Alright, so with that (unless I've forgotten someone completely) all of the collabs for this round are done! Let me explain a little about what will happen next. So, in my next post I plan to make sure my characters aren't left behind in all of the gift giving as necessary. After that will be the official transition, which will include a scene shift to a collab that Aya and Jinn are working on as we speak! After that, I plan to switch to the next day. Now then, if you'd like, you can write out a scene for your characters, be it by themselves or another collab; for example, Petite and I have been sitting on an idea for a Calypso and Alice scene for awhile, so that's what we're going to do. I'm not going to make sure everyone posts this time, so if you don't want to you don't have to. After that, we'll get into the next bit of plot, and from here on out until the end of the arc it's pretty much all travelling, action, and travelling action. So then, bonus time, because I'm bored at work! I really enjoyed writing these collabs with you all. Karin is an extremely important character to the plot, so it was nice to do so much with her. With that said, allow me to give you a list of my favorites: Favorite Gift Given: To Vesta. I mean, come on, all the other stuff is cool but it's not quite like fixing a crippling problem that's been hounding a woman for years. If anything I'm a little biased because I too have a fucked up knee, and wish a demon would come along and fix it for me. A close second was what she did for Drosil, because Unexpected Heart Surgery is my new favorite meme. Favorite Location Described: Tie between three here. One is the Library. I mean, come on, that place would be a personal heaven for me. On the other hand there's also the location where the scene with Thuraya took place, being the kitchen where Karin's food is prepared/kept, specifically the Magical Freezer from Hell. I was able to indulge in horror fun with that. And then, finally, there's the Armory/Trophy Room where the scene with Vesta began. The reason why I like that so much, though, was the brief glimpse into Karin's family it provided. Favorite Work in Progress: Stark, and the gift she was given. It's gonna be a damn good time there. Favorite Hint Dropped: Steeljaw. That is all. I think that's enough rambling from me for the time being! I'll get the post up as soon as I can!