[center][h2]Run by [@Cynder] && [@RomanAria][/h2] [img]http://my.datasphere.com/files/mydatasphere/styles/large/public/business/images/1113/1385058657_12577511_Gallery2.png[/img][/center] [b]What is Partner Supermatch™?[/b] Partner Supermatch™ is a idea that was hatched by Cynder and RomanAria on August 10th 2016 and was made into a reality the very next day. As for what Partner Supermatch™ actually is, it's essentially a tool that is designed to help members of the 1x1 section find solid and long-lasting Roleplays through a simple matchmaking system. [b]How does Partner Supermatch™ work?[/b] Partner Supermatch™ is intended to be simple and that's exactly how it will work: simply. The two of us will do all of the heavy lifting and all that is required of you is to fill out a resume. From there, we will put your resume in the Roleplayer database and send you a PM from the official Matchmaker account once we find someone that we believe may be a match for you! In the meantime, you are more than welcomed to browse Roleplayer database here on the thread. If someone's resume manages to catch your eye, you are more than welcomed to PM them! Just remember to be respectful and polite! [b]How do I partake in Partner Supermatch™?[/b] To partake in Partner Supermatch™, all you have to do is fill out the resume provided below (you may either send your form through PMs or drop it here in the thread). It's as easy as that! [b]Note: You are not restricted to the three bullet points per second. You can add more or take some away![/b] [hider=] [b]Username:[/b] [b]Interest Check:[/b] (Optional. If you have an interest check, you can put it here.) [b]Timezone:[/b] [b]Availability:[/b] (Are you only available during certain times or days? Are you NOT available during certain times or days?) [b]Posting Frequency:[/b] (How often do you post? Once or twice a day? Three times a week?) [b]Posting Frequency For Partner:[/b] (How often do you want your partner to post? Once or twice a day? Three times a week?) [b]About you:[/b] (Got anything you want a potential Roleplay partner to know about? Can be Roleplay-related or personal). [b]Looking For:[/b] (What are you looking for in a partner?) [b]OOC Chatter:[/b] (Do you like to converse with your partner? Is it MANDATORY for you?) [b]Plotting:[/b] (Do you like to plot with your partner? Is it MANDATORY for you? [b]18+ or 18-:[/b] (Are you under or over eighteen? We need to know this to determine whether or not you are ALLOWED to have mature content in your Roleplays). [b]Mature Content:[/b] (Do you plan on including it? Are you alright with having it in your Roleplays?) [b]Preferred Gender:[/b] (Do you have a preferred gender that you like playing as?) [b]Preferred Gender For Partner:[/b] (Do you have a preferred gender that you would like your partner to play as?) [b]Character Limit:[/b] (Do you like only playing one character? Do you like having multiples?) [b]NPCs:[/b] (Do you mind them? Do you like using them?) [b]Medium:[/b] (PMs, threads, emails, Skype, Discord, etc?) [b]What You Want:[/b] (Is there something specific you want in your Roleplays? Perhaps multiple "somethings"?) [b]What You Don't Want:[/b] (Is there something you absolutely DO NOT want in your Roleplays?) [b]Roleplay Interests:[/b][list] [*]Interest One [*]Interest Two [*]Interest Three [/list] [b]Pairings:[/b][list] [*]Pairing One [*]Pairing Two [*]Pairing Three [/list] [b]Fandoms:[/b][list] [*]Fandom One [*]Fandom Two [*]Fandom Three [/list] [b]Preferred Length:[/b] (Do you write one-liners, paragraphs? Are you Free, Casual, Advanced? How do you want your partner to write?) [b]Writing Sample:[/b][/hider] [b]Questions? Comments? Concerns? Suggestions? [s]Fanart[/s]?[/b] Remember that neither of us are perfect and if you have any of the above, please do not hesitate to send a PM to the official Matchmaker account. We will get back to you as soon as one of us is available to do so! [b]Having a problem with Partner Supermatch™?[/b] If you are having a problem with your matched partner(s), then please drop the thread and send a PM to the official Matchmaker account. While we would love to trust everyone to tell the absolute truth, this is not always the case and we would like to ask for some form of evidence involving your negative encounter. If there is enough evidence against a certain Roleplayer, they will be blacklisted and permanently removed from the program.