[center][img]http://orig01.deviantart.net/ab87/f/2016/233/5/6/percy_by_adparis-daegjw3.png[/img][/center] [color=lightsteelblue][center][h2]Percy Moore[/h2][/center][/color][center][img]http://66.media.tumblr.com/51fc61ac770a524e9468f174afa94d7f/tumblr_inline_n1xc79Kcic1rb3m8r.png[/img] [color=lightsteelblue][i]"I really should've just become an engineer."[/i][/color][/center] [color=lightsteelblue][sub][ ⚫ ] C A L L S I G N[/sub][/color][hr][indent]Papa Mike [/indent] [color=lightsteelblue][sub][ ⚫ ] N C O R I G I N[/sub][/color][hr][indent]Fairbanks [/indent] [color=lightsteelblue][sub][ ⚫ ] D - O - B[/sub][/color][hr][indent]November 12, 2645 (32) [/indent] [color=lightsteelblue][sub][ ⚫ ] G E N D E R[/sub][/color][hr][indent]Male [/indent] [color=lightsteelblue][sub][ ⚫ ] A P P E A R A N C E[/sub][/color][hr][indent]He doesn't come off as someone who would even [i]dream[/i] of piloting an NC, being 5'8", a little over 160 pounds, freckle-faced, red-headed, and wearing glasses, but.. Here he is. Piloting. When he first joined up, he walked around the place knowing that he didn't belong, but ever-so-slowly he's been getting a little more comfortable in his own skin. He's rarely if ever seen without two silver weddings rings on his left hand. One, which is on his little finger, was his wife's before she passed, and the other, on his ring finger, is his own. He fidgets with them sometimes. Due to an attack on New Anchorage that he had a hand in helping in, he lost one. His right hand, actually. His right hand is now a nifty, shiny prosthetic one. [/indent] [color=lightsteelblue][sub][ ⚫ ] P E R S O N A L I T Y[/sub][/color][hr][indent]To put it simply... [i]Damaged[/i]. Paranoid, temperamental, overprotective, and always anxious for something to happen, he's really [i]not [/i]the kind of guy you'd want to have in your squad unless you're alright with a possible mental breakdown in the middle of a firefight. Even though he's had the physical training, mental training is something else entirely and, in the old commander's words, he's the weak link in the chain that is the New Anchorage NC Pilot squad. If he wasn't a pilot and just an ordinary guy doing ordinary things, he'd very much be the stay at home dad doing his best to make ends meet. Hell, he WAS. Behind all that, he's really just [i]scared[/i]. He realized too late that he made possibly the worst choice he could have ever made and he hates that his daughter's just getting dragged along for the ride. He's dragging her down to his level and he despises himself for it, but he doesn't know what else he could do. He's in the game and he can't back out now. [/indent] [color=lightsteelblue][sub][ ⚫ ] S K I L L S E T[/sub][/color][hr][indent][color=lightsteelblue][i]Marksman:[/i][/color] While technically that's a [i]bit[/i] of an overstatement, he knows how to fire a multitude of firearms, including a basically obsolete pistol that's been passed down for generations that, while he'd rather keep on his person at all times, he's required to keep in the firing range. [color=lightsteelblue][i]Dad:[/i][/color] He [i]is[/i] a father, and a rather good one at that. Because of this, he has a bit of a paternal drive that makes him a bit protective of the younger members... Plus he's chock-full of god-awful dad jokes [color=lightsteelblue][i]Jack-of-all-Trades:[/i][/color] He's not specifically trained for any one thing, he knows a few things, and he'd be willing to learn more if it was necessary. [color=lightsteelblue][i]Wildcard:[/i][/color] He honestly is [i]very[/i] much unaware of this, but others notice it about him. Due to him being a big [i]unhinged[/i], it's possible he could disobey orders or act out in some way that can't be predicted by normal people. [/indent] [color=lightsteelblue][sub][ ⚫ ] B A C K S T O R Y[/sub][/color][hr][indent] [hider=Before the Quest] [hider=Growing Up] Born and raised in New Anchorage - or, as he grew up knowing it, Smith's Rest - he knew, even at a young age, he didn't have much going for him. It was a little rinky dink town in bum-fuck nowhere, Alaska, and the only valuable career was owning the engineering guild. He had no interest in mechanics, and he had no clue where he'd be able to go if he did leave, so he stayed and did what his parents before him had done before - whatever jobs he could find to keep food on the table. Some days he'd be fixing (more accurately, [i]further[/i] breaking) people's mechanical necessities, others he'd be selling meats he hunted himself, and others still he'd be trying to help a doctor or a teacher do their job. He could never keep a steady job, nor was he skilled enough in any one thing to keep doing one thing for a while. His interests waxed and waned and, admittedly, he was restless. He had this gut feeling there was more for him but he just couldn't get [i]out.