Tony breathed out heavily, his breath a visible cloud in the early morning air. Up earlier than most people in town had any business being up, Tony could see the first half of the sun as it rose into the sky, tinging the sky a mixture of orange and light purple. The light mixed with the odd mix of orange, and green, blue and purple of Gringore's courtyard against the background of Whitecross. Still catching his breath, Tony bent over, his hands resting on his knees and spat out coagulated spittle, his face dripping with sweat as he watched several others run by. He and the rest of the Aux Company, the entirety of the Guardians Auxilaries, and the majority of the school's Guardians Applicants. had been on the track around the Academy's Courtyard since five in the morning. It was part of the usual schedule, 3 days a week for Guardians Applicants, and 5 days a week for Guardians Auxiliaries were 5am physical training sessions. Guardians were after all, expected to be in peak physical form as well as peak efficiency over their respective abilities. Shaking his head, sending sweat flying off to his sides, Tony's eyes were drawn to some of the others passing him by. For some, the workout sessions was a walk in the park- physically based demi-gods, shifters, some fae, and even vampires, had it easier than others like him- ESPers, Witches, and other non-physically inclined metahuman races. It mattered not though, all Guardians, human or superhuman were expected to adhere to strict physical regulations, which meant people like Tony were stuck doing near Olympian workouts for mere warmup. "Hey! Tony! Keep up!" Whipping his head around, he saw his squad captain running up behind him- meaning that he was about to get lapped. Easy for him to say, his squad captain, Rickard, was a was called by many; the second coming of Hercules. With a deep inhale, Tony got back to running. After a 5km warmup run, the team got straight into pushups, work out circuits, and sprinting drlls, which continued for another half hour before the team practiced power usage, and then finally mock skirmishes and combat drills. While Tony only managed to stay above average when it came to keeping up with demigods and superhumans, he excelled when it came to using his powers and drills. This continued until around 7, at which point they cooled down to the tune of classic pop-rock before the captain finally let them go. After a long, cold shower, and a few muscle relaxing spells from one of the team's Sanabit Witches, Tony was feeling refreshed and ready for the rest of his day. With his bright orange running shoes changed out for a pair of comfortable basketball shoes of a smooth, clean white, he made an easy walk through the courtyard. His one hand stuck firmly in the pockets of his black soccer/jogger pants, and the other casually tossing and catching a metal cube, edges of the blue and white of his jacket- emblazoned with the crest of the [url=]Guardians Auxilaries[/url] floating and glowing over the breast, and his last name across its back- whipping and floating lightly in the morning breeze. His amplifier glinted brightly as it was occasionally hit with sunlight, accenting his outfit in a similar manner to a watch, the crystal face dull and unlit. His sling backpack was relatively deflated and hung lazily off his shoulder, currently holding little more than his running shoes, a sweaty pair of shorts and t-shirt, a sweaty towel and a water bottle. Tony found himself a seat on the central fountain of the courtyard, content to sit here and relax for a bit, Captain Rickard had shown him and a few of the other Auxilaries off briefly at Orientation, Tony had already been moved in and there weren't classes until tomorrow, so there was much little else for him to do other than spend the day relaxing. In a sense, it was his first day off in ages. He breathed in deeply and spluttered for breath shortly after as a flyer collided with his face and blocked him from breathing. Pulling the flyer off of his face, he saw that the Fitzroy pack was throwing a party. Going was an iffy proposition- Tony was friends with some of the lower rings of the pack, but a few of the wolfpacks thugs had a problem with Tony- with Guardians in general actually, which tended to include him and the Auxes.