Zero chill dude. I flat out said: [quote]However I'll see your point and see if Arthanus has a counter-argument for the matter before considering it again and possibly getting it accepted.[/quote] As GM I'm obligated to listen to my players and i'm allowing Arthanus to speak his mind on the matter. However I can see you're still throwing me up onto the chopping block as well. If you're going to throw me under the bus as well at least keep it straight, and I will repeat myself, I will accept it if there is no problems with it by the other players. However I'm willing to offer you a deal, which I believe is very fair, too please everyone or at least attempt too: I will accept the character, and the suit. However if it proves itself to be stronger than intended we can get you another suit that's pretty strong if not stronger like a RGZ-91B Re-GZ and then it's custom version for the end game or whatever else that may suit your fancy. Is this ok with you?