[hider=Aamuu] Name: Aamuu Age: 19 Gender: Female Race: Tengu [hider=Appaerance] [img]https://em.wattpad.com/9c274898959f63ec503e0eb12e1d085b7564589b/68747470733a2f2f73332e616d617a6f6e6177732e636f6d2f776174747061642d6d656469612d736572766963652f53746f7279496d6167652f574f716f4953454a6d48467073673d3d2d3231383933363035392e313433323038343537613536616238382e6a7067?s=fit&w=1280&h=1280[/img] [/hider] [hider=Personality] Aamuu is a shy and somewhat reserved woman, can even be a little distant with those that she doesn't know but its kind, friendly and sweet to those who conquer her trust, very loyal to her friends. It can be very hard to make her open her heart to someone. She will often do everything to avoid unnecessary conflicts and fights, seeing violence only as the last resort, even when loving martial arts herself, due to the techniques and long traditions. Aamuu is extremely intelligent and cult, she loves art, books and knowledge in general. Although intelligent and mature, she is still a girl, She loves to dance, but is too shy to show it to other people, sometimes like to play pranks on unsuspecting people. She loves chocolate, and can be appeased with some (if you offer her some chocolate she will probally Eat it and even let you touch her wings (she hates when people keep touching her feathers) [/hider] [hider=Abilities] -Short range teleport -Summon and control wind -Telepathy -Lesser abilities related to Tengu physiology: Flying, claws, enhanced vision, speed and agility, hollow bones (In order to fly, making her obnoxiously fast and agile, but easier to break her bones than a regular human), can use the feathers in her wings as projectiles to hurt/confound enemies, enhanced strenght (Nothing crazy on the levels of an Oni, but its enough to lift most humanoit creatures off the ground to fly with her) [/hider] [hider=Skills] -Dancing (she loves to dance, but is very shy to do it in front of other people) -Scholar (Extremely intelligent, is a very fast learner.) -Oriental medicine (Very skilled with herbs, poisons, acupuncture etc.) -Martial arts (She learned and mastered many different martial arts, including ones that use weapons) [/hider] [hider=Equipment] - Traditional Tengu robes - A beautiful red and black Tanto that she keeps under her clothes - A lacquered wooden box containing medicinal herbs, acupuncture needles, paralysis poison, suture needle and thread. - A white tessen with a black crow painting on it [/hider] [hider=Backstory] [hider=Parents] Him: http://fav.me/d9gue35 Her: http://fav.me/d5bfaqi [/hider] One day, on a bright eve, a bloodied warlord met a peaceful scholar. Her eyes emanated hate and anger, her armor smelled like death, her blade, heavy with the lives she claimed. His figure emanated peace and tranquility, his eyes had the color of the sky, his robes smelled like flowers and wind. The scholar extended his ink stained hand, and with a smile let a kind breeze carry a beautiful drawing and a flower to the bloodied warlord. His smile teared her soul, his kindness, ripped her heart. Her eyes showed now only regret and sadness. She found in him everything she never had: peace, tranquility, love... And from that unlikely union, Aamuu was born. Aamuu was raised in a house where she learned martial arts at morning, and how to write, read and dance in the evening. She was always very curious, loved to learn, study, discover, she was a free spirit, just like her dad, but she also valued deeply the traditions from martial arts, the techniques and their beauty, thanks to her mother. When she completed 18 years, her father gave her a beautiful white tessen, and with it, he said, smiling: "Fly my dear daughter, its time for you to write your own story. Go now, learn, live, love. And remember, always be the kind breeze, and never the raging storm." Her mother gifted her with a beautiful red and black tanto, saying "My beloved daughter, we will finally let you go. Quench your thirst for knowledge. This tanto represents a necessary evil. You are a very kind and innocent girl, but remember that sometimes you will need to defend yourself. Be careful, we will always love you, if you ever want to come back, we will always be here for you." With a smile on her face, Aamuu flew away, she was already a woman, she could take care of herself. "Aamuu, when you find a man to you, make sure to bring him to know us!" her mother said to an embarassed and blushing Aamuu. Traveling through the word, the first city she went was the Miura city, settling on the Imaginary District. One year later, she is ended up living there, as it was a place always in movement, many different people coming and going, she was really fascinated with it, and her job on the Miura Youth Organization only made that city even more interesting to her. [/hider] [/hider]