[quote=@Polybius] Just leaving this here for now. Not 100% committed. [hider=WorkingProg] [h1]The Kingdom of Lumitome[/h1][hr] Flag you fool [h2]Introduction[/h2][hr] Despite the historic precedent of isolationism, the Kingdom of Lumitome, after various social advancements is on the cusp of ditching its several hundred year old monarchy in favor of a modern republican nation-state and taking a more active role in world affairs. The social advances were preceded by industrial revolution, new technologies, new construction and new bills to pay. Saddled with debt, social upheaval and struggling to reconcile the ancient theology of the Kingdoms Arcanists, Lumitome braces itself for change.. [h2]Geography[/h2][hr] Map Claim [+] Not sure yet. Looking to work on a shared history with someone. [h2]History[/h2][hr] [h3]Recent History[/h3] (400-500 years hence) [h3]Modern Era[/h3] [h3]The State of the Kingdom[/h3] Young [color=lightblue]Prince Barras[/color], exiled to a monastery high in the Capas Mountains, plots endlessly to seize control of the throne from his stroke-riddled father [color=indianred]King Midoras III[/color] and his court of corrupted ministers. The King, invalid and nearing death has given control to his High Minister, [color=gainsboro]Sir Thomas Blackwell[/color], a cousin of the royal family. Blackwell is a man beholden to the values of Absolutism, and absolutely opposed to this whole 'workers rights' thing. He also had a hand in exiling Prince Barras for attempting to overthrow his father, (in truth Barras was merely trying to prevent Blackwell from seizing power). Meanwhile, in a coastal province, [color=thistle]Princess Atlantea[/color] has taken a handful of retainers, including her tutor, Master Toombs, to the port city of Traevus, where ship builders are nearing to go on a strike. Princess Atlantea hopes to calm the masses before riots erupt in the city and bloodshed ensues. ~more [h2]Society[/h2][hr] The Kingdom of Lumitome is divided into several provinces, each ruled by a governor that answers directly to the Monarch and his ministers. The capital city Theedlin, in Sevaro province is where the ruling class meets. The major mining provinces straddle the mountains and the coastal ports are heavily fortified to protect ship-building. [h2]Population:[/h2][hr] Lumitome is primarily human, with a small ethnic elve population in the heavily forested regions. The elves have no rights to own lands, businesses or property and are subject to the will of the crown. A migration to friendlier lands is currently under way. [h3]Social Class:[/h3] A very rich aristocracy holds power in Lumitome, family and friends of the Monarch, Ministers and Governors. Poverty is rampant in the poorer provinces, and the destitute are flocking to cities in search of manufacturing jobs. The middle class business owners are slowly losing power and tend to squabble more with each other.. [h2]Economy/Industry[/h2][hr] Lumitome is a world class supplier of raw iron, gutted from the deep mines of ____ . Although airship building is relatively new to the Kingdom, refining the raw materials necessary is not. [h2]Military[/h2][hr] The Armed Forces of the Kingdom have been waiting for an invasion that has never come for a hundred years. Modern gun emplacements have replaced old mountain fortresses, airfields constructed over farming land, and the bulbous foundries necessary for industrialization have blackened the rivers and coastlines of once idyllic provinces. The military is small, but undergoing extensive retro-fitting at the behest of Minister Thomas Blackwell. The Knights Reva Prince Barras' personal guard of 500 men. The Knights Reva are descended from temple knights that protected the treacherous mountain passes from bandits and wild beasts so that pilgrims might reach the mountain top monasteries safely. The Aristocratic Knighthood Aristocratic Knights number in the thousands. Royal retainers, courtiers etc. Young men (no women!) join fencing guilds, shooting clubs and more recently, 'bombadiers' that launch (relatively harmless) bombs at targets in cabbage fields. The Royal Navy Wip. Transitional- Conventional to Modern (Some units still have sabers and horses) (Unsurprisingly you must also talk about your military. How militarized are you? What is your army like in general? What kind of equipment you use? Any special units or machines worth mentioning? I think you already know how this goes.) [/hider] [/quote]It's forming up nicely but still a bit rough at the edges. Keep it up and once you filled everything up you can post it in the Characters tab. [quote=@deathkiller] [hider=My Hider] [u][b]The New Union Of Columbia[/b][/u] [img]http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/fallout/images/8/8b/Cowpens_Flag.png[/img] Geography Help me define a border! [u][b]Nation Intro[/b][/u] The N.U.C, is a Capitalist nation built on the ideals of democracy and freedom for there fellow man. There ideas are radical to many old world nations, with a quickening of a middle class, higher education, and an abolishment of the caste system. Slavery is untolerable to the N.U.C, and the nation fights it with every breath they have. Patriotism is rampant in the N.U.C, as many wave there flags high. Technology is heavily embraced, as prevalent with the use of automobiles as standard, zeppelins and airplanes dominating the skies, and steam power armor a favorite armor for soldiers, as are Columbian Auto firearms. Robots do mundane tasks, while scientists work on newer and better wonders of technology. The NUC isnt without its fair share of problems though. Unemployment is high, many protesting against robots in factories, and two democratic parties are at a stand still, and more Autocratic neighbors. Geography [u][b]History[/b][/u] Before the Industrial age.... [img]http://orig15.deviantart.net/fd82/f/2016/166/0/5/_scarlet_storm__us_flag_by_rvbomally-da6ds1h.png[/img] The Old Columbia Flag Columbia was a great nation, a monarchy that was spiraling 2 continents divided into 13 commonwealths. undebated...There High King, Joseph The Mad ruled with an iron fist. His rule included famine for the poor, schooling for the rich, and an oppressive caste feudal system in which all the wealth was with feudal lords who didnt gave two shits to the people they protect. Death was common, religion was the only salvation from this cruel state. Atoms Light was always obtainable for a small fee. Joseph The Mad would often execute those who challenged his rule, who he said Atom himself had appointed him as God king. As time went on, Columbia was invaded by a horde of orcs and Uraks, the horde being paid by Joseph to quell any uprising by 'saving the nation' to put the peoples trust back in him, which back fired as the orcs attacked everyone, even destroying soldiers. Once the orcs ransacked the common wealth of Dawin, a group of untrained soldiers, known as the First Militia, faught the horde head on, armed with pitch forks, and rusty farming tools{Dispite the law that sevs cannot under any circumstances, be armed}. Many perished by the orcs brutality, but as the battle went on, the farmers started winning...and eventually, destroyed the orchish invaders. The civilians gained a sense of strength....and the militia was cheered across the commonwealths. Joseph the mad was furious, and ordered the militias execution, as they broken the law, and posed a threat to his rule. But the new Militia were warned of this, and went to hiding, gathering support from all commonwealths... The Militia began calling themselves the New Union of Columbia. That the king was evil and unpure....that he was a tyrant. They began opening there eyes at the enslavement....the injustice they were put through... They screamed for revolution. A new nation. One that could never fall prey to tyrants....They called for a new republic. In which people had say in there government...the commonwealths had to unite for this cause.... The king sent his men to Dawin. As they arrived, flags of 13 stars surrounding a single big star where hung across the buildings. [img]http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/fallout/images/8/8b/Cowpens_Flag.png[/img] The flag was hung across the nation. The seeds of revolution, had started. The people rose up in the Commonwealths of Columbia...attacking every