[center][hr][hr][IMG]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=Lionel%20Wickett&name=AKENATEN.ttf&size=65&style_color=9C6F6F[/IMG] [IMG]https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1226827915/Screen_shot_2011-01-26_at_5.37.53_PM_400x400.png[/IMG] [hr][b]Location:[/b] The Shower->The Dining Room[hr][/center] Lionel stepped out of the shower much clean, but only slightly less furious than when he stepped in. Sure having hot dose of hot water helped cool down his head, and he did let out the majority of his aggression beforehand, but getting flung into a wall and covered with urine and fecal matter weren't something you got over very quickly, 'less you were one of them Quaker types. At the very least, Lionel had stopped his mutterings. He fetched a half-empty bottle of drink from his room and took a liberal chug before making his way to the Dining Hall, where he found Atticus and the Doctor Girl, Daphne playing cards. [color=#9C6F6F]"Hand on a Bible, swearin' high on to God Almighty himself, if that engine boy weren't already employed, I'd do it right here an' right now. It'd be a real prestigious offer an' all. Then, when he'd accept it and shake my hand, I'd look the cocksucker dead in the eyes and fire his 屁股,"[/color] Lionel exclaimed mimicking the Swear Into Oath done in courts, his booze holding hand serving as the one that would be resting on top of the Holy Book. He placed the bottom of the bottle down on the table hard enough to send a slight shockwave through it, just barely a bit less impact than would be considered slamming the thing. He pulled out a chair and sat back in it, his head cradled in his hand. Lionel didn't even really feel like playing cards. He just felt like yelling to people, and these were the first he came across. If he had gone back to the engine room there would be a pretty good chance that he'd kick Gideon's ass himself. And then that would cause problems with Captain Crowe and it'd be a big ole tā mā de jíqún.