[color=F4A460][b]E'nasha Williams[/b][/color] [color=F4A460]"Yeah, it's a desert, lots of sand and lots of sun. It's nice, I like it a lot more than this constant cold we have now. It's not that the cold is any worse for you than heat, I guess, but I'm better at dealing with hot air than cold."[/color] She sighed slightly before continuing to answer. [color=F4A460]"Just griping about the cold doesn't make it go away however, so... "[/color] E'nasha laughed slightly as Helena answered her question and introduced herself. [color=F4A460]"Oh, sorry. I don't really drink so I don't know what you must be going through right now. It's still nice to meet you though!"[/color] She returned the handshake, and then nearly jumped out of her chair as Baulder stood up and summoned a demon that looked almost exactly like him before walking away. As the demon handed the honey pot to Helena, E'nasha supposed that this must be John. She must've heard Baulder mention him a hundred times before, but this was the first time that she'd actually met the demon. She tried to say something nice to him as he sat where Baulder had been just moments before, but her mind went blank and she settled for just smiling at the demon until Baulder got back. Mentally, she was kicking herself for freezing up like that. Yes, she'd had bad experiences with demons before, but everything she'd learned about them since coming to the college pointed to them being mostly harmless when under the control of their Demonmancer. John had no reason to hurt her, or even dislike her at this point, so why was she scared of him? She sighed in half-relief and half-anger at herself when Baulder got back to the table, another heaping plate of food with him. She briefly wondered where all the food he eats goes, as he seemed relatively skinny for how big he was. She turned her attention back to her surroundings however as another stranger walked up and asked if she could sit with them. Helena was quick to greet the newcomer, calling her Annabeth. E'nasha smiled and did the same. [color=F4A460]"The more the merrier! I'm E'nasha, and it's nice to meet you Annabeth."[/color] Now that she actually looked at Annabeth however, she couldn't help the small sense of recognition she felt. [color=F4A460]"Actually, have we met before? Your name and face seem familiar somehow. Maybe we have a class together?"[/color]