So just to give you guys a little insight on myself. I live in Florida so I have an Eastern Standard Time time zone. I work twelve hour shifts, usually noon to midnight, as a paramedic and emergency dispatcher so the only outlet I have to access things is my phone until I get home. So if I seem very sporadic this is why. The time I can be most active for large posts, due to writing on my phone is a pain in the ass, is usually after midnight on the days I work and when I'm off whenever I can. I'm usually asleep from like 3-10. I will try to be the best gm I possibly can be and I appreciate all your patience. I am reading through your character sheets now and so far they look good. The next thing you guys can start thinking on is where you want to start in the real world. I figure if you choose the location it would make it easier to describe how you make it to the digital world. I will explain a bit more in this tonight when I get home. Also if you guys want to know one another prior to arriving I will leave it up to you to collaborate. Now I plan on separating you guys in the digital world in the beginning in to two or three groups depending on how many people we have by this weekend. You guys can also collaborate if you want to join a specific person. Like I said tonight I will explain all this. You guys are amazing and if you have any questions or input let me know! ❤️