Bob wasn't that interested in most of the Minotaur's conversation. Scavenging was far more interesting, it was like a giant puzzle. Which piece could be used to finish his next invention? He was barely paying any attention till Zokox Exlpobomb was mentioned. He jumped up and looked towards Osgar, now he had his attention. With a clanking of parts, smoke, and the crackle of static surrounding him, he stepped out of the mountain of scrap. Or was the mountain moving with him? He had a scowl on his face, and looked like Osgar hurt his pride. He opened his mouth, the first few words being interrupted by more backfiring on his back. [color=92278f]"-you overgrown Minotaur. My inventions are far superior to any piles of junk that Zokox can ever build. I have harnessed the elements at my fingers, he just cheats with magic. How is it even a machine if you cut corners like that? I swear, you blow up a building three times and suddenly It's my fault. He stole that title of best inventor in our tribe. Sabotage and slander, he knew I was going to be declared the best so he had to cheat. My inventions don't fail, so he must have swapped my stuff for his poor quality equipment. He stole my designs, and my hard work. I should be the best inventor, and he darn well knows it..."[/color] He had a lot more he was going on about, but most likely, no one was paying attention to him anymore. He was steaming heavily from this, both figuratively and literally. Turning his head to the ogre, he shouted at the ogre, [color=92278f]"You there, rocks for brains. I don't care why you are here. If Zokox is involved, I will join whatever stupid quest you are on. Wait, Y... You don't mean Yashar do you? Oh, this is perfect. If I help you out, I can get rewarded as well. Then I can finally get back at Zokox. The great and powerful inventor Bob helps Yashar out. That settles it, I'm joining your quest. You can thank me for being helpful now."[/color] He gave a jump, his various gear clanking around, generally making more noise. If an ogre was involved, then he was probably going to be the smartest person involved. He can use that, no, exploit it. His scheme was cut short when a small UFO with a crude sign tacked on it showed up near the ogre. The scrap this thing could be used for if he tore it apart. He was wondering if he could figure out how to make hover boots using this thing when it spoke. It spoke of it being a summon, someone named Grox and it was trying to help this ogre. He walked up to the strange UFO and spoke quickly, [color=92278f]"Finally, someone intelligent enough to talk. So who are you, and how do I get in on whatever deal is good enough to get so many people together? If you don't feel like talking, I can always take this thing apart."[/color]