[center][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/b1/3f/dc/b13fdca5b37f03f2c0a04ec950c664dd.jpg[/img] [h3]Rogor One-Eye[/h3][/center] [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Age:[/b] 42 [b]Race:[/b] Human [b]Allegiance:[/b] Glanz Empire (maybe) [b]Equipment[/b][list] [*] Armor of Penance: Prison and protection in equal measures. The Armor of Penance is permanently locked onto Rogor One-Eye's body, trapping him in the uncomfortable plate mail. The only Lapi within the armor is used to keep Rogor alive, taking away his need to eat, drink, and sleep but keeping the want of all gnawing at the back of his mind. [*] Sword of Thorns: Clashing with his otherwise crude appearance, the Sword of Thorns is the work of a master swordsmith. The blade has a single Lapi in its crossguard and once charged allows the blade to cleave through objects much easier, unless it's protected by another Lapis. Wounds with this blade seem to bleed heavier than they should. [*]Shield of House Rose: A trophy, taken from a now long dead noble house. The shield is a heater in design and bears the crest of the house. A dragon tangled in rose vines. Only used as a last resort, the magic within the shield allow it to launch many ethereal barbed chains which entangle Rogor's foes. This chains sap the strength out those they entangle, making them easier targets. [/list] [b]Abilities[/b][list] [*]Besides the Lapi imbued within his gear, Rogor does not like to use lapi and in a duel he forgoes their use entirely. [*]A mutation from birth, Rogor's remaining eye glows with an inner power. This "Evil Eye" has no outwardly magical effects but is nonetheless intimidating to those of weaker stock. [/list] [b]Talents[/b][list] [*]Master Swordsman [*]Bodyguard [*]Cavalry Combat [*]Archery [/list] [b]Personality:[/b] A quiet man with a dry humor. Rogor is a strange combination of knight errant and mercenary, traveling the lands and offering his skills to any who can forge a contract. Any scruples he has seems to be tied with battle, a brawl is fought to win by any means necessary. A duel is fought man to man, steel to steel, and with no Lapi. Children seem to be the only ones exempt from things he's willing to kill, leaving those with guardians and taking Orphans with him, caring for them until the contract runs up and he takes the child away to Gods knows where. [b]Biography:[/b] [b]Other:[/b] Rogor's contract is his bond, however he leaves much wriggle room for loophole abuse should he find his employer...unsatisfactory. [hider=The Orphanage] [img]https://i.ytimg.com/vi/GnwsjfI7Iys/maxresdefault.jpg[/img][/hider] The Orphanage, for lack of a better term, is hidden inside of an old ruin of a keep, forgotten by the world at large. Whenever Rogor takes an orphan it is here that they are placed, where they are given warm food, safety, and a trade. When the children become of age they are released from the Orphanage's care and allowed to forge their own paths. Every now and again they return and give a share of their profits, out of gratitude most likely for they are under no obligation to do so. [u][b]Population:[/b][/u] 20-30 at any given time, the races fluctuate. [u][b]People of Note:[/b][/u] [hider=Lilith Baldwin][img]https://cdna2.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/000/431/602/large/loles-romero-dark-elf-rogue.jpg?1422205557[/img][/hider] A human raised elf, Lilith is the resident teacher for rogues, thieves, and assassins among the children. Aloof and admittedly distant, she nonetheless cares deeply for her charges and teaches them as well as she can in the ways of the shadows. She's the closest thing to a mother figure many of these children have. [hider=Brogan Blue-Hide][img]http://img15.deviantart.net/15f7/i/2015/197/6/a/minotaur_by_pablofernandezartwrk-d91ilt1.jpg[/img][/hider] A minotaur of the more civilized stock, Brogan teaches the children the art of battle. Under him the children grow strong and capable, forging bonds with their fellows as they fight and bleed together. Brogan has a certain fondness for poetry and this usually spills out into his pupils, many of them growing up to become warrior poets or a certain competence. [hider=Adewale][img]http://i2.wp.com/www.critical-hits.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/Wizard_PHB5e1.jpg[/img][/hider] A mystery even to his friends, Adewale teaches the children to use Lapis. The power of Lapis is a responibility and Adewale teaches the children that it is their duty to not abuse the power that they have been given. In addition, Adewale helps the children with the trappings of tragedy and trauma for being an orphan is never easy. Finally, Adewale teaches the children how to read, write, and basic arithmetic if they do not already. [hider=Thurin The Old][img]http://orig13.deviantart.net/d773/f/2014/124/7/f/dwarf_blacksmith_by_michelefrigo-d4lakir.jpg[/img][/hider] An old friend of Rogor's, Thurin is a dwarf long into his years and keeps the ruin from crumbling apart. In additon to this he teaches the children who aren't battle inclined, they would become engineers, smiths, and cooks of great renown should they dine to leave. However his pupils tend to stay, preferring the peace of the mountain one guesses. It is Thurin's last goal to return the ruins back to it's original glory, a goal shared by all of his pupils.