[hr][hr] [center][color=D9E0F9][h1]Tiffany Lyle[/h1][/color] [img]http://i500.listal.com/image/7499312/700full.jpg[/img] [i]Location: Arnco Mills - Main Street (near Sign Man Graphics) [/I][/center] [hr][hr] The pack she had slung around her felt heavier with each step. She desperately wanted to take a drink of water, but she knew if she put the bottle to her lips she would chug it down in a manner of seconds and it was a precious commodity at this moment. She decided to wait until she could safely sit down for a few seconds. Tiffany brushed her hair over her shoulder, feeling the dirtiness that always annoyed her whenever her hair was unclean. A shower would be nice, heck any water to clean herself in would be nice. She continued down the street she came across and looked around. It was somewhat quiet, but there were Walkers around she could see, some dead, some clinging on to the last bits of "life" as they knew it. Walkers. She still cringed at that word. She never could have imagined her life would have turned out like this. She was supposed to be married, with a job she loved, a successful woman in her own right. And here she was, trudging toward the unknown, with a gun in one pocket and a bow slung around her, prepared to use either should the situation arises. She didn't have time to dwell, she needed to sit down. As she came close to some of the buildings, she started moving more slowly, listening to her surroundings. She heard the low growl of a walker nearby. She crept around the corner to see it, a woman with a light pink dress, stained with earth and blood. She didn't see her. Tiffany took the bow off and knocked an arrow, aiming carefully. Before the woman could look at her, Tiffany shot it and it pierced the skull, killing the woman instantly. A quick mercy. Tiffany put the bow back and walked up, grabbing the arrow, making sure to be careful when pulling it out so it would remain intact and be useful still. She lost many good arrows that way, it was always a learning experience. Once she put the arrow back, Tiffany looked up at the building. The sign red "Sign Man Graphics". Though she doubted it had much in the way of supplies, she hoped it would at leave have a chair in it where she can sit down and drink and eat a bit before moving onwards. She walked over to the door and checked if it could be opened.