and all soldiers. All citizens were urged to fight Within the course of 5 years, The Mad king had surrendered to the people. The aristocracy was spared, but Joseph was publicly executed for crimes aginst Columbia. A new government destine to grow had flourished. The republic represented every commonwealth in the council, as every common wealth directly elected a governor, and those governors would be the countries council. They would create and pass laws, and elect a Lord, who would enforce the laws, and break stalemate arguments in the council. Only the council could declare war, and the Lord would usher military encase of invasion. Two political parties have form over the years....the Aristocrats, Former kings servents who wanted more power to the elected lord, and say the council takes too much to get done. The Patriots. People from the first militia that wish for commonwealth rights and to keep how things are. These two political parties battled for control over the next century. As soon as the industrial age had arisen, the people of the N.U.C cried for technological advances. As public schooling become more and more available to the public, technology boomed even before the industrial age, with new inventions such as the expensive horseless carriage, aeroplanes and zeppelins along with the steel plow of course. But these inventions never shined till the industrial age, where they were improved upon, and invention became rapid as the best universities were created in the N.U.Cs pro suit in knowledge the king would never give them...Fire arms replaced swords. Repeating rifles replaced muskets. steam power armor replaced knight suits. Even people benefited with steam engines powering factories....light bulbs powered homes. Personal telegraphs and large computers kept businesses in touch. And radio helped with communication, and information. Technology was improving rapidly. But only time will tell if this lasts.... [b][u]Society[/u][/b] The NUC is a melting pot of races from Dwarves, and elves to Humans and orcs. There ideas of 'Equal but separate' is a statement that means magic and personality traits along with cultures are accepted in the NUC, as long as they dont cause harm to any living being, as sacrifices are illegal. [b][u]Commonwealths of the New Union of Columbia [/u][/b] [u]Commonwealth[/u] Dawin Downfall Hex Heathen Clash Titan Newbearing Bearing Forecept New Forecept Theodore Harvest Sider [u]Economy/Industry[/u] The NUC has an GDP of over 596 million colums, due to the saleing of vehicles, weapons, and armor to foreign nations. There trade is also hooked in raw goods, such as Atheruim, iron, hydrogen, gold, and crystals and timber. The NUC has various firearm companies in for firearms, and technology in general. Voc Series: Revolving cylinder weapons with good range and the best damage of all the companies but are inaccurate and slow, and a medium ammo capacity at an average of 6 shots in each firearm. R Series: Medium fire rate, and a good amount of ammo capacity (Usual 10-15 in a clip) and an ok damage. These weapons have an good range, But the accuratecy of the R series is superior to all the gun companies. Rapid/AR: Rapid have the best fire rate and ammo capacity (30 in a clip on average) in all the companies, but have dwarfed in range, and accuratecy, with lowest in damage in all the companies Bolt: Lowest ammo capacity (usual 4 shot per clip), and fire rate in all the companies. But a very good damage, some rifles rivaling Voc, and the Bolt series has great accuratcy, and best in range in all the companies [u]General[/u] Hugo Steam: A power company that develops on steam power, and the miniaturization of it. This comapny is known for its power cores, long lasting light bulbs, and steam engines that power Steam Cars and industry across the nation. Theodores Robotics: Theodore robotics is responsible for robots for commercial, industry, and military work. They are a great company that works on improving on robots, and have a great relationship with Hugo steam. ComTech: A radio, cinema and computer company that creates, maintains, and builds mechanical radios and mechanical computers and projectors. Radios are in every home, and this company is working on improving them, and even working on a thing called a Television {Only the rich can experience this, for now}. They maintain mechanical computers that are used for the military and industry only, but test trial are being used to put smaller versions in peoples home. Only the rich can access this new technology. And Cinema is wide spread. Horseless Inc.: A steam carriage company that builds cars, trucks, and other vehicles for the military, industry, and commercial use. [u]Military infantry[/u] The Militia [img]http://pre10.deviantart.net/7913/th/pre/f/2012/093/d/b/dbe59d5a1bf65c753a2403096b7608c1-d2r7o2g.jpg[/img] Militia soldiers vary in race, armor, and training, and are used for the home defense of the NUC until the far off military can arive. The soldiers are usually dedicated the the New union of Columbia to protect her with every breath. The Infantry [img]http://orig00.deviantart.net/e426/f/2011/137/0/d/belothian_soldier___heavy_by_nazermatt-d3gjjug.jpg[/img] A lightly armored rifleman, complete with a Rep-4 Repeating rifle, and full body armor that gives modest protection aginst bullets, a trench saber, and a R-4 pistol. Its a thickend version of the old Columbian armor, as to protect from bullets. The gas mask repels any gas attacks thrown there way. [img]http://www.forgottenweapons.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/1888_rekylgev_b_0706_s-20081218-205938.jpg[/img] Rep-4 Repeating rifle [img]http://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0852/1904/products/IMG_6278_grande.JPG?v=1456685996[/img] R-4 pistol [img]https://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQshjxyEd7Rcdgtq7CAFG_nEMW7A4j-N08hmtwUI2vWDdHA5PAATQ[/img] Trench Saber Steel Rangers [img]http://i58.tinypic.com/343hhtl.jpg[/img] Steel Rangers are the heavy hitters of the NUC, and are heavily trained from Officers. They carry AR-2 Machine rifles, and Voc-3 revovlers. There armor is A.R.M steam power armor, running on a portable steam power generator, and Aethium foot gear helps bear the load of the 300 pound armor. These armors can take a huge beating from small caliber firearms, but larger more powerful weaponry can penetrate the armor. They carry trench knives are a last resort. [img]http://orig06.deviantart.net/7c5b/f/2015/143/9/3/carbine_by_dimension_dino-d8ueouc.png[/img] AR-2 Machine Rifle [img]http://www.sharecg.com/images/medium/63451.jpg[/img] Voc-3 Revolver [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/2b/ec/b4/2becb45a599de2c319ea3e0c04c0f0c0.jpg[/img] Trench knife Golighs [img]https://img.ifcdn.com/images/cebe1d31acf371b2958cba91bcb9168402c0d7381b6853d3e27957fb701e4a42_1.jpg[/img] Golighs are extremely large mecha suits that are for when you absolutely have to kill some thing. Worn by only specially trained Orcs from the shear heaviness of the armor, and with a lot of help from the steam engines and Aetherium plates on the soles of the feet to aid in weight reduction, the power suit can take heavy fire. Many are used in the process of dragon slaying when a dragon ever attacks, carrying 50mm Auto cannons, and a large drill to shread through walls, and other heavy armors. These troops are dropped from Combat zeppelins from 200 ft. [img]http://img05.deviantart.net/619c/i/2012/364/e/b/battletech___lb_x_autocannon_by_steampoweredmikej-d5prf5z.jpg[/img] Goligh 50mm auto cannon [img]https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQjWkay5cFdk77kwUQtc5XOAUopFaFr0HPBa2zM_YcOBlWPByK_[/img] Goligh Drill [u]Battle Robots[/u] Battle Assistant Sentry {BAS} M2 [img]https://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTQdYJna3c-Q2fmsFEpDUx2--Rq_FbC9zpvwojrO3vfdtYXnwP3[/img] A genius of Columbian technology. BAS can actively break through trenches and be dropped from zeppelins at high altitudes. There heavily armored, and are armed with an 30mm auto cannon and Minigun. They protect Military bases as well, and kill with deadly force. There design also has a E.F sensor, that can detect friendlys and foes alike. These machines are quite expensive, so only a few of them are assign to each military base. Floaty Bot [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/45/7b/a3/457ba3e5f91d074d2df198e3e850f522.jpg[/img] A general maintaince robot turned into a war bot. Equipped with a actual rifle built in one of its hand, and chainsaw in the other, this robot is cheaper to manufacture, but there combat abilities are limited, as they cant go where a human can go. Prone to break downs, and frenzies, there often occupied with standard infantry soldiers. Surveillance Bot [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/e3/20/c3/e320c3974b1d77ba77e7e04047434f16.jpg[/img] A small robot used to fight behind enemy trenches, and tell were snipers and other hidden items are. Equpped with a 10mm semi auto gun in one of its hands, and a lightly armored chassis, the robot is used to spot spies in military bases, but direct combat would leave it ultimately destroyed. [u]Aero Vehicles[/u] The Phoenix Class Anti Dragon ship. [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/31/6a/67/316a6701224f3a09522d1d651b9a851d.jpg[/img] These Anti dragon ships are used for dragon suppression (As in the name) in times of peace. Equipped with 100mm Auto cannons, high rate 20mm anti material machine guns, and enough armor that could withstand dragons fire, the Phoenix class ships are the best of the best in aero class technology. Powered on Aetherum and hydrogen balloons, these large ships are supreme. But the downside. The cost of these ships are enormous, and only 26 of these ships have ever been made, 2 for each commonwealth in the NUC. And the hydrogen balloons make them a target, though the Aethium would keep the ship afloat, if only for a few hours as the ship starts to decline at a pretty rapid rate. They are not equipped with anti infantry and building bombs. The Dread Class Battle ship [img]https://tracycembor.files.wordpress.com/2015/01/airship-03.jpg[/img] The most common airship, these ships run on an combination of aetherium and hydrogen. Not as armored or powerful as the Phoenix Class, these ships make up for in numbers. Equipped with lighter armor, and .50 caliber machine guns, and 50mm Auto cannons for ship to ship combat. These weaker ships can be brought down after there hydrogen tanks are exploded, there aetherium engines not strong enough to hold the entire ship, only enough to keep it from dying right away. These ships are equipped with powerful anti armor bombs. The BeeSting [img]http://img01.deviantart.net/cb68/i/2011/136/9/1/steampunk_plane_by_trigueirojr-d3gh9zx.jpg[/img] A lightly armored areal assist vehicle, used in dog fights and anti bomber planes. These planes have no armor on the wings, so even infantry soldiers could destroy these with directed fire, if they could aim right. These planes are fast, and use 2 10mm machine guns on each wings. there not powerful, but as a 'Bee sting' many of these could bring down airships, and bombers alike. The pilots of these ships carry 3 small bombs to throw on to infantry, but the power of these are minimal. The BomBard [img]http://thumbs.dreamstime.com/z/fantasy-retro-airship-d-render-37376127.jpg[/img] Slow, clunky, and powerful. These planes have only 2 10mm machine guns under there wings, and have big cloth wing spans. These planes can withstand a beating, but they cant put up a fight against faster airplanes. Beestings usually protect these planes, and the true power in theses bulky slow planes is in there bombs. They can rain down exploding death on infantry, zeppelins, and armor at peak efficiency, better than the beesting and Dread class zeppelins. Standard infantry soldiers could bring these planes down if the plane flew low enough. [u]Ground Vehicles/Artillery[/u] The Steam Tank M2 [img]https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRwDx-PDzPQoTnXiXPKo_IG4jsofOPLZ2ZukKr_Vb_BD2WC2n7P[/img] A slow heavily armored vehicle (Max speed, 40mph), a new version of its time. Armed with a 40mm cannon, and charged with a steam V8 engine, this vehicle can go through most terrain, and is strong against heavy armor. These are accompanied with steel rangers, and infantry men. The tank is perfect against small arms fire, but only decent protection from high caliber weapons and explosives. These are dropped in from zepplins. FireFly [img]http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs46/f/2009/225/1/b/Steampunk_car_sketch_by_xadhoom.jpg[/img] A fast unarmored vehicle with an max speed of 90mph, and supports a 10mm mounted LMG. Many infantrymen drive these along with troop transport, and the vehicles are parachuted down from zeppelins. Troop Transporter [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/b6/e4/be/b6e4be185e7a03ab653c29694d631694.jpg[/img] A massive, slow moving vehicle that heavily armored in every crevasse. With the max speed of 20mph, this is the slowest vehicle in the army. This vehicle is only equipped with 10mm machine guns, no cannons, and carries up to a hundred men inside, along with 20 steel rangers. The defensive power exceeds the offensive, but the large vehicle could get troops past heavy defenses. Are you ready for the Age of Steam? Completed [/hider] [/quote]Your technology is closer to WW1/WW2 than the timeline of this game. Radio? Try telegraph at best. bolt-action rifles are also considered the pinnacle of handheld guns of this time. Machineguns are most commonly still follow Gatling's principle and Maxim-type blowback-operated machineguns are a rare sight. Also this being steampunk we don't have gasoline engines but rather more efficient and compact steam engines. So yeah, rather than WW2 try to go for what would not look so much out of place during the Civil War era. Or perhaps with a bit of Wild Wild West feel added to it. [quote=@Nerevarine] [hider=My Hider] [center][h1][b]The Teudani Empire[/b][/h1][img]http://orig12.deviantart.net/7978/f/2014/098/d/c/danish_norwegian_flag_by_shikku27316-d7do862.png[/img][h3][i]Med dése teken verdeges dy de trou; Med dése teken, werden de feinden fallon[/i][/h3][/center] [b][h2]Nation Intro[/h2][/b] The Teudani Empire is a newborn nation, created only 50 years ago, with the unification of the Half-Elvish Teudani peoples under one banner. Now, the previously disorganized nations of the Teudani are united in a major power, that looks out for expansion and growth. Their bloodly and brutal history as the infamous "Crusaders" has not been lost, and if anything, It looks like the people are too ready to take up the holy war once again. [b][h2]Geography[/h2][/b][hider=Map Claim][img]http://i.imgur.com/JWbA4Zm.png[/img] [/hider] (Choose a color and draw your borders on the map. Also you get the freedom to describe the environment and geography of your nation here, within reasonable limits. You can even talk about the important zones or places within your borders.) [b][h2]History[/h2][/b] [h3] Time of the Tribes[/h3] [youtube]https://youtu.be/6xTqt_l2BtA?list=PLyKBF5mS8ZNVRkim5KNdTFgM4mgHp2u0r[/youtube] Habiation of the area that would become the Urheimat of the Teudani was first inhabited by Sapient Life some time 12,000 years. It is widely accepted that the first people in the Theudish Lands were elves who had migrated from somewhere else, and set up the first societies in the area. These people, sometimes called the "Snow Elves", primarily lived as semi-nomadic tribesmen, speaking the now extinct family of languages known as "North Elvish". The Snow Elvish Culture flourished for about 2,000 years, developing into the "Northern Bronze Age", a time where the Society of the Elves became more advance, with bronze working, and complex religion taking root in the lands. It is around this time that Humans began their migration into the Lands of the Snow Elves. These Humans were quick to interact with the more advanced Elves, and entered into agreements of Trade. Human Tribes often found themselves hired as Mercenaries, later evolving into something of a Military caste for the Tribal Elves. By the Time of the Iron Age, the line between Human and Elf had become nearly non-existent. Early history of the mixture of people is rather unknown, but documents from this pre-literate time composed by more advanced neighbors identifies these people under the general term of "Teudani", perhaps a name of a particularly powerful tribe in the early history of the Teudanic Tribes. At a later date, inscriptions would arise from the lands of