[h3][color=b8dab1]Pyrrha the Gardevoir[/color][/h3][b][Folio Town - Town Square][/b] [@Light Lord] When the Feraligatr mentioned the crowds, Pyrrha's face grew a deep red. [color=b8dab1]"Y-Yeah. it's probably going to be a while. Well um... glad you can join us! We might be late? Or at least [i]I[/i] might be late, usually appearances take a while. The other girls will probably be able to leave here shortly though."[/color] Giving Raiden a bow, a smile crossed the Gardevoir's lips, [color=b8dab1]"Anyway, do whatever you need to do. I'll see you at dinner!"[/color] [h3][color=29afdd]Lilisette the Kirlia[/color][/h3][b][Folio Town - Rhys' Clinic→Town Square][/b] [@Light Lord] Pumping a fist, Lilisette called out, [color=29afdd]"DINNER TI—"[/color] only to cut herself off moments later. Watching in horror as the Totodile fell to his butt, she let out a surprise shriek before embracing Devon with [color=29afdd][PSYCHIC][/color]. [color=29afdd]"Shoot! Sorry. Here uh... I can help you to the Guild. Man... it's far isn't it."[/color] With a small groan, the Kirlia made her way out of the Clinic, Devon in tow. Rhys called out, [color=f9edad]"Please do be careful!"[/color] It took a little bit for the pair to reach the halfway point between the Clinic and the Guild. Setting Devon gently on the ground, Lilisette let out a drawn-out sigh. [color=29afdd]"Talk about draining. Gonna have to rest for a few here. Like my head's starting to hurt. Probably not as much as you hurt though. Sorry about that... like um. You're supposed to be really um... hardy? Like, obviously you are I guess I just didn't take into account that you still feel... pain... I guess..."[/color]