On the edge of the Imaginary District was a decrepit old man, slowly shuffling forward as his stone geta clattered on the ground. Though Yaoki could simply forgo the ancient facade and get to his destination much more quickly, it had been nearly a year since he'd last visited. Now was a good time to take a look around, though, he wasn't looking to see what changed; he was looking for potential that he could kickstart. Two decades ago, when he'd first discovered the area, he saw vast potential in the inhabitants there and had drove many of them to reach for bigger goals. Although reminiscing back on that time refreshed him immensely, Yaoki was much more excited by the present. It was... about a year ago that little Makiko decided to start up an organization dedicated to protecting the district. Ahh, it brought a tear to his eye thinking about how strong that girl had grown. Suddenly, in a burst of smoke, Yaoki swelled up like a kung-fu movie actor and he let out a deep, booming laugh. [color=9e0b0f]"Oh, this is no good, I'm way too excited!"[sub][h2][b]Bahahaha![/b][/h2][/sub][/color] There were many things he was looking forward to during his visit.