[/i] Some unknown thing was calling his name and he [i]wanted[/i] to chase it. But then he met Laura White. It wasn't the most [i]romantic[/i] of first meetings - she and some guy were doing some heavy lifting and Percy was [i][color=gold]"in the [i]gotdamn way[/i]"[/color][/i] - but the [i]second[/i] meeting went much better, and just as accidental. They were both at the same parts store looking for materials - Laura trying to locate a specific kind of screwdriver, and Percy looking more out of leisure than necessity. They both ended up finding a budding friendship instead, exchanging contact information and eventually getting married. Things didn't stay kittens and rainbows for long, because Laura got pregnant. The both of them being in their mid 20s, Percy was adamant about NOT having this child so they could [i]do more[/i] so then maybe they'd have more to share with this child down the road. Laura, however, was all about this child. She was insistent on it because she felt their relationship would just get tighter and stronger, and she felt like this would be her only real chance to ever [i]have[/i] a child. They argued over the theoretical abortion until it would be legally and morally wrong to go through with it, but they managed to find more things to fight about. Money, Percy's lack of a stable job, and Laura's penchant for going out late late [i]LATE[/i] into the night being only a few of them. Not even a month after Ana's birth, Laura made a final stance by yanking her ring off and throwing it down while Percy was aggressively begging her to just [i]stay home[/i] for one day because of a "gut feeling" he had. Their last words to each other weren't very nice ones, and Percy regrets it still eight years later. He was a garbage father at first. He was always sleep deprived and he even resorted to some very questionable means of getting her to shut up for more than five minutes so he could rest. Again, Percy regrets many of the things he's done to her, and the 'reassurance' that she'd [i]never[/i] remember them makes his stomach churn. He did these things for months before Zach came into his and Ana's life and made it so much easier. [i][color=indianred]"I'm only here because it's what [i]Laura[/i] would have wanted."[/color][/i] [/hider] [hider=Becoming a Pilot] He was just out and about - partly getting some much needed 'dad time' away from Ana, partly trying to figure out where he could apply for a job - when his eyes caught onto some posters stuck around town. Apparently [i]NC Pilots[/i] were wanted. That didn't seem difficult. He's heard of some of the things NCs can do, and none of it seemed too awful. Heavy loads, mining, scouting.. That's all stuff he could handle, [i]especially[/i] with what was a glorified robotic suit. He skimmed the poster, shocked by the many multiple digits in the estimated paycheck - it's more than he's ever made in his [i]life[/i]. He signed up [i]immediately[/i], knowing that if he could handle just one little job, that'd be it. Get in, get out, be set for [i]months[/i], if not longer... He had no idea just what he signed himself up for, nor did he have a clue just how wrong he was. After testing himself for compatibility - which was weird, given what he assumed - he came out positive and he was swiftly informed the [i]surgery[/i] was going to be done within the next week. [i][color=lightsteelblue]"Alright, what's going on?"[/color] [color=f5f5f5]"What do you mean?"[/color] [color=lightsteelblue]"First I have to have this, this weird shampoo-y [i]gunk[/i] all over my head, then I have to have a [i]surgery?[/i] Just what the [i]hell[/i] is going on?"