Dacer's bow struck hard against Jenso's fist, and a whipping of severe winds thrashed against his body. If he'd let that bow swing go all the way though, he would've been tossed right off of the mountain. But the winds stopped and Dacer's mouth hung open in surprise. He let go of the bow and narrowly dodged Jenso fist, but it grazed his right side and hit one of his ribs. Dacer spun around to lessen the impact, 360 degrees, and re-summoned his bow, making it disappear from Jenso's grip. He then aimed for a killing blow with intense dexterity. The movements were all so fluid, they had technique that outclassed Jenso's by years. Dacer's bow crackled with yellow energy and he fired a single electrical shot at Jenso, point-blank.