Teudania, written in their own alphabet, a series of cuts and runic letters incised into wood and stone, as well as small tokens of iron and bronze with runes inscribed into them. This would be the first direct attestations of the Theudanic Languages, which at this time, formed a mostly intelligible dialect continuum. :ᚦᛁᛋ᛫ᚺᚱᛜᚨᛎ᛫ᛁᛏ᛫ᚠᛟᚱᚨᛁ᛫ᚺᛚᛟᛞᚹᛁᚷᚨᛎ᛫ᛋᛟᚾᚾᚨ᛫ᛞᚨᛁᚱᛟᚾᚨᛎ: [[i]þis hringaz it forai hlodwigaz sonna daironaz[/i]] The first attested inscription in Proto-Teudanic For a good chunk of their early history, the Teudani Tribes were known as raiders, sweeping across the sea or across the plains of the east to plunder for wealth and for captives. Early forms of the Teudanic Pagan religion arose at this time, called by it's people as Hedendomaz, translated as Hedenry. Hedenry evolved from a mixture of the belifes of the local Snow Elves, and the Humans who settled and mixed among them. The more mystical and anthropomorphic gods of the elves lent form and personality to the primordial nature deities that the humans worshiped. In the Early Age, two [i]To Be Continued[/i] [h3]Age of Kings[/h3] [youtube]https://youtu.be/isxvXITTLLY?list=PLyKBF5mS8ZNVRkim5KNdTFgM4mgHp2u0r[/youtube] [b]The Crusaders[/b] [img]http://img00.deviantart.net/e647/i/2015/219/d/4/viking_raven_banner_by_desertstormvet-d94kvew.jpg[/img] [i]Flag of the Crusaders in the Pagan Age[/i] As the influence of the preistly caste and religious leaders of the Teudanic Pagan religion grew, the tenant of Holy War to please the Gods with Sacrifices of War Victims became stronger. Traditionally this was accomplished by raids, slaying enemies on the battlefield and bringing back prisoners to be hung from trees or thrown into bogs, however, the growing problem of the Great Famine came to demand larger scale sacrifices. The Crusades were the brainchild of an agreement between the Clergy to cede some power back to the Warrior Caste, by allowing them a major role in the newly forming society. [h3]Unification [/h3] [b][h2]Society[/h2][/b](What is your nation is like. You can describe your demographics (special mention to the various races), culture, religion and even your government. It's a bit complex category so if you feel like it you can split this up.) [b][h2]Economy/Industry[/h2][/b](What is your economy like? What do you mine, produce, trade? How developed is your nation in terms of technology? Anything unique you invented or even make?) [b][h2]Military[/h2][/b](Unsurprisingly you must also talk about your military. How militarized are you? What is your army like in general? What kind of equipment you use? Any special units or machines worth mentioning? I think you already know how this goes.) [/hider] [/quote]Looks good. And since I trust you once you're finished with all categories you can post this NS in the characters tab. [quote=@Asura] Wipperino I should note, I'm up for background interactions with my gobs. [hider=Hobgoblins][center][h1][b]The United Chiefdoms of Gru-nuk[/b][/h1][img]http://orig05.deviantart.net/612e/f/2011/206/9/6/steampunk_bounty_hunter_flag_by_fullmetalvamp-d41nxs1.jpg[/img][/center] [b][h2]Nation Intro[/h2][/b] The United Chiefdoms of Gru-nuk is a brutal nation of warlike hobgoblins who scourge the lands by walk upon. Unlike the orcs whom many claim they hold kinship with, the Gru-nuk approach life with ruthless efficiency and fierce discipline. [b][h2]Geography[/h2][/b][hider=Map Claim][img]http://i.imgur.com/1huKzb7.jpg[/img] [/hider] [b][h2]History[/h2][/b](Talk about the history of your nation. You can make it barebones if you want or collaborate with other players to establish a shared history.) [b][h2]Society[/h2][/b] Population of ~ 74,000,000 (98.2% Hobgoblin, 1.8% Other) [b][h2]Economy/Industry[/h2][/b] Exports: Coal, Steel, Rubber Imports: Lumber, Luxury Goods, Aetherite [b][h2]Military[/h2][/b] [/hider] [/quote]Keep up the work. Also we can discuss the map problems later. I don't think you feuding with my nation would be such a problem. [quote=@bluetommy2] [hider=Industrious Evil "Orcs"][center][h1][b]Kharurukkharamongarrakh[/b][/h1][img]https://blackskullhorde.files.wordpress.com/2011/09/bsh_flag_r_gutter.png[/img][/center] [b][h2]Nation Intro[/h2][/b] Kharurukkharamongarrakh, meaning home of the destroyers, is a frigid sovereign nation inhabited by the Chaos Orcs, a powerful and ancient race who took to industry and destruction better then their savage colleagues in the far west. Warped in both appearance and mind, the Orcs of the northern tundras are well known for savagery and brutality, with their factories and vehicles producing smoke so thick that the former cold and yet somehow beautiful island of Icemere was turned into a mess of black smog and brown cityscape. The Kharurukkhar are brutally racist and misanthropic, which, combined with their uniquely resistant physiology, surprising intelligence, and magical acumen, makes them among the most dangerous armies on the planet. [b][h2]Geography[/h2][/b][hider=Map Claim][IMG]http://i63.tinypic.com/2vvlx8g.jpg[/IMG][/hider] Kharurukkharamongarrakh consists of the island of Icemere, a mountainous and cold region that is frozen almost year round, along with the southern islands of Snowbeacon, a rocky and now completely industrialized outpost which has long been coveted by pirates and kingdoms of old, also housing one of the world's tallest mountains, from which the island takes it's name, and Darkholme, a small and unexplored island, frozen year-round. [b][h2]History[/h2][/b] The story of the Chaos Orcs starts in the far north, the lands which they continue to roam, on islands such as Icemere and Snowbeacon. The orcs are thought to have emerged from the ice of the northernmost point of the planet when the world was still young, migrating over the small human settlements that had begun on the area. The term "Chaos Orc" is actually a poor description of these creatures, for their immortality and powerful magical ability in earlier ages places them closer to elves, and it is true that many Chaos Orcish traits are shared with that of the Elvish, including fair hair, large ears, short frames, and wiry yet still powerful physiques, though Orcs take quicker to food and drink than Elves, and as such, quite a few of the race are horridly obese. Though these are where the similarities end. Pug-nosed, short-tusked, and with wildly differing skin color, Chaos Orcs often have horrific deformities from birth, with some of these actually making them more dangerous. Members of the race are biologically immortal, but unlike the Elves, they breed fast, Orcs usually being born twice at a time. Chaos Orcs are hermaphrodites, reproducing sexually after a battle between the two to determine which Orc is forced to give birth to the infant. Whatever the case, the Kharurukkhar began making small punitive expeditions onto the mainland, only to be driven back by the mighty human kingdoms that had founded around the same time. In doing this, the Kharurukkhar actually found themselves bringing the Humans together moreso than destroying them as they were wont to do. As years passed, more and more kingdoms founded and fell, but little was heard out of the north, the Kharurukkhar sounding more like a superstition told to young children in order to teach them the power of unity, and eventually, they faded into myth, unreal creations of the human mind. But the Kharurukkhar were all too real, and as the nations of the world entered a new age, they re-emerged, stronger and more fearsome than ever, taking any being foolish enough to enter the frigid northern islands for slave soldiers and caged gladiators to be killed by training Kharurukkhar. Now, more than ever, the Kharurukkhar are the biggest threat to civilization left on the planet, technologically advanced, and with perhaps the biggest airship armada in the known world. [b][h2]Society[/h2][/b]Kharurukkharamongarrakh is ninety percent Chaos Orc, with nine percent being the feral and powerful trolls, unintelligent and barely sentient, Trolls are often used as pack animals by the leading caste in peacetime. One percent of the country's demography is taken up by slaves, of Elven, Human, and Plains Orc heritage. Chaos Orcs are entertained by slave fighting and demonstrations of power, Orcish "culture" is practically non-existent, with what writing is used having the prose of