[b]Character Name:[/b] Eleanor White [b]Sex|gender:[/b] Female [b]Race: [/b]Human [b]Appearance:[/b] [img]http://orig10.deviantart.net/6fa3/f/2012/310/2/3/steampunk_western_gorl_by_esther_sanz-d5k62yk.jpg[/img] (Actually, I really like this and she'll probably even be dressed similarly all the time) [b]Distinguishing features:[/b] An elaborate swan tattoo on her lower back, a birthmark on her right hand that colours a patch from the base of her smallest finger to just below her wrist a different colour. [b]Age:[/b] 23 [b]Occupation: [/b]As she grew up, her father taught her about being a mechanic and she officially became his apprentice when she was 13. Two years later, she took up professional thievery. [b]Crime:[/b] Larceny, specifically Fraud, 38 counts reported, Robbery, charged for 24 counts, Pick-pocketing, Armed Robbery, 66 reported incidents (Guilty), Arson, one count (Guilty), Murder, 2 counts (Innocent, doesn't even deny it unless she's telling the whole story, wishes she had done it) [b]Starting Equipment:[/b] Dual six-shot revolvers complete with thigh holsters and a dagger with sheaths she modified to fit inside her knee high boots. A small leather satchel with a few handfuls of ammo and a waterskin. [b]Personal Items:[/b] A locket with a picture of her younger sister in it. Her black dress and red cloak, after prison, the only clothing she has. the dress is cut in the front to make room for easy access to her weapons, but the fabric still falls over to conceal them. [b]Personality:[/b] Eleanor is very confident in herself and her abilities, almost to the point of arrogance. She has a quick wit and fondness for gambling. She enjoys games of deception and loves the rush of adrenaline she gets running a scam or breaking into a house or manor. She's ruthless and will do whatever she has to do to advance herself to where she wants to be and keep her freedom, though she isn't against forming bonds and fighting for other people as well. She would die for her sister and father. [b]Character Quest:[/b] Most in life, Eleanor just wants an adventure. She wants to steal and drink and gamble and travel. As an additional quest, she has a group of people hunting her over a scam she pulled off not too long ago that enraged a noble family. Those are the murders she was charged with. She found the bodies of those hunting her dead with evidence of it, though she doesn't know who killed them or why. That is how she was arrested, over their bodies. [b]Bio:[/b] She was born in one of the Free States of Jaku, a small town in a desert-like climate. Her mother ran a pub and her father did mechanical repairs in the back of it. She was their first born, and about four years after having her, her parents has another daughter, Lily. Their mother died giving birth. Eleanor's father raised his daughters well and they had a very close relationship. Once she was old enough, Eleanor started learning her father's trade. She was nothing in knowledge next to the fancy engineers in the big cities, but she knew her basic repair for what was needed in her home town. With more advanced technology, or newer, she is less skilled. She was always restless in her town and curious of those more advanced techs and bigger cities. When she was 15 years old, and her sister 11, she set out on her own. At the time, she had meant to return, or if she set herself up in a big city, maybe bring her family to her. She was close with them and didn't mean to leave them permanently. She said her goodbyes and headed for one of the bigger cities in the Monarchy. Once there, out of supplies, she ended up getting no luck with her trade because of more skilled workers, no one wanted to hire her on as an apprentice, so she lived on the street for a time. She ran into an older woman there who never once told her her name, but she told Eleanor she saw her confidence despite how she was covered in dirt and grime. She taught her how to steal, trick, and overall commit fraud. They ran a few scams in their four years together. The woman taught Eleanor how to use her looks to her advantage and rob people lured in blind. When they ran a particularly high-profile scam in that city and came out rich, the woman managed to slip away with the coin while Eleanor was pegged for the blame. They started tracking her from her black swan tattoo on her back and she found her picture and tattoo sketched on wanted signs. She moved from big city to big city after that, robbing and committing fraud. Prior to her arrest, she fumbled during one of her scams and set the noble family sending men after her. She fled but they continued to hunt her. She had killed people a few times, it wasn't that she was shying away from, but she wasn't sure in this situation she stood a chance. She had good aim with her revolver at close range but she wasn't very practiced at it. She was often better with a knife. So, she set out to lay a trap where she could take the four men on. She set it up in an old house, abandoned. She planned to have traps in place to lock them in and then burn the building on top of them. With everything set up, they never showed. On her way out to find out why, she accidentally tripped her own trap and set the building ablaze, setting her with a charge for arson. She ended up caught in the fire for a time which burned up herself and her clothes, exposing her trademark tattoo and causing her to be identified at the scene. She ran off to tend to her wounds. A few days later, she went to where the men had been hiding and found them all dead. She had slipped into the inn room through a window and started to investigate when city guards burst in to investigate the bodies, who had previously been found by staff, though Eleanor didn't know that. They detained her as the murderer, though why they thought that she would return to her crime scene. Theme Song: (For those aurally minded, or just dramatic like me, a song is always nice. Gives ambiance and adds atmosphere to your character. ENTIRELY OPTIONAL) [b]RP Example:[/b] Ah.. the only one I have at the moment is [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/135550-hogwarts-1480/ic]this[/url]. also Cartographer.