[h1][center][color=SpringGreen] Private Hexner [/color][/center][/h1] [hr] As the team made it way to the building Aria held the rear with Regan, watching the alley in case any imps tried to flank the rest of the squad as they seized the building. Aria pleased she wasn't helping take the first floor. She hated indoor combat, it was to confined and made her rifle hard to wield. When she was tapped on the shoulder Aria moved with Regan keeping only two paces behind the Lacer so she'd have plenty of room to move her weapon around. Watching as Regan fired a grenade at an imperial scout. Aria moving up to take cover at the door as Regan, much to Aria's surprise charge into the room and ran a scout though with a sword. [color=SpringGreen][i]"Impressive but stupid."[/i][/color] Aria thought as she took aim at a lance and fried three round into his chest. Downing but not killing him. Aria turning to the last Lancer who seemed to be overwhelmed by the attack and Regan bursting into the room killing one of his allies with a blade. Not wanting him to recover and end up of her comrades Aria put the last two round of her clip into the Lancer one shot somehow hitting the Lancer in the head the other ending up somewhere else in the room. Having made a kill Aria felt a pang of savage pleasure. Hating imps she enjoyed killing them or watching die, why exactly Aria wasn't sure but she always enjoyed the feeling. Glad her lack of expression meant it didn't show very often, unsure how she'd explain why she looked at least slightly happy fighting imps.