[color=fff200][h1] Fancy Feet Dancing Through This Town[/h1][/color] [color=bc8dbf][right][h2] Kijo Kokorensin[/h2][/right][/color] [indent][indent] Kijo would have made it too the alley way- the one where she originally met Rodger in. Sitting casually on top of the fence, one leg hanging lose the other, pulled close too her chest, her foot resting on the ledge of the fence. Sighing as she’d look too the bloody remains of her outfit. Perhaps she should have hidden it, no doubt with the flashing red and blue lights of the police just on the street next too her. Sighing-again, she’d allow herself too fall forward, and landing on the ground with a soft ‘oof’ as she would land on her feet thought. Looking around, it was nice to be alone, per say, of course she knew The Outsider had always been by her side, it was probably why she would never fall when she tried too stand, both literally and metaphorically. Shoving her hand into the pockets of her old trench, she’d pull out a key ring, with multiple keys on it. Moving slowly from the alley way, trying her best to simply fit in, which was always hard for the woman, even when she had been a young girl. Ever calculating eyes would follow the forms that would move quickly into the the area, how come the police didn’t stop them.. that was an active crime scene? She would lean against the wall casually, her eyes closing. The city h ad been alive, listening closely, more alive then it would have been in a long time, it may have been created only a couple years ago, however today was the day the city truly breathed. Was it poison or fresh air it inhaled? Smirking, as she’d open her eyes slowly, how long had it been, ten fifteen minutes of just listening too the city in silence, listenign too the conversations of eople passing by her, listening too the police radios static crackle ever so often with some woman, speaking orders, and then shouting. A woman was yelling at a person too leave. Watching as the two figures would quickly leave the Golden Peking, she’d raise an eyebrow as her eyes would follow them curiously, before returning back too the prize- in which her eyes were on. Yeah! Gonna be a good person! The dark haired woman doubted that she was going too be followed, and would quickly move too the back of the store, but pause as she’d watch another form leave the restaurant, Kijo would have quickly recognized the figure- a woman, she was the waitress or hostess, really Kijo had been more interested in their beverages. So, it would have too be delivered tomorrow, well it wasn’t like she didn’t enjoy the atmosphere there- you know, before the whole gangsters, shooting up everything. So, she didn’t have any plans until tomorrow then. Crossing her arms as she’d sigh and look through her appearance. Kijo could have left this city, if she really wanted too. The thought was tempting, but her curiosity was a monster that she would never want too fight, it was a battle she’d constantly lose. The trouble maker always [u]could[/u] investigate the man who saved her. What had Rodger called them.. or him, it rhymed with something. Nick maybe? Oh well, the name didn’t matter- at least, not just yet. Glancing behind her shoulder, as if expecting to see a ghostly angelic form, it was a relief too see that The Outsider had continued too stay hidden. Good, it was better that way. If Rodger had been right, she had been walking around with large, red bull’s eye on her back, well in her case it was a white bull’s eye but it was a target, none the less. It was better to know than too be known. Turning on her heels, she’d begin too walk in no direction in particular, after all she had memorized how too get too the Golden peking, well, from one way. Getting odd stares as people would start too notice that the woman had a flower sprouting from her shoulder. She sighed, yeah, not so normal. Giving a glare too the rude eyes, her hand would move too the flower, it looked very much like one of the flowers of her past. Cupping the petals gently, as if shielding it from their judging gaze. Staring too it for a moment as she’d wander the streets, she would still fluidly avoid running into people, brushing past them easily as her memories threatened too rip through the steel box in the back of her mind. After all, despite her aimless wandering, she had a plan, she had a purpose. There was a time this purpose was simply a suicidal dream, where she would often lose pounds of flesh too. Glancing behind her once more, she was alone. The steel threatening too bend and break, she would allow her hand too fall to her side as she would find herself in what looked like some kind. This is when she allowed the aching beast, hidden deep in her mind too rest, sleep again. Kijo had been in this town for a reason, she was sure of it. She wandered for so long without any other worldly experiences. Some one would know about the monster she hunted, the dark abyss she stared into, search almost obsessively, pausing her entire life just for one dance with the devil. She had grown so infused with her thoughts, her own demeanor would be breaking down and it would show. Now her shoulder would brush roughly against those who wouldn’t move out of her way. The information about The Outsider had been so delightful too her, she almost forgot why she was here. Kijo had grown so devoted too bettering herself, she almost forgot the reason why she wanted too. Those emerald orbs would stare into the abyss all of her life times, she’d find that devil, she’d have her dance- and it would be the last dance; and she wouldn’t let it be her [b]last[/b] dance. [/indent][/indent]