a tree. Chaos Orcs are almost robotic, building what would serve them best and not caring about appearance, killing food animals with the enthusiasm of a tree. Orcs enjoy displays of torture, with all their enjoyment being based on cruelty and inflicting pain. Orcs are nigh-invulnerable, with only decapitation being a guarantee of their death, as such, they often brutalize each-other with no risk of permanent damage for their own entertainment. Chaos Orcs are atheist, not believing in the existence of a higher power in any circumstance, though a growing group of the most mutated orcs are speaking of visions from chaos gods, who practice sacrifice of ones-self and all others around them, granting even worse mutilation but greater power. The Kharurukkharamongarrakh society is led by a Ghraz, or chief, a dictator, the same dictator who has ruled all Chaos Orcs since the beginning of their civilization and will, if not defeated in personal combat, lead far beyond, an Orc by the name of Orgunahk, among the first of his race. Ghraz Orgunahk leads an immense personal guard, one made of powerful, dishonest, and scheming Orcs who are kept in line by the Grahz's reputation and incredible combat skill. The Ghraz personally leads his armies into battle, and should he pass, the new ruler would be chosen via his decree, and it would presumably be Bagabug, who had been chosen by decree the last hundred times Orgunahk rode into battle, chosen just in case he had died. Bagabug, his most trusted advisor and guard, and his seven-times great-grandson, has personal combat abilities that nearly match the Ghraz himself, making him among the only choices the masses would accept. [b][h2]Economy/Industry[/h2][/b]Chaos Orcs live on a land rich in minerals, mining iron and many other metals from the mountains of the northern islands, these metals serve as the main economic good traded by the Ghraz's decree, when he does trade, when they do trade, they only do it when [i]they[/i] wish to, any attempts at establishing diplomatic relations when the Orcs don't initiate end with dead diplomats and stolen goods. Speaking of stolen goods, Orcish privateers fly the skies and sail the seas attacking sea-borne trading routes and other airships, bringing the Ghraz back incredible riches and goods to be sold to other pirates. Ghraz-sponsored mercenaries wander the world, much prized due to their immense endurance and fearless discipline. Chaos Orcish industry is ugly and polluting, with hundreds of factories built all for use and not appearance, Orcish technology is usually built quick and built for optimal performance, with the tread-driven rider-bikes the most technologically advanced vehicle produced [b][h2]Military[/h2][/b] The Chaos Orc army is mostly built of line-infantry armed with muskets, armored little, but powerfully armed, with the airship armada establishing air-control before dropping the Ghraz and personal guard right into the middle of the enemy lines, armed with sword and shield and heavily armored, with steam powered armor protecting them from enemy assault, where they will then seek out the enemy general and his own personal guard. Flanking vehicles, such as the large Tower-clads, leave huge plumes of steam and smoke everywhere they go, with the steam heralding their arrival, after which the riders drive in, their tread-mounted armed with cannons. Every vehicle appears about to explode, especially the incredibly large, loud, and slow shell-destroyer, which is nigh-indestructible, but so poorly constructed that mounting a single cannon would leave them unable to move, meaning the vehicle drives slowly into place and sits there, drawing fire until the battle is almost over, when the crew leap out armed with muskets. Vehicles are large, slow, and serve as the artillery of the Chaos Orc forces. Squadrons of Trolls charge into the enemy lines, smashing drawbridges and steam-vehicles, living battering rams, armed with nothing and yet still among the most feared members of the army. The Chaos Orc navy is weak, perhaps 100 iron-clads and 200 other ships, though the Orcs rarely use the water due to the enormous airship armada they keep, built of perhaps 100 000 airships, all of which constructed for speed and ramming, with boarding actions the most common method of attack. Ships helmed by Orcs and crewed by Trolls are the largest and usually falsely identified as the commanding ships, however, the flagships are usually very small, being the only ships hoisting the Orc banner. Chaos Orc armies attack fast in order to destroy the enemy before they can fight back, savage assaults smash the enemy in all theatres, their million strong army supported by little artillery and no cavalry to speak of. Chaos Orcs are powerful, but a defensive force could easily hold off their assault and counter, and Chaos Orcs are not built for defense. Despite any flaws they have, the Chaos Orcs show how powerful an ancient threat really can be.[/hider] [/quote]You seriously need to tone down some of the military numbers but otherwise I think it's overall right. [quote=@Jotunn Draugr] [img]http://imgur.com/jiWtRHW.jpg[/img] [color=f26522][b]Ren-Guo[/b][/color] [hider=Ren-Guo][center][h1][b]Ren-Guo[/b][/h1][img]http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/future/images/c/c6/New_Song_Dynasty_Flag.png/revision/latest?cb=20130902164920[/img][/center] [b][h3]Ren-Guo is an ancient nation, founded thousands of years ago, when the Golden Emperor Ji conquered all the surrounding tribes. Tradition, formality, and refinement are central to this nation's culture. Nothing is more sacred, more untouchable, than one's ancestors, and the rules of the ancients live on through the generations. Swords are still commonly used, and haven't changed in design in over seven-hundred years. The Ren, as they are commonly known, believe themselves to already be perfect, so change is rarely tolerated unless out of absolute necessity.[/h3][/b] [b][h2]Geography[/h2][/b] In red[hider=Map Claim][img]http://imgur.com/jiWtRHW.jpg[/img] [/hider] The Ren-Guo empire has several capital cities: -Yijing, the oldest city in the region, is home to the emperor's palace, the royal library, and the royal guard. The majority of buildings in this city are government run, and occupied by various officials, relatives, dignitaries, and servants. Needless to say, it is the cleanest and most beautiful of all Ren-Guo cities. -Erjing is Yijing's sister city. Very similar in design, it serves as a second home to the emperor, but is home to more commoners. This city has seen the largest population growth in the past few years, with a great many new industries and projects popping up at all times. -Hei is the industrial capital of Ren-Guo. The city is full of factories and sweatshops, with a booming slave industry. The sun can only be seen after a rainy day, due to it otherwise being obscured by smoke and soot. The outskirts of the city are spotted with mines and pits. After Erjing, Hei is Ren-Guo's fastest growing city. -Junjing is the empire's military capital. Half of all residents in this city are employed by the Ren-Guo military, and the rest are there to sell things to the soldiers. -Baijing, the trade capital of the empire, maintains a constant stream of traders and ships flowing through it. It is here that the empire makes the majority of its money. -Haijing is a fortified naval base, in the northern seas above Zhong. It is where the royal navy is based and maintained. [b][h2]History[/h2][/b] Several thousand years ago, the mythical warlord Ji, king of the Jin tribe, united the fourty tribes of the traditional Zhong region. Over the centuries, these tribes merged together into one massive metropolitan cultural soup, where all notions of unique culture were largely lost, leaving only very basic distinctions between the ethnicities. All that remained was a central dogma, upheld by the state, simply called the "Golden Code". Central to this code was the notion of ancestor worship, and the ideal of societal standards being more important than the individual. Human life became more than the sum of itself, with each individual acting as a representative for their entire family, and the rules of the "Zhong Family" being the most sacred of all. Years later, the empire added a series of surrounding islands to itself, slowly