[@FrozenEcstasy][@Sailorsadie][@Stern Algorithm] I'm just going to remind you guys that you have seven days from when you noted your reservation to get me a CS. I recommend PMing them to me so I can go over the abilities section, so we can make that fit the RP. The OOC/IC/Fields of Justice threads are already up. I just need dedicated, excited, and eager story-driven players to start sending me CSes. I know how games go on this site, and I don't try to run games that I can't GM, but getting players who actually want to participate in the game should not be the hardest process. If we get a bunch of characters from one of the major kingdoms, then I will make that kingdom in the Nation thread and link it to the main game. Also, if we come to a stand still with recruitment and I feel that we could use more characters, then I will open up second choices. Until then though, I'm only allowing people to pick one character but be sure to have a second in mind (if you really want one).