given to fatigue, fear, hunger, and disease. Imperial Armies are not fast moving when in full formation and have consistently been forced to wait for the supply train to catch up to them. They're physically weaker than most of their opponents and rely on close formations to try and make up the difference. Many of the core units of the army can be given to fear or retreat if their leadership is killed or wounded. [hider=Core Units] [h3][u][b]Core Units[/b][/u][/h3] [img]https://s10.postimg.org/4renpj689/Handgunner_stirland.jpg[/img] [b]Name:[/b] Musketeers [b]Type:[/b] Infantry (Ranged) [b]Tier:[/b] Tier 2 [b]Category:[/b] Light [b]Short Description:[/b] Lightly armed but highly mobile, Musketeers are armed with muskets and assorted hand weapons. [img]http://wikis.diviad.com/wxwiki/images/thumb/1/1f/Humans-Pikemen.jpg/350px-Humans-Pikemen.jpg[/img] [b]Name:[/b] Pikemen [b]Type:[/b] Infantry (Melee) [b]Tier:[/b] Tier 2 [b]Category:[/b] Medium [b]Short Description:[/b] Armed with medium armour, sixteen foot pikes, and assorted hand weapons. [img]https://s9.postimg.org/56h7ggbj3/244c33ad175a04a7ced95618a2622888.jpg[/img] [b]Name:[/b] Pistoleer [b]Type:[/b] Infantry (Melee/Ranged) [b]Tier:[/b] Tier 2 [b]Category:[/b] Medium [b]Short Description:[/b] Armed with medium armour, musket, six pistols and assorted hand weapons. [img]https://s10.postimg.org/5152v1utl/greatsword_by_1mpact_d40uwlr.jpg[/img] [b]Name:[/b] Greatswords [b]Type:[/b] Infantry (Melee) [b]Tier:[/b] Tier 3 [b]Category:[/b] Medium [b]Short Description:[/b] Armed with heavy armour, and two handed swords. [img]https://s10.postimg.org/pb2ygineh/1403914828041.jpg[/img] [b]Name:[/b] Grenadiers [b]Type:[/b] Infantry (Melee/Ranged) [b]Tier:[/b] Tier 3 [b]Category:[/b] Medium [b]Short Description:[/b] Armed with medium armour, rifles, and assorted hand weapons. These highly soldiers also carry mobile metal shields that can be planted to protect them while they reload. [img]https://s10.postimg.org/t6570qo6h/a19cd9cb8623490ac010d5aa970eef5b.jpg[/img] [b]Name:[/b] Engineers [b]Type:[/b] Infantry (Siege/Support) [b]Tier:[/b] Tier 4 [b]Category:[/b] Light [b]Short Description:[/b] The Engineers carry short swords, daggers, and a whole lot of explosives. This unit acts to support the main military body through building fortifications, bridges, gun emplacements, and, when needed, to blow up enemy structures.[/hider] [hider=Speciality Units] [h3][u][b]Speciality Units[/b][/u][/h3] [img]https://s10.postimg.org/6lhuwfcyx/Warden_black_221681.jpg[/img] [b]Name:[/b] Swordmasters of Rhune [b]Type:[/b] Infantry (Melee) [b]Tier:[/b] Tier 3 [b]Category:[/b] Heavy [b]Short Description:[/b] Wearing heavy armour and carrying two-handed swords imbued with regeneration charms, these are a true heavy hitting unit. [img]https://s9.postimg.org/nkxud1p73/Living_room_home_wall_decoration_fabric_poster_f.jpg[/img] [b]Name:[/b] Star Guard [b]Type:[/b] Infantry (Melee) [b]Tier:[/b] Tier 4 [b]Category:[/b] Heavy [b]Short Description:[/b] Wearing heavy armour, carrying assorted hand weapons, and a tower shield. This unit is highly magical and the elite of Rhune's ground units. [img]https://s9.postimg.org/agtitn71r/787d145c14328434c89773710f72b56a.jpg[/img] [b]Name:[/b] Daughters of Rhaetia [b]Type:[/b] Markswoman (Melee/Ranged) [b]Tier:[/b] Tier 4 [b]Category:[/b] Light [b]Short Description:[/b] Wearing light armour, carrying magically imbued rifles, two pistols, sword and dagger. This unit is highly magical, female only, and the elite ranged unit of Rhune. [img]https://s10.postimg.org/jqcldvhnd/2b77147e31b907385a4c861a74e6aa4b.jpg[/img] [b]Name:[/b] Warrior Priests of Rhune [b]Type:[/b] Heavy Infantry (Melee/Magical) [b]Tier:[/b] Tier 4 [b]Category:[/b] Heavy [b]Short Description:[/b] Warrior Priests of Rhune always wear heavy armour and carry a hand two handed mace or hammer. They call upon the Will of Rhaetia to imbue themselves and nearby allies with power. [img]https://s9.postimg.org/suebsr6tr/cavalry_by_mlappas_d9f5x8f.png[/img] [b]Name:[/b] The Heavies [b]Type:[/b] Cavalry (Melee) [b]Tier:[/b] Tier 3 [b]Category:[/b] Heavy [b]Short Description:[/b] Mounted on large horses, this unit carries lances, assorted hand weapons, two pistols, and large