[/color] [color=f5f5f5]"You didn't read the whole poster, did you?"[/color] [color=lightsteelblue]"uh... Nn[i]no?[/i] But-"[/color] [color=f5f5f5]"You can't exactly back out now. We need whatever pilots we can get, and you just so happen to be one of them now. Your surgery is three days from now."[/color][/i] [/hider] [/hider] Due to a desperate decision on his part, he was [i]shoved[/i] into the pilot's seat and was just [i]expected[/i] to do well.. and, surprisingly, he [i]did[/i]. Whether it be innate or luck it's hard to say. He assisted in the death of call-sign Rook, he helped pilot Jingo Strange with a train escort mission, and he helped defend against the assault of Smith's Rest (and lost his right hand) before a change in management changed the [i]whole[/i] game. Commander Michael Graham had run the whole squad through a much, [i]much[/i] more extensive regimen that required them to be able to climb into an NC with absolutely no help other than their own two hands and feet - [i]The Ultimatum[/i], as Graham put it. Percy did succeed.. within the lower bracket. In the moment he was [i]ecstatic[/i] and, frankly, made a fool of himself celebrating his victory, but after he calmed down, he realized that meant he was definitely [i]stuck[/i] as a pilot. He's starting to doubt his ability to be a father to his daughter. If he [i]really[/i] wanted what was best for her, he would have been trying to [i]fail,[/i] not succeed. He is very much aware that he has plenty of money at this point - enough to last [i]months[/i], and he'd probably be able to live off that until he finally had a stable job. Why is he doing this? What is his motive at this point? Greed? Glory? Power? Is it just [i]comfortable[/i] at this point? [i][color=lightsteelblue]"I don't know."[/color][/i] And so he stays. [/indent] [color=lightsteelblue][sub][ ⚫ ] T H E M E C H[/sub][/color][hr][indent] [center][hider=Papa Mike] [img]http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/frontmission/images/e/e1/Blizzaia_wanzer_01.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20100814145846[/img] [/hider][/center] While not as flashy or snazzy looking as the others surrounding it, the fact that it looks so relatively harmless in comparison to the others is a [i]boon[/i] for a dangerous pilot. The element of surprise is an oft neglected one in a battlefield so attached to honor and fair fighting. While Percy's not exactly dangerous or the master of the element of surprise as of yet, there's no reason to think he might not become one, or both, of those things. [b]Equipment:[/b] (will be added to/changed as the RP progresses) • Stock neural computer > There's a 'glitch' with the computer that doesn't affect anything, nor does it bother Percy, it's just kind of strange, considering how the neural net works - it's determined to call Percy [i]Michael[/i]. Percy's tried to fix it, but he's scared he'd so some irreversible damage if he started taking it apart. • Above-average thrusters specifically designed for short bursts of speed - best used to dodge out of the way • Slightly above average generator [b]Armaments:[/b] (will be added to/changed as the RP progresses) • Auto Rifle - 35 rounds, mid-to-long range, can switch between full auto and single (right hand) • Laser Sword - standard white in color, no special effects (left hand) • Missile Launcher - 3 missile burst, long-range (left shoulder) [hider=Mech Backstory] Percy is the [i]second[/i] person to own the Papa Mike. Before Percy, it belonged to a pilot named Michael Carpenter. On top of having a different call-sign (Bullfrog) it was designed to be much more of a bipedal tank than it is today. It had sturdy armor, twice the amount of missiles, and dual machine guns as well as a particularly strong radar and powerful quick-boost capabilities. It was quite the powerhouse, just like the man that piloted it. But also like the man, it supported its team more than it tried to damage the other person. Michael was like a father to his team, being both a shoulder to cry on and dishing out a firm talking-to if it was necessary. Michael was a beloved member of the team - so much so that it was decided to have his call-sign changed to something that fit his fatherly ways - [i]Papa Mike.