[center][h3][color=00a651]Gren[/color][/h3] [color=00a651]Location[/color]: Folio Trunk - Treacherous Roots B3 [color=00a651]Activity[/color]: Questioning the Roserade![/center] [color=00a651]"Even if it gets you killed."[/color] Gren said with startling coldness. He was listening to Fuse and was mostly just following up on his bluff, since Gren didn't have the actual stomach to kill another pokemon. Fight, sure, but to attack with the intent to kill... That's just something Gren wasn't ready for. But he could try and lie if he had too. Part of him felt like he wasn't lying though; he really would do anything to find out what he needed to know. And if this roserade had to disappear to make that happen... [color=00a651]"I'm looking for a pokemon who lives here. Someone who lives alone, likely away from where you and your cronies stay. They're strong, strong enough that they could easily beat you and your friends by themselves."[/color] Of course Gren still had no idea who to look for, but hopefully if they find someone strong they might be able to point him in the right direction. There was always a chance that the pokemon he was looking for might be part of the gang down here, so Gren kept his options open. [color=00a651]"Tell us everything you know and we'll let you go."[/color]