shields. [img]https://s10.postimg.org/v8uuv6pbd/599549_army_artwork_blade_historic_horsemen_hors.jpg[/img] [b]Name:[/b] Dragoons [b]Type:[/b] Cavalry (Melee/Ranged) [b]Tier:[/b] Tier 3 [b]Category:[/b] Heavy [b]Short Description:[/b] Mounted on large horses, this unit carries lances, assorted hand weapons, two pistols, and a short carbine. [img]https://s9.postimg.org/e44wpgbxb/maxresdefault.jpg[/img] [b]Name:[/b] Gryphon Rider [b]Type:[/b] Cavalry (Melee/Ranged/Air) [b]Tier:[/b] Tier 4 [b]Category:[/b] Heavy [b]Short Description:[/b] Mounted on Gryphons, this unit carries lances, assorted hand weapons and longbows. [img]https://s10.postimg.org/nz36e17nd/13116827_235297930171282_929664900_n.jpg[/img] [b]Name:[/b] Giants [b]Type:[/b] Infantry (Melee/Ranged) [b]Tier:[/b] Tier 4 [b]Category:[/b] Heavy [b]Short Description:[/b] These massive creatures, humanoid in appearance, come from the deepest mountains controlled by the empire. Armed with any assortment of hand weapons or giant ranged weapons. Many wear armour and some are covered head to toe, making them a formidable enemy indeed. [img]https://s10.postimg.org/ul74xhtzt/Cannon_620x328.jpg[/img] [b]Name:[/b] Cannon [b]Type:[/b] Siege (Ranged) [b]Tier:[/b] Tier 3 [b]Category:[/b] Medium [b]Short Description:[/b] This weapon is devastating against individual units, buildings, and monsters. It can fire solid shot or exploding shells that shatter the heaviest armour. [img]https://s10.postimg.org/orhvobbvt/Cannon_Used_to_Fire_Drugs_over_Mexico_U_S_Border.jpg[/img] [b]Name:[/b] Great Cannon [b]Type:[/b] Siege (Ranged) [b]Tier:[/b] Tier 4 [b]Category:[/b] Heavy [b]Short Description:[/b] This weapon is devastating against large units, and buildings. It can fire solid shot or exploding shells that shatter the heaviest armour. [b]Name:[/b] Puckle Gun [b]Type:[/b] Infantry (Ranged Support) [b]Tier:[/b] Tier 4 [b]Category:[/b] Light [b]Short Description:[/b] The Pickle Gun is a muzzle loaded gun with seven barrels, firing a 2 pound musket type ball. They are deployed in conjunction with infantry to provide close fire support. [img]https://s10.postimg.org/vw00c5u9l/500px_Steam_Tank_Art.jpg[/img] [b]Name:[/b] Steamtank [b]Type:[/b] Siege (Ranged) [b]Tier:[/b] Tier 4 [b]Category:[/b] Haevy [b]Short Description:[/b] The Steamtank is the pinnacle of Imperial technology. It is a mobile turret on top of a wheeled chassis driven by a steam engine. The turret mounts a cannon inside of it. [img]https://s10.postimg.org/8v97b2fjd/Mage_1.jpg[/img] [b]Name:[/b] Human Mage [b]Type:[/b] Mage (Ranged Magic) [b]Tier:[/b] Tier 2-4 [b]Category:[/b] Light [b]Short Description:[/b] These mages are either well versed in the Lore of Life or the Lore of Light. They are poor melee fighters.[/hider] [hider=Hero Units] [h3][u][b]Hero Units[/b][/u][/h3] [img]https://s9.postimg.org/cp7sg1tnj/fantasy_queen_wallpaper_armor_warrior_sword_quee.jpg[/img] [b]Name:[/b] Avinmore of Rhune [b]Position:[/b] Empress of Rhune [b]Mount:[/b] Summoned Horse [b]Powers:[/b] The Empress wears armour and carries weapon imbued with runes of regeneration, and fire damage. A powerful mage in her own right she summons an eight legged horse. When mounted she and horse both appear to grow in size. [b]Short Bio/Personality:[/b] The Empress is well liked and supported by her people. She is a renowned military commander and fighter, rumoured to have killed thousands of enemy soldiers on her own. [img]https://s9.postimg.org/v43q8qjan/maxresdefault.jpg[/img] [b]Name:[/b] Arch Lector Sadaos [b]Position:[/b] Grand Master of the Hand of Rhaetia [b]Mount:[/b] None [b]Powers:[/b] Arch Lector Sadaos is perhaps the most magically powerful person in the Empire. As the direct link between Rhaetia and the people of Rhune he can call upon her powers to aid him in battle. He is responsible for the training of the Warrior Priests of Rhune. [b]Short Bio/Personality:[/b] WIP[/hider] [color=Khaki][b][h2]Important Figures[/h2][/b][/color] [img]https://s10.postimg.org/k9trx6wop/warrior_queen_by_sicosa_d6y58jv.jpg[/img] [b]Name:[/b] Field Marshal Aoyne [b]Position:[/b] Field Marshal of the Empire - Commander of the Southern Reaches [b]Mount:[/b] Gryphon [b]Powers:[/b] Aoyne is a skilled battle commander and tactician. She has limited magical abilities and relies on Mages for assistance. [/hider]