[/i] He only had that call-sign for a few weeks before he ended up dying in the middle of a mission that ended up failing. They were forced to leave the NC for a day due to just how much better equipped the enemy was before they could retrieve their fallen comrade's body for burial, and the NC for repairs. The team decided that the best course of action was not to just let it gather dust in their hangar, but for it to live on with a new pilot. It took them a while to find a group they felt could really live up to the call-sign, but the Papa Mike eventually ended up with the Smith's Rest team, then into Percy's hands. Percy didn't know what exactly drew him to [i]this[/i] specific NC - maybe the fact if you took the first letters, it was P.M., maybe it was how simple it looked, maybe it was fate, or destiny, or something else entirely, but he was [i]drawn[/i] to it. Sitting in the cockpit for the first time to get all the calibration junk right felt.. Natural? [i]Normal?[/i] When he asked about it, he was told it's just a pilot thing. He wasn't exactly [i]satisfied[/i] with that answer, but he rolled with it. [/hider] [/indent] [color=lightsteelblue][sub][ ⚫ ] R E L A T I O N S[/sub][/color][hr][indent][center]will be added to and edited as the rp progresses[/center] [hider=Pilots] [color=khaki][b]Jingo Strange[/b]:[/color] Absolutely [i]adores[/i] the guy. Despite the fact that, at first, his mangled face threw Percy off and scared him away, Jingo's upbeat personality and boundless optimism drew him back in and they just [i]clicked.[/i] Jingo's one of the very few people that Percy would be willing to trust to be alone in the same room as Ana, and that's [i]really[/i] saying something. [color=6ecff6][b]Eli Jackspar[/b]:[/color] If he was asked, he'd call her a friend, but sometimes he doesn't think she feels the same. It's hard for him to read her and figure out if the feeling is [i]mutual[/i], but he treats her like he would a friend. When the news broke that [i]Vera,[/i] which he knew Eli was caring for, was officially a pilot and just needed to get the NC needed, he nearly went off on her before he noticed she was just as shocked, maybe even [i]more[/i], so he still respects her as a fellow parent, almost. [color=ffd1dc][b]Madison Cole[/b]:[/color] Given the fact that her's and Ana's personalities are so similar, plus the fact she looked like a [i]young[/i] teenager (he figured out she was 22 later on) he admittedly felt an immediate parental drive to protect. He checked up on her the whole time she was in the infirmary, feeling like he was kind of [i]obligated[/i]. He was also the first one to see her when she finally woke up from her comatose state. [color=ed1c24][b]Ordent Callaway:[/b][/color] Other the the fact Orry's young, something about him makes Percy feel [i]awfully[/i] protective. He doesn't know what exactly, but he just has the drive to make sure the kid's alright, and was probably one of the few people that tried to get close when Ordent only wanted people to stay away. He's not trying to be a hero to him, he's just concerned that something else might be going on. Percy wants to help however Ordent will let him. [color=662d91][b]Vera Voloshyna[/b]:[/color] The fact that she, a 13 year old girl, willingly became a pilot, shocks him. So much in fact that he's put a partial stop to Ana's and Vera's friendship - partial because they still see each other, but Percy is usually present and supervising the whole thing. He doesn't want Ana to become coerced by the older one into doing something that could potentially [i]kill her.[/i] In the past, he'd happily leave the two kids alone together, but [i]now[/i]... Not so much. [color=75906c][b]Joshua Ray[/b]:[/color] He's a [i]sarcastic[/i] little shit and Percy can't help but laugh at some of the bull crap that comes out of his mouth. He and Joshua have [i]definitely[/i] exchanged tacky dad jokes, despite the fact Joshua is, in fact, not a dad. He's probably also made Joshua cringe at before-mentioned tacky dad jokes, cause Percy's are just so, [i]so bad.