absorbing them into the universal family of Zhong. As the ages passed, this too faded into mythology. Ren-Guo carried on, virtually unchanged for thousands of years, upholding the same standards of honour and tradition, until new industrial technologies began entering public discourse, from outside nations. Finally, at the precipice of modernization, the long-isolated empire of Ren-Guo opened its gates. Now the empire, lead by its totalitarian government, is rapidly transforming into an industrial superpower, in command of one of the largest trade fleets in the world. Day and night, the devout workers of Zhong labour away, in the countless factories and shipyards, utterly convinced that global monopoly will bring honour to their ancestors. [b][h2]Society[/h2][/b] Ren-Guo is a staunch, traditionalist theocracy. Men wear plane, formal suits at all times. Women wear long, mono-coloured dresses. Only the emperor himself is allowed to dress lavishly. Houses are small and uncomfortable, and work-days are long and laborious. Interaction with the outside world is still generally frowned upon, with exceptions made for trade and military cooperation. The upper class consists of a small number of families, with historical ties to the royal family itself. The vast majority of the population are poor, uneducated peasants. Literacy is common, but not universal, and diseases are common among those who can't afford a doctor. Music and culture are celebrated, with many national holidays, honouring various legends, customs, and even individual songs. The young celebrate these events with fireworks, while the old prefer to assemble and light candles in ritualistic patterns. Every village in the empire has a patron deity, with a shrine dedicated to them. These shrines act as community hubs, for people to socialize and organize. Needless to say, they are heavily monitored by the government, to ensure no organization is taking place against the crown's interest. [b][h2]Economy/Industry[/h2][/b] Ren-Guo bases its economy on a booming mining industry. The heavily mountainous region of Zhong is home to a surplus of subterranean resources, ripe for the picking. These resources are refined at the great factories of the province of Hei, where the sky is perpetually black with soot. The empire utilizes as much of its supply as it can, and trades the rest for lumber, in order to expand its navy. The more ships that are built, the more trade networks are established, and onward the economic growth continues. Ren-Guo's second largest industry is agriculture. Due simply to the age of the empire, countless miles of natural landscape have been converted into farmland, to support the constantly growing population. With space being a limited resource, the biggest internal difficulty the nation faces is balancing urban development with agricultural growth, so that people have somewhere to live as well as something to eat. [b][h2]Military[/h2][/b] In spite of Ren-Guo's great advances in industrialization, its military is still comparably primitive. Muskets are still not universally distributed among army personnel. The standard weapons for ground-combat remain the pike and sword. Fortunately, the empire is able to make up for this shortcoming through sheer numbers alone. The entire region is heavily overpopulated, with more than enough worthless peasants willing to sacrifice their lives for the crown. When facing an opponent with superior technology, the army simply continues throwing bodies at them until they run out of ammunition. While heartless, this tactic has been supremely effective for Ren-Guo. Air travel is very limited, and the emperor has very little interest in expanding a national air force at present. He has a small fleet of blimps, who defensively patrol the capital city at all times. In reality, they're little more than decorations. Where Ren-Guo really shines is with its navy, which consists of countless, massive, armour-plated galleons, each outfitted with dozens of Ren-Guo iron cannons. Songs and legends have been crafted in honour of the Ren-Guo imperial fleet, who are said to summon the wrath of the heavens themselves upon their targets. [b][h2]Demographics[/h2][/b] Ren-Guo is inhabited by 42 different ethnic groups. Fourty of them are the traditional mainlanders of Ren-Guo. The other two come from the island nations Ren-Guo has since conquered. Together, they all identify as Ren, and uphold the universal customs of the nation, however there are minor differences between them all. The largest tribe, known as the Jin-Ren, are slightly taller than the rest of the population (which isn't saying much, given that Ren tend to be about a foot shorter than most races), and slightly lighter in skin-tone. They are known to be more brutish and short-tempered, and traditionally carry weapons with them at all times. [hider=Jin] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/30/a5/d8/30a5d8bdb5541d8cf1a03ae773369d7d.jpg[/img] [/hider] The second largest tribe of Ren are known as the Yin-Ren, and they are considerably shorter than most Ren, with darker skin and softer features. They are known for speaking softly, and smiling often. [hider=Yin] [img]http://www.urbanartantiques.com/wp-content/uploads/shenliang.jpg[/img] [/hider] The third largest 'tribe' is composed of many nomadic and rural groups, mainly residing in the mountains of central Ren-Guo. They are called the Mon-Ren. These stout, burly individuals, are the only Ren known to have facial hair. In popular media, they are seen as the keepers of tradition, and are often encouraged to pursue roles in society that promote culture and religion. [hider=Mon] [img]http://romanceofthethreekingdomsgame.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/menghuorotk12_1.jpg[/img] [/hider] The fourth largest group in Ren-Guo are known as the Wa-Ren (often just called "Wa"). These people are generally very slender and pale, with long, fair faces, appearing almost elf-like. Their origins trace back to the distant islands Ren-Guo conquered many centuries ago. They usually keep to themselves, and aren't viewed as proper Ren by the majority of the population. Among themselves, they are exceptionally formal and polite. In Ren-Guo's oldest surviving text, the Golden Emperor himself referred to the Wa as "constructs of stone and metal, masquerading as living beings". [hider=Wa] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/35/79/ab/3579ab562b3f9ef50b774c8b3e6f6570.jpg[/img] [/hider] [/hider] [/quote]Good! You can post your NS to the characters tab. [quote=@Theodorable] [hider=My Hider] [center][h1][b]Festermaw Clan[/b][/h1] [img]http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/wowwiki/images/c/cc/BleedingHollowClan.png/revision/latest?cb=20141031021453[/img][/center] [b]Nation Intro[/b] The orc clan of Festermaw has a short and brutal history. One of a thousand different clans, the Festermaw are an especially aggressive--though cohesive--fiefdom within the [i]Orcs of the Plain[/i], a geographically relevant mustering of greenskins in an area called simply [i]The Plain[/i]. [b]Geography[/b] [center][img]http://imageshack.com/a/img924/4136/8DHi8s.png[/img] [Green = Orcs of the Plains, Maroon = Festermaw Clan][/center] [b]History[/b] The history of the Festermaw exists only as an oral history, and cannot be corroborated with any truthful recollection. [b]Society[/b] Males within orc society are seen to serve the tribe; they hunt, defend and reproduce with their 'lifemates' to continue and expand the horde. Some clans utilize shamans, but the Festermaw see them with disdain and distrust. There is no reigning hierarchy in orc society, except that the strong survive and dishonesty is a crime punishable by death. Death by combat is seen as glorious, and surrender is seen as a form of spiritual suicide. [b]Economy/Industry[/b] The Festermaw, as with all other orc clans, barter for basic goods. They will trade meat for fur, or wool for weapons. The Orcs of the Plain also employ slavery. Fellow orcs cannot be taken as slaves, but Dwarven slaves make excellent laborers. They are often taken care of with minimal respect, but enough to be left alive. The Festermaw--as other orcs--do not, if ever, trade with non-Orcs. [b]Military[/b] One on one, there are few creatures as diabolically efficient as orcs. Dwarven