[quote=@Pair of Hearts] [@Cynder] Just sayin' your custom title and mine sound good together. That and I adore the vurrent siggy and already miss the IE-chan one. - Ah, right. But I try to be positive and hope that those fanboys know better than to write about [s]impossible[/s] improbable anatomy. It's one thing if it's the premise/plot core, it's another if it's your character in an otherwise VERY, VERY vanilla setting. Seriously still trying to recover from the baby-through-penis shock here ... a cup of Starbucks on "that's how GIRLS give birth!!! Men and women are EQUAL!!!" [/quote] I like Anne and Morgana, I think they're adorable. We might see IE-Chan again in the future, though. We'll see. Anyway, the internet is a very dark place and should not always be taken seriously. I really have to give it to the YouTubers who are shipped with their roommates or friends whatever by fangirls/boys, though. That would creep me out something fierce.