[/i] [color=8f735b][b]Tahlia Styles[/b]:[/color] Though she [i]did[/i] share rather intimate details of her life - specifically, how old she was when she started to pilot (14) - he can tell that Tahlia doesn't really think of the two of them as "buddies" just yet, so he doesn't push his luck. Not that Percy wouldn't [i]want[/i] to be her friend, of course. The closer he feels to his team the [i]better[/i], he thinks. [color=808080][b]Alan Fouren[/b]:[/color] He has absolutely no idea why Alan seems to [i]hate him[/i] - they're basically in the same boat of little-to-no experience and he thought maybe they'd be friends.. Except they're not. Alan's a little sarcastic turd and Percy can't really keep up with that for long, if at all. Percy knows when a friendship just won't work, so he stopped trying after the second sarcastic comeback. [color=teal][b]Agatha Smith[/b]:[/color] His reasons for disliking her aren't really [i]good[/i] ones - she's really not that bad of a person and he knows it. At the same time.. it's [i]kinda[/i] hard to like a person that'll gang up on you and just tell your how damned inadequate you are. Percy beats himself up [i]plenty[/i] and doesn't need help with that, thank you very much. Aside from that, he can respect her work ethic.. sort of. He keeps his distance from her if he can help it. [color=orange][b]Ryn Dradht[/b]:[/color] While he prides himself in not being violent, especially to children, he's came [i]awfully[/i] close to spanking Ryn. Her being such a little [i]demon child[/i] doesn't help, either. Of course he hasn't [i]actually[/i] hurt her, nor would he ever allow her to be hurt during a mission, but he keeps Ana away at the very least. Ana doesn't need that kind of person in her life... [color=0076a3][b]Stein Kalfox[/b]:[/color] He finds her particularly intimidating and a bit unlikable.. but at the same time, he respects her. [/hider] [hider=Staff] [color=e55415][b]Rebecca Marek[/b]:[/color] He would never, ever, ever admit it even if he was held at gunpoint over it, but he's got a hardcore crush on this woman. She's pretty, she's funny, she's flirty... It's hard for a guy like Percy to [i]not[/i] fantasize about a relationship with her. He tries to keep it to himself, but it's fairly obvious. Percy's shit at hiding those sorts of feelings, especially when he blushes [i]bright[/i] fucking red. [color=olive][b]Michael Graham[/b]:[/color] While he's not exactly fond of him, he wouldn't dare try to cause shit with him. He's gotten one too many verbal and physical smackdowns from the guy, so Percy just grits his teeth and does as ordered... Probably has flipped him off behind his back. [color=eac117][b]Ingram Kalfox[/b]:[/color] Though they've only met once, the name [i]Ingram[/i] just leaves a sour taste in his mouth. Something about the way he acted and the way he spoke about Stein, no matter how much he doesn't like her.. It's unnerving. Children aren't supposed to be [i]useful[/i] - they're not [i]tools.[/i] [/hider] [hider=Family/Friends] [color=ffe1ff][b]Ana Moore[/b]:[/color] Percy loves his daughter to bits and wants to think he'd do [i]anything[/i] for her, but recently, he's started to wonder if he's been lying to himself. He often finds himself comparing Ana to Laura, and is glad that she took after her mother [i]far[/i] more than her father. She's everything positive about her and him bundled up into an adorable package. He wants to be the best father he can be so she can be the best Ana she can be. [color=gold][b]Laura Moore[/b]:[/color] While he [i]wants[/i] to say there's nothing but love in his heart for Laura - and often does - that's just not the case. It's so much more complicated than that. Trying to decipher his own feelings for her often ends in rage, tears, and regrets... and drinking. Lots of drinking... [color=indianred][b]Zach Young[/b]:[/color] More complicated feelings. While Percy harbors an innate dislike for the guy, Zach [i]did[/i] help raise Ana, and probably still would if Percy didn't have Ana on-base with him. Despite the dislike he has, he trusts her with Ana because he [i]knows[/i] Zach adores her and would never cause her pain of any kind. If it wasn't for that, Percy would outright [i]hate[/i] him. He doesn't want to hate someone that Ana cares about. [/hider] [/indent] [hr] [hr] [hider=Ana