[color=silver][center][h1]Keri Wolf[/h1][/center][/color] Keri opened her mouth to deny Colette's comment before shaking her head. She never spoke a single word about skipping meals but then again the woman was much younger compared to most of the vampires here. The young woman standing in front of her had 231 years as an advantage dispute the 16 to 18 year old look. If one would have added Lucilia into the mix then they both would have lost in an instant, not like she would actually tell you her real age. The younger vampire's head turn toward the window just in time to see another flake stick for a few seconds before melting away into the air leaking a small water mark where it had once been. The room wasn't completely fill yet it wasn't completely empty as she stared out into toward the college grounds. If one was beside her they would see that something wasn't quite right, as if something was bothering the girl or she was looking at a memory playing inside the room, but then again they would had to been rather closed. [I]She saw Lyn playing in the crimson snow which laid underneath her feet, with a mischievous grin upon her face, along with half dead eyes looking directly at someone. Mar was at a distance slowly crawling and pleading for something to stop. To leave her child alone. Inside Keri's mind her eyes flickered toward a figure dressed inside Althalus’ armor with a weapon held high, only to fall as smoothing slashed through his armor. Slowly the students were placed in specific areas where they were killed. Some of the teachers were wounded and beaten causing rumbles of cheering and chanting on one side of the area. In the other a familiar chuckled fluttered through the air as if it was just a normal everyday thing. The vampire could feel herself moving forward inside her dream like state as a crimson hand slowly fluttered in her line of sight. Her claws bared the sign of use and the scent of freshly spilled blood filtered through the winter air. The young woman could feel as her throat began to dry as she stalked toward the two last victims. Khan seemed to be keeping Colette behind him as she screamed a name out, as if to snap them out of the trance, only to be overpowered by a familiar laugher. One word passed the person's lips. A single word that ended both of their lives.[/I] A loud clicking sound caused the young woman nearly jump out of her skin. She looked around in search of any evidence of what occurred was real just to be proven wrong. A another nightmare which haunted the vampire's morning. She noted that this one was more vivid than the ones in the past was. For some reason after Uicle had caught her the nightmares seemed to had begun hunting her in the day as her sleeplessness nights had ceased. Keri sighed as she allowed herself to focused on clearing her head, which for some reason caused her to think of the promises that were made, and how the owners didn't even have a clue of what was happening. [Color=silver][I]” In order to protect everyone from the result of my dream I must not tell. This is the best way to protect everyone. If I'm unable to keep the distance that is needed from these people than I shall bear these nightmares on my own. Only then will I be able to keep the students and teacher away from the same monster that I had met so long.”[/I][/color] the young woman repeated this inside her head before turning around to follow Colette. The older vampire seemed to have stopped to allow the young one to catch up which made the younger vampire a tiny bit better. [Color=silver]” So, where are we going first? To the missions board are or for something to eat?”[/color] the young woman asked as if she kept up the whole time.