The rooms interior began to shine and change. William had gone from an almost empty room to the middle of Times Square. In his juggernaut form he was taller than most. "Whether in real life or virtual reality people will always stare huh?" He said a light chuckle followed by a large boom. He didn't even need to see who it was he could feel it, the heat being edited from the Red Hulks body. The technology that made this simulation was amazing, it tapped into his five senses and even managed to copy the heat signature from the red hulk. He always thought he would be taller, but actually they stood on equal height. Maybe this him when he first started? Either way they maybe the same height but red hulk was the victor when it came to muscle. His body was compact, brimming with power. He lifted a taxi cab and through it at William like a soft ball. Thankfully he managed to catch it without anyone getting hurt. "I would have preferred to do this another way but..." He said placing the taxi down "You leave me no choice. You may look like him but your far from being the hulk." The virtual red hulk seemed to snear and ran toward him, William did the same and charged