CS] [center][img]http://orig01.deviantart.net/21f7/f/2016/233/b/5/ana_by_adparis-daegjwb.png[/img][/center] [color=ffe1ff][center][h2]Ana Moore[/h2][/center][/color][center][img]http://66.media.tumblr.com/51fc61ac770a524e9468f174afa94d7f/tumblr_inline_n1xc79Kcic1rb3m8r.png[/img] [color=ffe1ff][i]"Dad thinks you're cute." [/i][/color][/center] [color=ffe1ff][sub][ ❇️ ] D - O - B[/sub][/color][hr][indent]August 7, 2669 (8) [/indent] [color=ffe1ff][sub][ ❇️ ] G E N D E R[/sub][/color][hr][indent]Female [/indent] [color=ffe1ff][sub][ ❇️ ] A P P E A R A N C E[/sub][/color][hr][indent] Ana is a little redheaded girl weighing at about 50 pounds, stands at 4'2", and has lovely olive green eyes, much like her mother (from what Percy tells her, at least). She's also got a smattering of freckles all over her face and shoulders and usually has a smile on her face, despite her troubles. She's usually wearing a sweater of some color (taking to darker colors recently), warm pants, and some fur-lined boots, but sometimes the facility is a little too hot for her and she'll take off her sweater and reveal a t-shirt underneath the sweater. [/indent] [color=ffe1ff][sub][ ❇️ ] P E R S O N A L I T Y[/sub][/color][hr][indent]You'd think that being victim to the invasion of your home would leave someone as a depressive, paranoid mess.. but not Ana. Not [i]completely[/i], anyway. Ana does her best to stay optimistic, but it's been more difficult lately. She's still [i]trying[/i], of course, but something's changing and she isn't sure what. Maybe it's stress, maybe it's depression, maybe it's something completely mundane, but whatever it is, it's throwing her out of whack and messing with her head. She doesn't want to worry her father about it though, so she just keeps a smile on her face and hopes nobody can see through it. Despite all this, she's really not that sad. It's just confusing and difficult being [i]her[/i] lately. She plays, jokes, and laughs just like she always has, but some days it's just not as fun being her. [/indent] [color=ffe1ff][sub][ ❇️ ] S K I L L S E T[/sub][/color][hr][indent][color=ffe1ff][i]Adorable:[/i][/color] While it's not exactly a [i]skill,[/i] the fact she's just so darn [i]cute[/i] n' [i]small[/i] works for her very well and she'll use it to her advantage against her father, if she [i]can.[/i] She'd use it against other people, but she's fairly sure it only works on Percy. [color=ffe1ff][i]Personable:[/i][/color] She knows that she's fairly approachable, being very small and very cute, but she also acts it, too. She's eager to make friends and she'd probably want to be yours. Probably. [color=ffe1ff][i]Outspoken:[/i][/color] If you're a [i]dick,[/i] she'll say so, and she doesn't care what you think about it a vast majority of the time. Especially when she's angry about something. [/indent] [color=ffe1ff][sub][ ❇️ ] B A C K S T O R Y[/sub][/color][hr][indent]Though she was [i]far[/i] too young to remember her mother's death, she knows that it happened. She also knows that she was born in what was then called Smith's Rest, much like her father and, presumably, her mother. She's also fairly aware that her uncle Zach is not actually her uncle, just a family friend that was close to her mother and came to help with her when she was a baby. She loves him like family anyway. A lot of her own life is a bit blurry in her head, but she's able to remember the assault on Smith's Rest very well. She and Zach were just quietly reading together till the both of them heard gunfire, then screaming. Ana could feel her stomach lurch as Zach immediately darted to Percy's room to get the firearm. She followed, not wanting to be left alone for too long. [color=ffe1ff][i]"Zach, what's going on?"[/i][/color] [color=indianred][i]"I don't kn-"[/i][/color] More gunshots. More [i]screaming.[/i] The roaring of- NCs? Were there NCs outside? Ana went to look, but Zach beat her too it. Before Ana would quite grasp what was going on, Zach tore her from the window and immediately got to making the house as secure as he possibly could - he took a dining chair and blocked the front door, he scoot the couch closer to the door, and he even flipped the rug up to reveal the trap door. [color=indianred][i]"Ana, when I tell you to go down, you go down. Understand?"