We could do that o.o The only way forward now is to get Andro somewhere she can warm up enough to start talking again ^^' Which in my opinion can be done one of two ways: A) By getting her back to the ski lodge. Pros: Straightforward, quick, storm could be used to keep Andro there as long as wanted before being taken to a hospital. Cons: Safe zone so a distinct lack of danger, lots of other people, not many props to rely on. B) By finding a cave. Pros: Straightforward, isolated, danger zone, chances for awkward cuteness, length of time spent there can be controlled by the storm. Cons: Would flow better with a small TS of sorts, out of the way, heavily relies on interaction to work. I mean either one of those could be built up with a few more small ideas if you were up for them. I'll admit that I am quite keen on exploring a potential romance between Rain and Andro ^^' It could be interesting to see how it pans out.