[@PompousPrince] [Hider= Daniel Atmos] [center] [h2]DIGIDESTINED[/h2] Dan Atmos 20 Male [img]http://images2.fanpop.com/images/photos/5200000/anime-guy-anime-guys-5284778-570-780.jpg[/img] Not a tall guy, but certainly a skinny one. He stands 5'9, weighing close to 125. Dan's the kind of guy who stays up late at night, waiting for something to knock on his window and take him off on an adventure, while constantly being reminded that that knock will never come. His head is off in other worlds constantly, and the only time he ever really seems focused is when he really needs to make money or complete a task to get something he truly wants. You can make him do things, sure, but if he doesn't want to, or if it doesn't have an end goal down the line he won't put his all into it. He needs a reason to care before he can commit. Commitments are his second vice. He's very flaky when it comes to those. He loves to tell people of all the things he plans on doing, rarely completing anything he "sets his mind to" leaving many disappointed or numb to his bullshit. Prone to taking jokes too far, Looks out of shape, but surprisingly in shape (as in shape as 125 pounds can be, that is.) Has been into all 3 main social classes at one point or the other (Upper, middle, lower class), his tongue is extremely short, but it doesn't affect his speech. [/center] [center] [h2]Yaamon[/h2] [img]http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/digimon/images/6/6c/Yaamon_t.gif/revision/20110212045154[/img] Atrribute: Virus Type: Darkness Digivolutions (For each of the Digivolutions give the Digimons: Name, Physical Description, and Move Set.) [url=http://wikimon.net/images/8/8d/Yaamon.jpg]Yaamon[/url] A little Impmon head Rolling Black - Rolls into a ball, surrounded by a black smoke and charges the opponent [url=http://wikimon.net/images/0/0b/Impmon.jpg]Impmon[/url] A purple little imp Night of Fire - Throws dark flames at it's opponents Machine Gun Kick - a hole lot of kicks [/center] [center] [h2]DIGIVICE[/h2] [img]http://i.imgur.com/5F1kzjZ.png[/img] Physical Description A silver/blue design, both colors very "faded". It's design is very much like the digivices in Frontier Special Characteristics As it was formerly his old flip phone, it has retained a little bit of a communication feature to the real world in a snap-chat/video chat sort of way. He has yet to find out who receives the pictures and messages, or if anyone is receiving them at all. Also has a terrible GPS replacement, it simply let's you know the name of the area you're in. No map, no other information. Just the name. [/center] [center] (I am very excited about this aspect! Players will get to design their very own Digivices! Of course there are limits. Your Digivice should be no more complex than a cellphone. What I mean by this is that your phone cannot become a weapon or have the capacity to do anything that might make your character overpowered in any way. So have fun, go wild, and if there are any issues I will personally PM you regarding them.) [/center] [/hider] It's... done? [hr] Edit: Side note, are we going with Digivolultion or evolution IC? Further side note, started watching data squad, 5 episodes in and it's pretty neat. Hopefully it picks up soon because it seems like it just got past the whole "This is digimon, it can digivolve and get stronger! It lives in the DIGITAL WORLD!" stage and is entering the "Protagonist and friends are actually good at fighting now" stage.