historians of Dalmar often cite "Orcish bloodlust for immediate combat as the sole reason that the tide of green has no encompassed the known world twice over." Such assumptions possess a modicum of truth, as united, the Orcs would possess a threat unequaled by any other in the world. It's their desire to kill and lord over one another that has keep the orcs distinctly separated. The Festermaw, like the Dragonhounds, Fireknuckles, Blackbone and Steeltooth tribes do not make a distinction between "civilians" and "warriors." All males, once of age, contribute to raiding and war efforts. Females are mares for brooding, though in times past some have risen to become respectable warriors. They possess only a single hierarchy, and that's all live under the reign of the Chief, the most powerful warrior in the clan. [/hider] [/quote]Looks good but I wish you'd tone down the green blob on the map. It's better if you leave room for other players, too. [quote=@LokiLeo789] Still working on Artillery. Working on some new canons and Gatling guns. [hider=UCB] [center][h1][b][color=Gray]United Companies of Blaserkr(UCB)[/color][/b][/h1] [img] http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/dragonage/images/3/31/Kirkwall_heraldry_DA2.png/revision/latest?cb=20120925194848[/img][/center] [b][h2][color=Gray]Nation Intro[/color][/h2][/b] Blaserkr is a powerful oligarchy built around mining and technology. Originally a monarchy, it fell due to losing it peoples trust, a revolution took place that transformed the Dwarven kingdom into a region run by 4 huge companies. United in its values and its trust restored in its government, it has risen from the ashes of civil war. They are known for thier Crusade against the unholy magic of Chaos, (all kinds of sorcery)with the holy magic of Ama, (fire magic) during the early reign of the kingdom. They are also famous for their vast and rich mountain ranges filled with all kinds of precious metals. Thier biggest accomplishment is there creation of bipedal mechanized machines, both domestic use and for war. [b][h2][color=Gray]Geography[/color][/h2][/b][hider=Map Claim (The Purple)][img] http://i.imgur.com/UuQnFf9.jpg[/img][/hider] Blaserkr is region filled with mountains and forests, a frontier concurred by stubborn dwarves. Its cites bounded on three sides by basalt outcrops and partially screened by brush. Harsh mountains composed of granite, covered with thorny shrubs. Thrusting spires of naked rock reach into the heavens so high that you would believe the very sky was pierced. Mountain ranges dot the landscape, creating a system known as the Ragfargruarr Ranges. Thick forests carpet the uplands, creating a Mountain Forest biome were they meet. In short, Blaserkr is a mountainous region, rich in precious metals, and surrounded with thick forestation. [b][h2][color=Gray]History[/color][/h2][/b] [center][b]Belgin's Heresy[/b] [img]http://img08.deviantart.net/2a12/i/2013/038/2/3/dwarf_warrior_by_mischeviouslittleelf-d5u3vd8.jpg[/img] [/center] Before the Great Revolution, Blaserkr was ruled by a monarchy, the king at the time was Belgin. He was a man who stuck to his guts and a battle hardened warrior. During that time, magic and smithing was a huge part of dwarven culture. All kinds of magic was permitted, schools teaching magic was sanctioned and funded by the monarch, and court wizards were prominent at the time. The belief was at that time that the goddess of fire and forges, Ama, had blessed them with this abundance of magical talent, and it was to be nurtured. The kingdom was all and well until an alliance was struck with the Elves, who the king saw as fascinating. The elven were given a place in his court, and soon, the elves began to mislead the king. See, the elves planed to over throw the kingdom from the inside by manipulating the king against his people. The whispering voices of the elves placed a seed of doubt in the kings heart, warning him of the danger of the magic that his people were practicing, calling magic that of the Chaos god Zama. Slowly, the king grew to hate all magic but that of Ama. The tipping point came when the elves set up a magical accident that killed the Crown Prince. The king was outraged, summoning his Priests of Ama, he created a new Vanguard, the Pure. The Pure were a group of knights blessed by Ama to wield and manipulated the Guardians Hammer, flaming hammers forged and enchanted with fire magic. The king made a decree, kill all those who wielded magic that was not that of Ama. The Chaos Crusade had begun. [center][b]Chaos Crusade[/b] [img] http://pre09.deviantart.net/2d15/th/pre/f/2013/118/a/1/master_dwarf_by_alexanderexorcist-d63b1gd.jpg[/img] [/center] This Chaos Crusade was a massive hunt for those who were believed to be practitioners of Chaos magic, all magic that was not the of Ama. The Pure, Guardians of the Hammer, spread of across the Kingdom, slaughtering mothers, father, children, all those who showed signs of having magical abilities that did not relate to fire or forging. The mass genocide killed thousands, and threw the kingdom into chaos. The elves were closer to attaining there goal, with the king so easily moved to kill his people, they knew they could rule it without having to kill him. The Crusade took place for ten years, the genocide cutting the dwarven population in half. On the last year of the crusade, an army built up by a dwarf named Hamen, pushed to fight against the pure. They were called the Black Army, black representing the Chaos god Zama. The Black army moved to fight and defend the remnants of any magic practitioners, but the army wouldn't have a chance against the blessed of Ama. [center][b]The Black Revolt[/b] [img] http://orig00.deviantart.net/dd39/f/2011/250/6/0/steampunk_dwarf_by_guzboroda-d497ohw.jpg[/img] [/center] The surviving population of non-magic practitioners, had an overall distrust of wizards. Siding with the king on the matter of the Crusade. This led to those who practiced magic, to be ratted put by thier own brethren. The Pure were efficient, trained to kill all those who were believed to be worshipers of Zama. This confidence in there king was shattered when the elves came out and reveled the "truth", telling the people of thier kings heresy. It was said that the king betrayed thier trust by joining in the worship and practice of Zama. The king wasn't allowed to plea his case, the people were outraged, angered, mislead by a king who was believed to be worshiping the very god whose followers killed his son. Eventually, this story was disproven by a rogue Pure, who reveled the truth about the elves and thier king. The wizards were restored to honor in the eyes of the people, and the Black Army marched to the capital, were a fierce battle took place. Eventually, with the help of the people, the Black Army was able to push through and defeat the Pure. The king was hung for his weakness and his crimes, and the elves banished. [center][b]The Beginning of Change[/b] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/63/b4/22/63b4226ef52c612d9e41da8ac788ecac.jpg[/img] [/center] After the Black Revolt, Haman was put on the throne to avoid a vacuum forming due to the loss of power. Despite his efforts in forming the Black Army, a general distrust of the monarchy had become prevalent at the time. In an effort to restore the confidence and trust of the people, Haman created the Vox Populi Decree, giving the people the right to all the assents in the kingdom, allowing them to utilize and control the natural resources, and businesses of the kingdom. The people jumped on the opportunity, and this opened the gateway to Age of Change. [center][b]The Age of Change[/b] [img] https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/16/38/7d/16387d48d1158315d71607b442a3d7b8.jpg[/img] [/center] The Age of Change was a time of unprecedented growth and enlightenment. No longer were people bound to the choices of the monarch on how assets were managed, the choice was given to the people. From the ashes of the Civil War grew a whole new generation. Unfortunately, the decree sealed the fate of the monarchy. The kingdom was weak economically due to the war, after the decree, 4 companies formed around the assents of the kingdom. These huge companies felicitated the economy for Blaserkr and created jobs. These companies bought