[/i][/color] [color=ffe1ff][i]"Into the hide and seek place?"[/i][/color] [color=indianred][i]"Yeah, the hide and seek place. I [b]mean[/b] it, though, ok? I say it, you do it. whatever you do, you can't-"[/i][/color] [b]KNOCK[/b] [color=indianred][i]"Ana-"[/i][/color] [color=ffe1ff][i]"Are you going to be ok?"[/i][/color] [b]KNOCK[/b] Zach [i]yanked[/i] the door up and forced Ana to start climbing down. [color=indianred][i]"Do [b]not[/b] come out-"[/i][/color] [b]CRACK[/b] The door was shut before Ana could say anything. She couldn't help but start to breathe harder - the reality of everything hit her just as the dark did. Even in [i]here[/i] she could hear loud, definitely-not-human-sized-firearm gunshots and she wondered for a moment if they were her father's, or if they belonged to these invading people. She could hear the muffled screaming from outside as well as some kind of struggle going on up above. She sat down as far as she could from the ladder leading down to this space and just listened. It sounded like there were three people - Zach and then two strangers. Two [i]invaders.[/i] It went on for a while, and it sounded like maybe Zach was winning, somehow. Maybe she's wrong, but it sounded like it was a possibility. Then she heard a [i]gunshot[/i], quickly followed by Zach screaming. Zach. [i]Screaming.[/i] Ana screamed too - she couldn't keep herself from doing it. New tears streaked down and she forced herself as far against the wall as she could, biting down into her palm to keep from crying as hard as she wanted to. They're going to find her. They're going to [i]kill her.[/i] She didn't tell Zach how much she loved him, and she had no idea what the last words she had spoken to her father had been. In the midst of all the tears, the trapdoor opened, revealing light as well as the silhouettes of the two men. [color=gray][i]"Aw, it's a lil' girl. How [b]cute.[/b]"[/i][/color] Ana shrieked as loud as her little vocal chords would allow and tried to find something to chuck [i]right[/i] at his stupid face, but his partner hopped down and grabbed her. She screamed again, kicking and flailing, [color=ffe1ff][i]"LET ME GO! LET ME [b]GO![/b] LET [b]GO OF ME,[/b] JERK!"[/i][/color] But they didn't. The man passed her up to his partner above, and she got yanked up by her hair. Zach and Ana made the briefest of eye contact before the two men dragged her out. The little girl fought as hard as she could, but by the time she was shoved into the cramped little carrier with who knows how many people inside, she was physically exhausted and hyperventilating. She doesn't remember the process of being rescued, but she remembers how it felt. She remembers both Zach [i]and[/i] Percy sobbing and hugging her close. She remembers crying just as hard. She can also remember countless nights of waking up [i]screaming[/i] and having Zach rush in to tell her everything is ok. She remembers being so sleep deprived that the teacher suggested she didn't need to come to school until she felt better. She remembers not being able to get herself to talk because it felt like she'd just start crying. She remembers how Zach and Percy couldn't be around each other without an argument over [i]something[/i] happening. She remembers feeling so [i]alone[/i] even though she had people that were always there for her. She doesn't like to think about it if she can help it, but sometimes it just pops up in her thoughts. Sometimes the nightmares just come back for a while. [/indent] [color=ffe1ff][sub][ ❇️ ] R E L A T I O N S[/sub][/color][hr][indent][center]will be added to and edited as the rp progresses[/center] [hider=Pilots] [color=662d91][b]Vera Voloshyna[/b]:[/color] These two are [i]near[/i] inseparable, even with Vera being a pilot now. When Vera had announced she was going to be a pilot, Ana had tried to convince her [i]not[/i] to do it out of concern for the older girl's safety, but Vera went through with it anyway. Ana still loves her through and through, though. Lately, however, Ana's been having [i]other[/i] feelings for the Russian that she can't exactly place yet... [color=khaki][b]Jingo Strange[/b]:[/color] When she first saw him, Ana thought Jingo was awfully rough looking and kind of