up most of the land from the kingdom, and then sold it back to the people for a cheap rate, this strengthened the peoples faith in the companies ability to lead, and soon, the companies was able to by up the monarch, and centralize themselves as the ruling power. [center][b]Golden Age of Change[/b] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/f0/8e/76/f08e76130784c028d6b5a1e5f783575c.jpg[/img] [/center] This the current time in which the dwarves are living in. This generation no longer believes in the power of magic, although the Guardian Hammers are still in existence. With the 4 central companies allowing for better economic growth, inventions and creations of all sorts are being made, Blaserkr is becoming an economic, and milliary powerhouses, through the mistakes of thier ancestors. [b][h2][color=Gray]Society[/color][/h2][/b] Dwarves are a industrious, stubborn people who believe in the work of their hands and the sweat on thier brow. The average dwarf is about 4'0", but they can grow up to a whopping height of 5'0". craftsmanship. What Dwarves lack in height they make up for in bulk; they are, on average, about as heavy as humans. They can weigh anywhere from 160 to 220 lbs. Dwarven males are a bit taller and heavier than their female counterparts. Like humans, dwarves have a wide variety of skin, eye, and hair colors, typically pale among northern based dwarves and deeply tanned or brown amongst the southern based. Hazel eyes are common throughout the race, with blue eyes more common amongst the northern counterpart. Male dwarves are often bald and grow thick facial hair sometimes used to display social status. Although its a myth that female can grow any facial hair at all. This hair is often dark in hue, though among dwarves blond or red hair is just as common. Dwarves take care of facial hair to an extreme carefully oiling and grooming it, with some adding perfume and ornamentations. Dwarves are a long-lived race, and reach physical maturity somewhat later than humans. A dwarf is traditionally considered an adult once he or she reaches age 35. Dwarves age much like humans but over a longer period of time, remaining vigorous well past 150 years. Dwarves are unusually tough, they have dense bodies and are difficult to push around as a result, as well as having the capacity to bear loads that other races might find hindering with little ill effect. Dwarves also have a sense about them that few races do, with a preternatural awareness of their surroundings as good judgment all-around in general. Strong, hardy, and dependable dwarves are polite, particularly elders, and possess a wisdom beyond that of many other races. Dwarves value their traditions, regardless of the subrace they come from, and look for inspiration from ancestral heroes, although the newest generation seems to be straying away from this. Dwarves are also known for their stubborn nature and cynicism, traits widespread amongst the dwarves but which contribute to and are commonly offset by their bravery and tenacity. Dwarven friendship is hard to earn, but is strong once won. Naturally dour and suspicious, dwarves view elves as thier primarily enemy, and rarely associate with them unless it is necessary. For dwarves, loyalty is more than a word and that it should be both valued and rewarded. Dwarves believe it a gift and mark of respect to stand beside a friend in combat, and an even deeper one to protect that ally from harm. Dwarves are a careful and deliberate people, with a more serious disposition than other races, who they sometimes view as flighty or reckless. A dwarf does all things with care and a stubborn resolve, with brash or cowardly behavior unusual for the race. [b][h2][color=Gray]Economy/Industry[/color][/h2][/b] Due to the fact that Blaserkr is a country known for its vast and numerous mountain ranges, the mining business is second to known in the world. Blaserkr is run by 4 huge companies: [list] [*] Dimhadal Mining Co. [*] Normalk Manufacturing Inc. [*] Gombek Shipping [*] Ketthinsimkak Technologies [/list] Each of the 4 companies is centralized in utilizing many of the lands resources. Dimhadal Mining Co is the biggest mining operation in the world, mining, purifying, bigging at all times of the day. This company provides the most jobs in the country, although the working conditions are mediocre, they pay is well worth the risks. Magnesium is a large part of the companies exports, and is in high demand in the land due to am alloy that can be made from it. Normalk Manufacturing Inc is the manufacturing hub of the world, handling and creating machines of war and domestic items for any nation that pays well enough. The company buys most of the metals from Dimhadal and create the Magnesium Aetherite alloy, better known as Dwarven Steel, which is lighter and stronger than normal steel, and can conduct electricity, which allows for amazing contraptions that can withstand immense forces. Ketthinsimkak Technologies are the idea makers of the country, creating the military and domestic blueprints for anything in the oligarchy. They work hand in hand with Normalk Manufacturing Inc, who produce all that the company asks for, as long as they pay a fair price. Gombek Shipping is the motor that pushes the oligarchy. They utilize the canals, ocean and sky trade routes, to connect the oligarchy to the rest of the world. Blaserkr has thier own currency of LEN, and internal trade is a big part of Blaserkr's economy, as well as external trade, being the biggest trade mogels in the world. [b][h2][color=Gray]Military[/color][/h2][/b] Blaserkr is a very militarized country, being an oligarchy with 4 centralized companies that have access to a vast amount of natural resources and a ready and willing population. Guerilla warfare is the biggest part of the Blaserkrian Military. Blaserkrian Mechs come in a wide variety of sizes and variety's, made from an early form of Magnesium Alloy, better known as Dwarven Steal, which is stronger, and lighter than normal steel, and as malleable when heated as iron, but must me mixed with calcium to make it less flammable, which lessens its overall strength. They are used when guerilla warfare fails it when they need to hit the enemy hard. Vessel Corps utilize air ships made from the same alloy. They are in the the processes of creating a Harmonica rifle, which will be much more capable than the normal musket. Blaserkrian Kampftruppen 1,800,000 [list] [*]Fraccion (Blaserkrian Light Infantry/Saboteurs) [*]Arrancar (Heavy Infantry) [*]Bala (Artillery (TBA) [*]Valkyrie (Air/Navy) [/list] [list] [*][url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/7d/93/56/7d9356d7d404f5d156694f738d678f25.jpg]Fraccion[/url] Infantry armed with muskets, bayonets and pistols. Combat hammers are also wildly used, although it is rarely utilized due to how impractical it would be in a fire fight. [/list] [list] [url=http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-PbeceSSnt08/VRjOTkuMXXI/AAAAAAAAiHU/IqiodyGoOPU/s1600/mestre%2Barmeiro%2B-%2Banão%2B03.jpg]Fraccion Saboteurs[/url] Work as skirmishers and scouts who burn their enemies to a crisp and plant bombs and use grenades to weaken and army. They are integrated into the Light Infantry. [/list] [list] [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/ae/e6/68/aee6683428b251fd24a8044daa3f4c2c.jpg]Arrancar[/url] Ragnarok (Dwarven Steel Bipedal Vehicles): Powerful heavy division, utilizes giant flame throwers with bayonet attached, and chain blade that drawer power from the engine and a steam motor. [/list] [list] [*]Valkyrie [url=http://www.noupe.com/wp-content/uploads/trans/wp-content/uploads/2010/05/steampunk-airship-army.jpg]Hol:[/url] [url=https://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRa37FvA6MP8VpqFjquf3MKaGCKvmPAFI3HsEBgDxm0B06-SQndMQ]Mani:[/url] Floating monstrosities equipped with cannons. Despite most being made from the same metal that the mechanized units are, some are heavily armored while most are wooden laced with Aetherite with some Dwarven Steel plating here and there. It is one of the most expensive pieces of military weaponry available to export. They are capable of working in the same fashion as a normal sea ship if need be, and with a large enough gust, it can fly. [/list] [/hider] [/quote]Good! You can put your NS to the characters tab.