terrifying, but now that they've actually talked and gotten to know each other more, she's comfortable being around him. She feels the same way about Jingo that she feels about Zach - almost like a [i]third[/i] dad. To be more specific, a [i]zombie dad[/i] with a cool robot dog too [color=6ecff6][b]Eli Jackspar[/b]:[/color] She respects Eli greatly, but she kind of wishes that she'd loosen up a little. [color=ed1c24][b]Ordent Callaway:[/b][/color] Even though they haven't properly met yet, from what she's seen of him he seems nice. She'd tried once to talk to him, but it didn't really go anywhere because the table must have had something [i]awfully[/i] interesting written on it that Ana couldn't see. [color=ffd1dc][b]Madison Cole[/b]:[/color] Though Madi really hasn't been around much, from what Ana's seen and heard, she seems [i]fun![/i] She's a big kid in an adult body who would probably be all about playing tag or hide-and-seek in the facility, and Ana's all for it. The more people to play with, the better! [color=75906c][b]Joshua Ray[/b]:[/color] Though they haven't met, from what she's heard of him, he too seems nice. [color=0076a3][b]Stein Kalfox[/b]:[/color] To be honest, Ana [i]respects[/i] her, but doesn't really take kindly to how Stein, like a lot of other people, look [i]down[/i] on her father. She's also not fond of how cold and rigid that Stein is - it seems like it's worse than [i]Eli[/i], and it makes Ana very sad. She's tried to get Stein to take a break and relax, but Stein never acknowledged it. [color=orange][b]Ryn Dradht[/b]:[/color] Ryn is like human sandpaper, but Ana still likes her. [i]A little[/i]. When she, Vera, and Ryn all get into hijinks it's the most fun she's ever had, but when it's [i]just[/i] her and Ryn, Ana feels very small in comparison. [color=8f735b][b]Tahlia Styles[/b]:[/color] She doesn't really have a solid opinion of her for the simple fact they haven't talked much, but she sees no reason to be distrusting. [color=808080][b]Alan Fouren[/b]:[/color] Another person she has very little opinions about. They haven't ever really talked, but he seems ok. [color=teal][b]Agatha Smith[/b]:[/color] While Ana admires that the woman's trying, she doesn't really want to have such [i]intense[/i] motherly love thrown her way, nor does she want to know the intricacies of how NCs work, thanks. Ana feels bad for keeping Agatha at a distance, but.. just not [i]right now.[/i] Maybe later, Aggie. [/hider] [hider=Staff] [color=e55415][b]Rebecca Marek[/b]:[/color] She [i]knows[/i] her father loves her, and Ana kind of likes her too. Sometimes she wonders if Percy's [i]ever[/i] going to ask her to be his girlfriend, or something similar. She also finds herself wondering if Rebecca would be a good mother for her. She doesn't bring it up to her face, of course, but she hopes somehow it happens. [color=306754][b]James Lofgren[/b]:[/color] Though she was a little afraid of her at first, given that their first meeting was to take the oh-so-dreaded NC Compatibility Test, she eventually came to like her. They haven't spoken since then, but she'd shrug and nod a little if you were to ask Ana if they were friends. [color=eac117][b]Ingram Kalfox[/b]:[/color] She shares Percy's feelings on the guy, if broadly. Ingram is just kind of... [i]Off.[/i] Unlike her father, however, she's willing to believe that it might've just been an off day for him. [color=olive][b]Michael Graham[/b]:[/color] Dick. He's a dick and she doesn't like him. He doesn't have the [i]right[/i] to bring up her [i]mother[/i] when [i]she[/i] didn't even know her. [/hider] [hider=Family/Friends] [color=lightsteelblue][b]Percy Moore[/b]:[/color] She loves her father just as much as he loves her, but she has the feeling that maybe he's not the super hero she's always imagined him being. She's always going to love him, though. [color=indianred][b]Zach Young[/b]:[/color] Uncle Zach. Dad #2. Babysitter. However you wanna put it, Ana loves him just as much as she loves her dad. [color=gold][b]Laura Moore[/b]:[/color] Though she doesn't know her, she still sort of misses her, in a way. Based on what her father and Zach have said, she was a wonderful woman who loved Ana very, very much. [/hider][/indent] [/hider]